• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,505 Views, 199 Comments

Spike's Journal - WorkingClassWriter

Twilight gives Spike a journal. He is not amused. Nevertheless, he shall write whatever happens to him and his friends in it, no matter how strange. Covers S1, with bonus chapters from the CMC.

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Stare Master

Spike's Journal
Written by The39Ponies
Edited by cwiis

The Stare Master

Dear Diary,

I'm sorta mad at Twilight now. Ya see, she decided to go to Zecora's for some tea last night, leaving me in peace. After she left, I finished eating my early dinner. Then, I decided to take a seven-hour bubble bath along with my toy boat, rubber ducky (don't judge me), and a book. Sounds like the perfect evening, right?

Wrong. Well, it was at first. However, things went downhill once I noticed I had finished half of the book and Twi still wasn't home.

Panicking, I ran to the table and scribbled out a letter to Celestia. At some point, I accidentally knocked over the perfume bottle we use to send the letters. Right then, I had a mini-panic attack and fainted.

I was awoken by Twilight sometime this morning. Turns out, she was turned into stone by a cockatrice. Well, that wasn't all her fault, so I'm not mad at her for that. I'm mad at her because she was mad at me. She scolded me for "spilling the bottle on purpose, not asking anypony for help, and leaving my new Pony Trek:The Next Generation collection soaking wet". Then, without giving me a chance to argue my side, she told me to send a letter off. Hmph!

Well, at least I'll get my revenge when I leave her new Daring Do book open to a certain page for her to find... muahahaha-ahaha-ahaha-ahaha--

...Whoops, my Evil Laugh Recorder got stuck in a loop.



Meanwhile, in a nearby boutique...


The Official Cutie Mark Crusaders Meeting Record Book

Transcribed by Apple Bloom Hope Apple
Comments by Sweetie Lillian Belle
Arguments and all other stuff by Scootaloo K. Hill

Record 2: How We Spent Our Very First Sleepover, and Thus, How We (almost) Came Face-To-Face With Scootaloo's Cousin Something That Probably Came From Outer Space
Sunday, June 5th, 10 AM, Carousel Boutique

Ugh, fine. I'm mighty sorry for calling that... cockledee or whatever your cousin, Scoots.
And I'm sorry for not keeping my promise to host the sleepover at the Boutique.
Apology accepted, I think. So, shall we begin?
*shrugs* I guess.
Alright, then let's start. To celebrate the last day of school, we decided to have a sleepover at Sweetie Belle's place. Unfortunately, she was stuck at her sister Rarity's house. Even more unfortunately, Rarity was busy whipping out some clothes for customers.
Actually, it's called weaving.
Besides, she can't whip things! That's against the law!
Since when are you a police officer?
Since the day I graduated from Scootfleet Law Academy.
Which was?
...Scootaloo, we graduated from Ponyville Elementary yesterday.
Guys, can ya stop arguing until we finish the Celestia-darned entry? Anyhoo, just when we were about to start crying (since that usually has a 94.7% success rate in getting us what we want), Fluttershy showed up with Rarity's pet cat, Oval.
Opal, Oval, same difference. Anyway, Fluttershy, who took a bit of pity on us, decided to let us sleep at her house. At first, Rarity didn't want to impose, but she gave up after a bit of convincing.
Seriously, Scootaloo, where did you get those angel rings?
The bookstore. I bought the Harmony of the Rings collection and got a free ring for each book.
What happened to the books?
I sold them to Twilight for quadruple the price.
...Let us never speak of this again.
Agreed. No more rings, ya hear?
So, we journeyed our way over to Fluttershy's house. After dinner, we finally got around to doing the main reason for the sleepover: Crusading! Sadly, Fluttershy didn't agree with our choices. Well, she did have a point. I have ta admit they were a bit... dangerous.
But desperate times call for desperate measures!
I wouldn't exactly call the situation "desperate", though.
Besides, have any ideas for what we could have done instead? Styling, cooking, sleeping, tabletop RPGing, singing, drawing...
...You're kidding, right?
Ah don't think she is, Scoots. Regardless, she told us to go to bed. When we protested, she (get this) sung us a lullaby.
But I made it exciting.
True. But where did you get that moon from?
Some auctioneer. I think his name was Chris Savino or something.
...Did I just hear a wall break?
Nah, all the walls here are sturdy. Besides, all four walls are still here. See?
After that, we snuck out of bed, naturally. We tried for a cutie mark for window-spying, but instead, we noticed that a chicken had gone loose into the Everfree. We decided to be the next big darn heroes and used our ninja skills to search for the chicken.
You still haven't apologized for that argument.
Fine, sorry for calling you a chicken. But to be fair, we ruled out getting a cutie mark in arguing.
Can't this wait for later?
Right, sorry. Anyway, Fluttershy finally caught up to us after a few minutes of unsuccessful searching, but she seemed more worried than angry. She claimed that there was a cockadoodle or something like that on the loose, and that it would turn us to stone. At first we thought she was joking, but then we realized she wasn't when we ran right into it!
That thing was totally spooky. We should dress up as Cockamaholics or whatever for Nightmare Night.
I thought we were going as members of the Enterprise.
...You know what? Let's just be princesses.
No! Let's pretend we're Daring Do and the crew instead!
Scratch that. We're gonna be guardians.
I prefer the term "Harmonybenders".
Wait, changed my mind again. We should go as members of VFD! I could be Beatrice, Apple Bloom could be Sunny--
Whaaat?! Let's just go as Slinkies!
Guys, Nightmare Night is almost five months away! Besides, we already tried for arguing cutie marks!
Fine. Truce?
Thank you. Like I was saying, we ran into the Cockadip. All hope seemed lost, but fortunately, Fluttershy used her goofy stare thing to save the day. After that, we turned Ms. Twilight (who was already turned to stone) back to normal and went to bed.
For you. So, what did we learn today?
And this is for?
Ms. Twilight said something about learning moral lessons. Also, you seem to be quoting a lot of villains today. Come to think of it, are you sure your eyes are purple and not red?
Yeah, I'm sure. Can we just get this over with?
Okay. So we learned that sleeping late will get you into trouble, that you shouldn't look for things by yourself, and that Cockabees are no laughing matter.
Such helpful lessons.
Well, see you this Wednesday? Applejack said she had a surprise for us.
Well, see ya. *leaves*
Farewell, long live, but breathe first. *leaves*
...You know, I think I could get used to ending entries.


Transcript ends here, although there was what appeared to be a drawing of Scootaloo in a unique uniform at the bottom of the page, followed by the words "Oh really". The hoofwriting seems to be Sweetie Belle's.


My Dearest Diary,

I-I can't believe this. After taking a bath, I walked up to my desk and found the book I was reading open to a certain page. Upon investigating, I had the ending spoiled for myself! H-how can Ahuizotl be Daring's father? This just isn't possible... Why did the wind do this to me? Why? Whhhyyyy?

-Twilight Sparkle