• Published 15th Mar 2013
  • 3,505 Views, 199 Comments

Spike's Journal - WorkingClassWriter

Twilight gives Spike a journal. He is not amused. Nevertheless, he shall write whatever happens to him and his friends in it, no matter how strange. Covers S1, with bonus chapters from the CMC.

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Look Before You Sleep

Spike's Journal
Written by The39Ponies
Edited by cwiis

Look Before You Sleep
Dear Diary,

It's official. Twilight has gone mad.

You see, I was out getting a refill of that teleportation perfume stuff from Celestia. I mostly offered to go myself in order to check if she actually got those magazine subscriptions from a couple weeks ago. Turns out she did. Not only that, but when I saw Celestia, she was in the middle of writing something about Ivory Scroll, the mayor (Celestia has a bad habit of mumbling while she writes). I have a feeling she thought Ivory was behind the subscriptions. At least she didn't suspect me.

Look, in case you somehow get the ability to walk and talk one day, I don't want you telling anyone I told you all of this. Clear?

Anyways, that kept me out the whole night. Since it was already late when I got to the castle, Celestia let me sleep in one of the guest rooms. When I got back home the next day, Twilight was sleeping. On the floor. Beside her was a note that said:


Hey there. It's been a darn tootin' nine hours since the day began, and in case ya forgot, it's a work day today. Me and Rarity'll be scurrying out in a bit, so don't go thinking we decided to bail on you in the night, ya hear? Sorry for the mess, but we just woke up.


So, that got me wondering how the hay Applejack and Rarity ended up sleeping at Twilight's house. I decided to do some investigating around the house, so I put on my best Sherclop Pones impression and started sleuthing.

I didn't really expect to find too much, knowing how neat and tidy Twilight keeps things, but I found some facial mask cream and marshmallow crumbs laying around by the bookshelves. Naturally, that only got me even more confused. I looked around a bit more before finding a book near Twilight. Guess what? It wasn't the Mareiam Dictionary. It was a book about sleepovers. You know, those girly things where you do nothing but snack and gossip all night?

Then it hit me. Twilight actually had a sleepover with Applejack and Rarity. She actually did something mare-like!


Unique Equine Facts #8:
Ponies are so routine in their habits that when they do something out of the ordinary, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Like Twilight actually acting like a mare.


After gaping for a minute or two, I tried to wake Twilight up to make sure it was really her and not a shapeshifter or something, but no dice. I guess she actually slept late for once. Oh well, I don't think shapeshifters are real anyway.

While cleaning up the mess, I made a mental note to ask Pinkie later if she could whip up a formula to effectively get rid of Unique Equine Fact 8. Not that I don't appreciate Twilight doing new things, but if it always ends with me cleaning a huge mess, it's not really worth it. After all, I need sleep.

I didn't really learn any moral lessons today, but I did learn that I need to add "How To Find Out If Your Caretaker Is Really A Shapeshifter" to the library. I can't help but feel that something like that would really come in handy one day.
