• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,506 Views, 199 Comments

Spike's Journal - WorkingClassWriter

Twilight gives Spike a journal. He is not amused. Nevertheless, he shall write whatever happens to him and his friends in it, no matter how strange. Covers S1, with bonus chapters from the CMC.

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Friendship Is Magic, Part 2(Elements of Harmony)

Spike's Journal
Written by The39Ponies
edited by cwiis

Friendship Is Magic, Part 2(Elements of Harmony)

Dear Diary,

Well, the unthinkable has happened.

Twilight has friends.

And, on top of that, remember those Elements of Harmony Twilight was researching? Well, she's the bearer of the most important one, Magic. Please excuse me while I seal a small part of my destiny, making Twilight shout at me, by gargling some juice and spitting it on the page.

(Author's Note: Pretend there is a big splash of water here, filled with saliva. Google Images has failed to supply me with a nice blob of Fresh Harvest, so I have to ask you to use your mind to imagine things other than the scenes in this fan fiction that did not occur in the cartoon. Thank you for accepting this cruel task, which I find no pleasure in doing.)

Huh, that was nice. Seems like something Pinkie Pie would have fun doing. It sure would be funny if she did it in a couple years.

So, I bet if you could talk, you'd be asking who Pinkie Pie is. Well, she's the pink mare who threw Twilight a party last night. She's also one of Twilight's friends. Let me... oh wait, there's no more juice.

I don't know how it happened. All I remember is that Nightmare Moon actually showed up and scared the fudge out of everypony, with the exception of Pinkie Pie, who was being a drama queen and a name guesser at the same time. I fainted 'cuz Nightmare Moon's horn was pointy. Really pointy.

So yeah, when I woke up, Princess Celestia was in front of me looking really excited for some reason. I swear she was so excited that her tail was sticking out of her cutie mark! This is just weird...


Unique Equine Facts #3

Every ten minutes, something weird happens regarding the current scenario. Most of these events revolve around ponies. Some examples include getting eyelashes, horns, or loss of cutie marks. They also disappear after a second or two.


Anyway, there was this big celebration party afterward. There were talks about Nightmare Moon's redemption or something, but I just stared at Twilight most of the time. We had an oh-I'm-so-relieved hug, of course, but she was talking and acting normally (at least compared to how she usually acts). I would have fainted again, but I didn't want to look bad in front of Rarity.

Then Twilight got all mushy-mushy and stated the obvious: if she went back to Canterlot like she was supposed to (since she accomplished what she had to in Ponyville), it would be hard to maintain the new friendships she had made. In response, Princess Celestia told me to take a note. The note was the shortest in Equestrian history. Why?

The note had just one simple, clear message.

We're staying in Ponyville.

So yeah, I think I have an even sweeter life now. The only complaint that I can think of is that Twilight seems perfect now. That's good, but won't she eventually become a celebrity or something? Which means back to Canterlot life again. Which I don't want. Fortunately, I asked Pinkie Pie if she had something for the situation. She didn't let the cat out of the bag, and gave me the exact formula I needed. It looks exactly like water, which is perfect. Now to switch Twilight's drinks...

-Mischievously, Spike

P.S., Pinkie Pie is crazy when it comes to keeping secrets or something. When I told her not to tell Twilight about this, she did some sort of dance...


My dearest Diary,

Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I've decided to write my own diary after convincing my assistant Spike to make a diary-- I mean, journal of his own. I decided to do this after he claimed that he had a vision that over 70 ponies from an alternate dimension "liked" his journal (whatever that means). I wish I could say more, but I have to stop because I feel sooooo bad right now. I also have a feeling that I want to kick somepony in the gut. What the hay did I ingest?
