• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,453 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Rekindled Light

Pinkie looked up curiously at the strange bipedal creature that had spoken to her. She’d never seen anything like it before, and the talking cat she was with was almost as strange, with yellow gloves on its paws and a ring on the end of its long tail.

Under a different circumstance, she would have been happy to meet a new friend, but right now she couldn’t bring herself to care. She couldn’t care about anything.

“Who are you?” she asked, failing to conceal the fear in her eyes.

“My name’s Kari, and this is my partner, Gatomon.”

Pinkie looked at Kari and Gatomon briefly, then at the ground. “...Pinkamena.”

Kari blinked in confusion. “Huh?”

“I think she’s telling us who she is,” replied Gatomon, “but I’ve never heard of a digimon with a name like that.”

“I’ll say,” replied Kari, “It doesn’t even end with mon.

Pinkamena looked at Kari and Gatomon. She seemed slightly confused now, but for the most part she still looked too depressed to really care. “Digimon? I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please... just leave me alone.” She sniffled slightly, making no attempt to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes.

Kari approached the pony and knelt down, causing the her to flinch as a hand was placed on her shoulder. “There, there, it’s okay. Everything’s going to be fine.”

“No it isn’t!” Kari pulled her hand back as Pinkamena snapped at her. “Don’t you understand? All my friends are gone! I’ll never see any of them again as long as I live!”

Now openly sobbing, she held her head low, trying her best to hide her face from the world. “I’m... I’m all alone. There’s nothing left for me now. I might as well just... dissappear.” Her limbs suddenly went limp as she collapsed to the ground, no longer bothering to sit herself upright. Her entire being consumed by a feeling of hopelessness, she felt as though she were melting into the darkness of the swamp.

She suddenly let out a yelp as, without warning, she was swiftly pulled into Kari’s arms. Kari knelt close to the ground and held Pinkamena in a tight hug.


Pinkamena returned the embrace, freely sobbing into the human’s shoulder. Neither of them bothered to say anything, the simple gesture of kindness already said more than either of them could. Slowly releasing her hold on Kari, Pinkamena sat down and stared back up at her. She hiccuped slightly, her sobs having mostly died down.

“Why do you care so much about me? What does it matter to you?”

“Why wouldn’t I care?” replied Kari, “I can’t just leave you here alone after seeing you like this. It wouldn’t be right.”

“Yeah...” Pinkamena sniffed, “I guess not.”

“You said you lost your friends?” asked Gatomon, the pink pony nodding slowly in response. “I know it can be difficult to lose someone close to you, but no matter what happens, you’ll always find someone who cares about you.” She approached the pony and held out a paw. “So whatever you do, don’t lose hope. You’ll always find a light to guide you even in the darkest of times.”

Pinkamena took the paw and climbed back on to hooves, and her lips slowly curled upward into a tiny smile. “Thank you. I don’t know what’d I’d do if you two hadn’t found me.”

“No problem,” replied Gatomon, “we’re happy to help.”

“If it’s not too much trouble to ask,” said Kari, “what were you doing out here to begin with?”

Pinkamena didn’t respond. She instead looked down at the ground, trying to avoid making eye contact with the others.

“Um... It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about-”

“No, it’s fine,” said Pinkamena, interrupting Kari, “I don’t mind telling you what happened. I was having a picnic with my friends, when we were interrupted by this really loud noise coming from the library. We went to investigate, and it turns out our friend Fluttershy was abducted by some evil force. My friend Twilight cast a spell so that we could find her, but then I ended up here and...” Pinkamena sniffled, trying to fight back the resurgence of tears.

Kari blinked. “Wait, Twilight? As in, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Huh?” said Pinkamena, confused, “you know her? How?”

“That’s a good question,” said Gatomon, “how do you know about that?”

“Well... Remember that message Davis sent me? The one I said was a prank?”

“Yeah,” replied Gatomon, “what about it?”

“Well, he told me in it that he’d found a pony named Twilight Sparkle, who’s apparently from another world.”

The pink pony’s reaction upon hearing this was almost immediate, her mane instantly transforming, turning into a mess of wild, frizzy tangles as she gasped in excitement. “Ohmygosh! She’s alive!?”

Kari and Gatomon jumped back, startled by the pink pony’s sudden 180-degree shift.

“Uh... yeah, I think so,” said Kari, “Davis told me to look out for any other ponies on the way and I guess you’d be one of them.”

Kari let out an oof as she was suddenly tackled to the ground by a pink blur. “She’s alive! Ohmygosh! Thank you Kari! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Kari struggled wildly, trying to remove the pony that had wrapped its forelegs tightly around her neck. “Pin... Pinkamena... Can’t... Breathe...”

Kari gasped as the pony released her grip, giving her a guilty smile. “Oh, sorry.”

“It’s alright,” said Kari, climbing to her feet, “just try to be more careful, okay?”

“Okie dokie loki! Oh, and call me Pinkie! My full name sound really, really boring, don’t you think?”

Despite being nearly strangled, Kari couldn’t help but smile. “Sure thing, Pinkie.”

“Wait, slow down,” said Gatomon, “what exactly is going on here? Ponies from another world? I don’t understand what’s happening.”

“Well...” said Kari, “you remember how we learned that there are many worlds in existence? I’m not sure it how it happened, but Pinkie and her friends somehow managed to find their way into the Digital World.”

Pinkie let out another gasp. “Wait, you mean I’m in another world now? Wow, that means you guys are aliens! That is so cool! What are you guys like? Do you have psychic powers? Do you grow stronger from yellow sunlight and weaker from red sunlight? Do you have two hearts? Do you have green blood? Are you really the descendents of some other species on Ungula?”


Pinkie let out another loud gasp “But if you’re descended from an Ungulan species, that means I’ve been on my planet all along! You maniacs!” she screamed, collapsing to the ground, “You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to Tartarus!”


“Nah, that’d be silly!” Pinkie jumped to her feet as another thought occurred to her. “Oh, but if I really am on another world, that would make me the alien, wouldn’t it? Does this mean I’ve part of an invasion? Do I get to get to steal cattle?”

“Pinkie, I don’t think-”

Pinkie held out a hoof, interrupting Kari “Waitwaitwait! Give me a second, I want to try something!” She carefully stood onto her hind legs holding her forelegs out in front of her. “I come in peace,” she droned, “take me to your leader.” No sooner than she finished speaking she collapsed to the ground, landing on her rear.

Kari sighed. “Come on Pinkie, we need to be serious here.”

Pinkie stood back onto her hooves and gave a salute. “Aye-aye, captain!”

“Alright,” said Kari, “now can you tell us more about your world, and how you were able to get here?”

“Sure thing! My friends and I come from town called Ponyville, which is in a kingdom called Equestria, which is on the continent of Equus, in the world of Ungula, and I don’t really know where Ungula is exactly since space is really big, but it’s out there somewhere!”

“Uh-huh. Are you following this, Gatomon? This could be important.” Gatomon nodded. “Good, now please continue.”

“Well, as I said, my friend Fluttershy was kidnapped along with her Element of Harmony by some kind of evil force, so Twilight used her magic to connect our Elements of Harmony together so we could find her!”

“Elements of Harmony?” said Kari, “What are those?”

Pinkie bounced up and down excitedly “Oh, they’re super-duper amazing! They’re these really neato jeweled necklaces that my friends and I have, except for Twilight’s ‘cause it’s actually a crown, and we use them to become all glowy and floaty and shoot rainbows to beat the bad guys!”

For not the first time today, Kari looked confused, “Uh... what?”

“Oh, but my Element of Laughter isn’t a necklace anymore, it got turned into this super-neat wristwatch!” Pinkie held up her foreleg, revealing the sky blue device that was strapped to her wrist.

Kari and Gatomon both gasped in surprise. “Is that a digivice?!” said Kari.

“Ooh, what’s that?” asked Pinkie.

“It’s a device that’s given to the Digi-Destined, people who help protect the Digital World from harm,” said Kari, “the Digital World exists in harmony with the Real World, or Planet Earth, and it’s up to us to protect both worlds from evil.”

“Wow! So you guys are actually from two different worlds? That’s amazing!”

“That’s right,” replied Kari, “I’m a human from the Real World, and Gatomon is a digimon, from the Digital World.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her own D-3 digivice, a oval-shaped device with an antenna and a pink grip. “It allows me to travel between worlds, and allows Gatomon to digivolve.”

Pinkie tilted her head to the side quizzically. “Digivolve? What’s that?”

“Digivolving lets me transform into a stronger digimon,” replied Gatomon, “when I digivolve I can fight much more easily.”

“Wowee, that sounds incredible! Does having a digivice mean I can digivolve, too?”

“No, Pinkie,” said Kari, “for one, you’re not a digimon, and second, digivices are only used to help your digimon partner.”

“Partner? What do you mean? I’m not married, silly!”

“Not that kind of partner”, replied Kari, “every Digi-Destined has their own chosen digimon partner, and they both share an inseparable bond.”

Pinkie tapped her hoof to her chin in thought. “Hmm... No, I don’t think I have one of those.”

“What about that Opossummon over there?” asked Gatomon, pointing to the unconscious digimon.

“What, that meanie!? No way! It tried to kill me!”

“That wasn’t his fault,” replied Kari, “he was being controlled by a dark ring. They’re evil rings that control peaceful digimon and turn them violent.”

Pinkie let out a small gasp. “Oh no! Will he be okay?”

The Opposummon, as if on cue, began snoring loudly. “I think he’ll be fine,” said Gatomon, “he’s just having a little cat-nap.”

“Where was I?” asked Kari, “Right, we came here to destroy a control spire, a tower that controls the dark rings. Control spires prevent digimon from digivolving normally, so we have to armor digivolve instead”

Pinkie scratched the back of her head with her hoof. “Armor digivolve? Gee, this is starting to sound pretty complicated...”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of it,” replied Kari. “We’re going to go see if we can find the control spire. Who knows, maybe we’ll find one of your other friends along the way. Do you want to come with us?”

“Sure thing! Just give me a second, alright?” Pinkie looked back and trotted over to her saddlebags, opening them and reaching in. She pulled out a card that said “sorry for getting brainwashed by an evil artifact.” Holding it in her mouth, approached the unconscious Opposummon. As she got closer, she could hear the digimon faintly snoring.

“Psst! Hey!”

The Opposummon let out a yawn as it turned onto its side. “Go away,” it said, turning “m’sleeping.”

Pinkie payed the warning no mind. “I just wanted to say I’m super sorry you got brainwashed by that evil ring, so I brought you a card! Here you go!”

The Opposummon blinked as slowly sat up and grabbed the card. “Uh... Thanks, I guess. Now go away.”

“You’re welcome! By the way, are you my partner?”

“Uhn... what?”

“You know, my digimon partner! Kari says this digivice thingy works only on my partner, but I don’t know who my partner is or if I have one, so I was wondering if you knew!”

The Oppossummon looked Pinkie the eye for a moment, before lying back down on the ground. “No. Now leave me alone. M’trying to sleep.”

“Okie dokie! Seeya!”

Throwing her saddlebags onto her body, she happily bounced up to Kari. “Alrighty then, I’m ready! Let’s go!”

Kari nodded, and reached into her pocket, pulling out her digivice.

Digi-Armor Energize!

As she shouted the command words, a white and gold egg-like object emerged from the screen. Gatomon’s body glowed with an ethereal light as the egg merged with her, causing her to transform.

Nefertimon, the Angel of Light!

Standing in Gatomon’s place was a much larger cat-like creature, with feathered wings, silver armor, and a mask covering her face. The ring on her tail had somehow disappeared, and in a flash of light, it appeared in Kari’s hand, and she placed it in her pocket.

“You need me to help you up?” asked Kari, climbing onto Nefertimon’s back.

“Nope, I got it!” replied Pinkie, who easily bounced into the air, landing right behind Kari.

Where does she get all this energy? Kari thought. “Alright, then, let’s go look for the control spire.”

“Prepare for liftoff!” exclaimed Pinkie.

With a flap of her wings, Nefertimon took to the air, carrying her two passengers across the skies of the gloomy swamp. Seeing the vague silhouette of a control spire in the distance, she headed in that direction, hoping she would be prepared for anything that they would encounter.

Author's Note:

New chapter ahoy!

Pinkie and Kari finally meet, and with the help of her new friend, Pinkie manages to overcome her own sadness. Shenanigans, of course, quickly ensue.

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