• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,452 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Reliable Gem

Submarimon winced at the sound of the hysterical unicorn digimon sitting inside his cockpit. She’s been screaming for almost a minute straight, with Cody repeatedly trying, and failing, to get her to calm down. He felt that it’d be best for him to stay silent, he wasn’t sure that the unicorn would react well to discovering she was in a talking vehicle.

I hope she doesn’t end up damaging my sonar, he thought.

Finally, after more than a minute, the unicorn’s screeching finally began to die down. Gasping for breath, she looked at Cody, fear plainly visible in her eyes as she looked up at him.

Cody sighed, and looked the unicorn in the eyes. Careful to avoid any sudden movements, he slowly knelt onto one knee, meeting her at eye level.

“It’s okay,” he said, calmly, “I’m not going to—”

“Stay back!” said the unicorn, lowering her head so that her horn was pointed at Cody “I’m warning you!”

Cody nervously his hands up in front of him, palms exposed. “Hey, there’s no need for violence! I’m here to—”

“I’m not afraid to use this!” she said, referring to her horn. “If you even think of hurting me I’ll... I’ll...” Her horn began to light up briefly in a light-blue glow, only to quickly die down.

“Wh-what?” she exclaimed, “My magic! My magic isn’t working!” Quickly beginning to hyperventilate, she collapsed to the ground, and began sobbing pathetically.

“Oh dear stars,” she cried, “whatever did I do to deserve this?”

As she continued sobbing on the ground, Cody looked at the unicorn sympathetically. “Hey.”

The unicorn ignored him, and continued loudly crying to herself. Though appeared to be genuinely upset, the unicorn seemed to be trying to make a show of it; she definitely had a flair for the melodramatic. “Separated from my friends! Whisked away to who-knows-where! Nearly drowned in a lake! Abducted by some hideous monster! And if all that wasn’t enough, none of my magic is working!”

Cody couldn’t help but feel offended at the unicorn’s description of him. “Hey, I’m right here!”

“I know you are!” the unicorn snapped, standing up. She glared at Cody menacingly, once again lowering her horn. She stepped forward, the tip of her horn becoming dangerously close to Cody’s neck. “And you’d better release me, you... you... whatever you are!

“Leave him alone! Cody’s just trying to help!”

The unicorn shrieked in surprise at the sound of the new voice, which seemed to come from all directions at once. Were it not for the low ceiling above her, she would have easily jumped more than a foot off the ground.

“What was that!? W-who’s there?!”

Cody put his face in the palm of his hand, exasperated. He was hoping Submarimon would reveal himself in a less startling manner. “It’s okay, that was my partner, Submarimon. We’re riding in his cockpit.”

The unicorn quickly calmed down, and stared at Cody with a mix of incredulity and disgust. “We’re doing what?”

“We’re riding inside him. Submarimon is the vehicle we’re in right now.”

The unicorn breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh dear,” she said, laughing nervously, “It seems I might have misunderstood you for second.”

“Misunderstood?” asked Cody, confused, “What do you mean?”

“Never mind that!” snapped the Unicorn, once again glaring at Cody threateningly. “What do you and your...” the unicorn paused, still hardly able to comprehend the absurdity of what she was about to say. “What do you and your talking vehicle want with me?”

Cody sighed wearily. This was getting old very fast. “We’re trying to help you, okay? We saw you drowning in the middle of the lake, so we rescued you.”

The unicorn’s glare softened, replaced by a look of suspicion. She wasn’t going to trust Cody just yet. “I see. So I’m assuming Submarimon was the narwhal I saw approaching me before I lost consciousness?”

“You mean those whales with the long horns?” asked Submarimon, “is that what they’re called?”

“You didn’t know that?” asked Cody.

“Not really,” replied Submarimon, “everything I know about real animals comes from the internet. I suppose I do look kind of like a narwhal, now that I think about it.”

“The internet?” said the unicorn, “I don’t quite follow, but I don’t suppose that’s important right now, either. So neither of you two are trying to abduct me for some nefarious purpose?”

“No,” replied Cody, “like I said, we’re trying to help you.”

“I see. And I don’t suppose you did anything strange with my body while I was unconscious?”

“What?” replied Cody, defensively, “No! What would I even do?”

The unicorn briefly looked away, embarrassed. “Never you mind that,” she said, “the important thing is whether or not I should trust you. I’ve never quite seen anything like you before, and I must be sure you’re not going to try anything improper against me.”

“I wouldn’t do that. Like I said, we’re trying to help you.”

“I understand that,” replied the unicorn, sighing heavily. She briefly glanced out the windows, towards the surrounding waters. “I’ve been through a lot of unfortunate events lately, and I suppose it was only natural for me to assume the worst. I still don’t quite trust you, but I suppose in this circumstance I may not have a choice. I sincerely hope you’re being honest when you say you want to help me.”

The unicorn turned to her nearby saddlebags, and in one swift motion, pulled them over her wither. Once again looking outside, at the waters of the lake, she could begin to see a tiny black speck on the horizon, but as far as she could tell it was probably just a trick of the light. “I suppose if I’m stuck here with you, we might as well introduce ourselves to each other. Your... friend Submarimon said your name was Cody, correct?”

“That’s right.”

The unicorn turned back to Cody and smiled, raising her right foreleg in a gesture that mimicked a human handshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Cody, my name is Rarity. You too, Submarimon, it’s a shame I can’t shake with you out there.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Submarimon.

Cody paused briefly, before firmly grasping Rarity’s hoof in a reasonable facsimile of a handshake. Rarity winced briefly at the firmness of Cody’s grip, but quickly regained her composure.

As they finished the hand-and-hoof shake, Cody began to realize that something was off. Rarity? he thought, Not Raritymon?

Submarimon had apparently been thinking about it differently, as he soon interrupted with his own thoughts on the matter. “Strange,” he said, “you don’t look like any Raremon I’ve ever seen. No offense, but most Raremon are quite a bit uglier than you.”

Rarity was taken aback by Submarimon’s words. Cody watched as her face nigh-instantly transformed into a caricature of rage.

“Ugly!? Ugly!?” she yelled, “how dare you! Why if I weren’t stranded in the middle of a lake inside of you, I’d... I’d... Ooh!”

“H-hey! Calm down! He didn’t mean it like that!” exclaimed Cody, trying desperately to get Rarity to calm herself.

“Then what did he mean?” She asked, angrily glaring at Cody.

Cody briefly considered the information that he’d gained so far. He’d thought that Davis’s message was nothing more than a prank, but with the appearance of a strange, pony-like creature, he was quickly beginning to think that it might not be after all.

“Rarity... You’re not a digimon, are you?”

Rarity’s glare softened as she raised an eyebrow. “Digimon? I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Huh?” said Submarimon, “You’re not a digimon?”

“I don’t think she is,” replied Cody, “in fact, I don’t think she’s from the Digital World at all.”

What?” replied Submarimon, shocked.

Rarity’s eyes widened in surprise. “Digital World?”

“That’s right,” replied Cody, “You’re in a world called the Digital World.”

Rarity’s mouth gaped open as she heard this statement. No, she thought, it can’t be. Tears began to flow from her eyes once more as the weight of the situation became apparent to her. She was separated from her family by an entire world. She might never be able to see her dear sister Sweetie Belle ever again. She’d practically devoted her entire life to ensuring that Sweetie would have a promising future, but now she might never see that happen.

And what about her friends? They were with her when she was dragged into this new world, so what happened to them? Had they been separated from her somehow? How would they survive? What if they were already dead?

No, there was no “what if.” She had very nearly died when she arrived, only managing to survive through the mercy of an alien that had come across her by chance. The others were almost certainly dead at this point.

She couldn’t take it anymore. Once again she found herself crying on the floor, but not in the same way as before. She didn’t bother with melodrama or exaggerated sobbing, there was no point. It was all gone. Her friends and family were gone.

“Hey,” said Cody, placing a hand on the unicorn’s head, behind her drooping ears. “Come on, it’ll be alright.”

“No it won’t!” snapped Rarity. “Don’t you get it? I’m in another world now! Everything I’ve ever known and ever loved is gone! I’ll never see any of my friends or family ever again!

“You don’t know that,” said Cody, scratching Rarity’s ears gently “if the Digital World is connected to your world, then there’s always a chance that you can find your way back. Besides, I know that one of your friends is alive. Do you know a pony named Twilight Sparkle?”

Rarity’s ears perked up, and her crying ceased almost instantly. “Twilight!” she exclaimed, “Where is she? What happened to her?”

“She’s fine, as far as I can tell,” replied Cody, “my friend Davis found her a while ago, we’ll be meeting up with him soon.”

“Really?” replied Rarity, “That’s wonderful news! Oh, I do hope she’s alright, she must be worried sick!”

“I hope so too,” said Cody. “But we’ll worry about her later. We have lot to talk about about right now. Like the Digital World, and you ended up here.”

“Of course,” said Rarity, “There’s nothing I’d like more than to have some idea of what’s going on here.”

“Alright then, why don’t we start with how you ended up drowning in the lake?”

Submarimon listened closely as the two breifly explained to each other their respective situations, and decide on a plan of action.

“This is all so complicated,” said Rarity, “An entire world created by another world’s computers? Digital Monsters? Digitally Destined? Digital evolution?”

“You mean Digi-Destined and digivolution?” said Submarimon.

“Oh, you know what I meant!” exclaimed Rarity. “I honestly don’t see what difference it makes if I use those ridiculous abbreviations.”

Cody rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry about it,” he said “I know this is a lot to take in, but for now we should focus on destroying the control spire, then we’ll meet with the others and decide what to do about your friends.”

“I see,” said Rarity, “but what do you suppose my Element being transformed means? Do you suppose that means I’m one of the *ahem* Digi-Destined as well?”

Cody held a finger to his chin thoughtfully. “Hmm... I’m not exactly sure about that. If you were a Digi-Destined, you’d have a partner. Regardless, we should stay alert. There’s no telling what could attack us out here. Keep your eyes peeled. Submarimon, pay attention to your sonar.”

“Got it!” replied Submarimon.

Rarity gulped audibly. “R-right. Of course.”

“Don’t worry,” said Submarimon, “I’m sure everything will be fine!”


After a while of traveling, their destination came into view. On the horizon of the lake stood a tiny island, with a massive black tower standing directly in the center. As they swiftly approached, they prepared themselves for an inevitable fight, knowing that something would try to stop them.

“Get ready,” said Submarimon, “we’ll be landing soon.”

Meanwhile, in the deepest reaches of the lake, a massive digimon watched as Submarimon passed overhead, and sped off into the distance. By burrowing beneath the surface of the lake’s bottom and remaining perfectly still, he had managed to avoid detection by Submarimon’s sonar.

The digimon silently clicked its pincers in anticipation. The Queen will be pleased when I destroy them, it thought.

Author's Note:

Alright, new chapter!

This one's another "transitional" chapter, meant to show interactions between characters, as well as getting both sides up to speed on current events.

Of course, it wouldn't be digimon without some awesome monster battles, so we get a hint as to what kind of digimon we'll be seeing next chapter.

Whatever giant enemy they have to deal with, Cody and Rarity will strike its weak point for massive damage!

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