• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,452 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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In the Jungle

“Ken, I thought you said this was a forest. This place looks more like a jungle!”

Ken and Wormmon turned to face Yolei, who surveyed the landscape atop Halsemon’s back as he flew. Tropical foliage stretched across the ground below, large trees with fanned leaves that formed a thick canopy over the land.

“It’s a rainforest, Yolei,” said Ken, “jungles are forests.”

“When you said a forest I was expecting something different,” Yolei huffed. “There’d better not be a bunch of icky bugs when we land!”

“What’s wrong with bugs?” asked Wormmon.

Yolei froze “I, er... I didn’t mean it like that! What I meant was, um... Uh...” Yolei’s words died in her throat as she found herself unable to form a coherent sentence.

“You were being insensitive,” interrupted Ken. “You need apologize to Wormmon.”

Yolei was stunned by Ken’s bluntness. She sat in awkward silence for several moments, as if still trying to process what Ken said.

“You’re right,” she finally admitted, “I’m sorry, Wormmon.”

“That’s okay, Yolei,” said Wormmon, “I forgive you.” He crawled up next to Yolei, allowing her to scratch him gently behind the antennae.

“Don’t get distracted, you two,” said Ken, “we need to keep our eyes peeled for the control spire.”

“Huh? What’s the big deal, Ken?” said Yolei, “It’s a huge black tower, how could we possibly miss it?”

Ken let out a deep, heavy sigh. “You know what? Forget I said anything.”

“Ken...” Yolei hesitantly reached a hand out towards Ken, an expression of deep concern crossing her face. Ken turned away and stared off into the distance, and Yolei pulled her hand back.

For several minutes the three sat in silence atop Halsemon’s back. Ken was unwilling to speak, and the others found themselves at a loss for anything to say to him. The silence was eventually broken by a beeping sound that came from both Ken and Yolei.

Yolei reached into her pocket and pulled out her D-Terminal, reading the message that was displayed on the screen.

Hey guys! You wouldn’t believe what I just found! While on the way to the control spire I met this purple pony named Twilight Sparkle, and she’s actually an alien from another world! Pretty awesome, huh?

Anyway, it turns out she and her friends came to the Digital World to rescue another pony named Fluttershy, but they ended up getting separated. If any of you guys see another strange pony, let me know, okay?

- Davis

“Uh, Ken?”

“Hm?” Ken was pulled out of his thoughts when Yolei called out to him.

“You don’t know if Davis does drugs by any chance, do you?”


Rainbow Dash’s eyes slowly adjusted to the light as the teleport spell completed, her head swimming as she slowly regained her senses. When her vision returned, she found herself in what could only be a jungle straight out of one of her Daring Do books.

Dense tropical foliage surrounded her at all side, with large trees draped with vines sticking up out of the ground, forming a thick roof of branches and leaves over the forest floor. Colorful flowers, and large ferns grew closer to the ground, leaving the entire scene carpeted in verdant plant life. The hot, humid air filled with sounds of what Rainbow could only assume were the rainforest’s animals.

“Huh? What’s going on Twilight? Where are we?”

There was a pause as Twilight failed to respond. Rainbow looked around her to find that she was nowhere to be found. None of her friends were, in fact.

“Huh? Guys? Where are you?”

Turning her head, Rainbow frantically scanned the surrounding area, but couldn’t find any sign of the other ponies. She took a tentative step forward as she examined her surroundings more carefully, hoping to find her friends hiding among the dense underbrush.

Calm down, Rainbow Dash, she reassured herself, they couldn’t have gone far. They probably ended up somewhere nearb- whoa!

Rainbow’s thoughts were abruptly cut off as her entire body began to glow, and she levitated into the air, a soft light encompassing her entire body. After a moment the glow faded, and she gently landed back onto the ground.

Oookay, that was weird. Wait, what’s this thing?

Rainbow suddenly noticed the presence of a strange object that was attached to her front ankle with a velcro strap. It was a rounded plastic rectangle with a small screen in the center, and surrounding the edges was a thick rubber casing, colored bright red. As she inspected it, a gentle light emitted from the screen, and her eyes lit up in recognition.

“Wait, is this the Element of Loyalty? Why has it turned into some kind of weird hoofwatch?”

Rainbow stared at the device in confusion, twisting her hoof around to inspect it from different angles. She sat onto her haunches and prodded the device gently with her other hoof curiously.

“Whatever,” Rainbow said as she got back on her hooves, “I’ll worry about it later. Right now I’ve gotta find the others!”


The hairs on the back of Rainbow’s neck stood up straight up as she heard the unmistakable sound of something hissing right behind her. She hesitantly turned around, coming face-to-face with whatever creature had made the sound.

What she saw could only be described as a giant bug. It was a massive, multi-legged grub, roughly the size of a young filly, with a bright yellow coloration, black, lightning-shaped stripes, and large antennae. On the back of its body was a bright blue stinger, matching the color of its beak-like mouth. Around its neck was a black ring, inscribed with symbols Rainbow couldn’t recognize at a glance.


The insect let out a sharp cry as it pounced at Rainbow, intent on slaughtering her with its beak. Rainbow swiftly turned around and bucked, striking the insect in the head with her rear hooves. The ring around its neck cracked slightly as the bug fell to the ground on its side. Rainbow glared at the insect as it picked itself back on its feet and faced her.

“Come on!” Rainbow shouted, “Bring it! I’m not afraid of some bug!”

For several tense moments, the insect stared back at Rainbow with its small, beady eyes. Eventually, it began to slowly back away, before turning around and skittering off into the dense underbrush.

“That’s right, go ahead and run! We both know you wouldn’t stand a chance against...”

Rainbow suddenly paused in her speech as she noticed a low buzzing sound coming from the direction that the grub had retreated in.

“Against... Um...”

The buzzing sound grew in intensity, becoming louder and unmistakably closer. Rainbow Dash gulped and carefully stepped backward, ready to take to the air at a moment’s notice.

Rainbow’s fears found themselves confirmed when all of a sudden a massive, wasp-like insect almost a dozen times her size burst through the dense forest, charging straight at her. It closely resembled the larva that attacked her previously, a bright yellow wasp with black stripes and beak-like mandibles, with massive purple wings carrying it across the air.

Rainbow Dash left the ground in an instant, her wings carrying her across the forest as the insect gave chase. Her lungs burned and her muscles ached as she desperately tried to outrace the wasp. The thick canopy overhead prevented her from escaping upwards, while the densely-packed trees also limited her speed, forcing her to slow down to avoid crashing.

That didn’t explain why the wasp was gaining on her, however. Even with her limited mobility, Rainbow knew that she should easily be able to outrun the wasp. Try as she might, however, she couldn’t seem to push herself to go any faster than she already was. Panic began to overtake her as the massive insect steadily closed the distance between them, pointing its massive stinger at Rainbow.

Deadly Sting!

With a thrust of its abdomen, the wasp’s stinger detached from its body, launching itself like an arrow towards Rainbow Dash. Several more stingers launched themselves in rapid succession, replacing themselves as soon as they left the wasps body. Acting on instinct, Rainbow Dash dodged the stingers, frantically moving to avoid the projectiles while at the same time weaving through the trees. All the while, the wasp steadily moved closer.

What’s going on? Why can’t I fly faster? I’m too awesome to die like this! Wait, what’s that?

As she flew, Rainbow caught a glimpse of a small opening in the canopy ahead, just large enough for her to safely fly through. Acting on her first instinct, she immediately turned upwards, flying up through the hole in the canopy.

Hovering above the forest, Rainbow Dash looked down to see the wasp’s head sticking through the opening in the trees, buzzing angrily as it tried in vain to crawl through the hole.

“What’s the matter, can’t keep up with me? Too fat for that little hole?” Rainbow grinned triumphantly, taunting the massive insect.

The wasp let out another low buzz, sounding almost as if were growling in irritation. Finally, it removed its head from the opening and withdrew back into the forest, the buzzing of its wings growing softer as it retreated into the distance.

Rainbow nervously let out a breath as the last sound of the massive bug faded away into nothing.

T-that was terrifying! I’d nearly been slaughtered by a giant fly monster! What would my friends think if I’d died like that?

Rainbow’s eyes widened as she came to a sudden realization, one that was far more frightening than what she’d just experienced.

“My friends!” she exclaimed, “What if there are other giant bugs out there? I- I have to find them, and fast!”

Rainbow quickly, turned around, and then flew back down through the gap in the canopy, touching down onto the rich jungle soil. With the rush of adrenaline gone, however, fatigue began to catch up to her. Her body felt unusually heavy as she landed, and she found herself struggling to avoid collapsing on the spot.

“Alright, Now I just gotta look... Gotta look...”

Rainbow yawned loudly, blinking wearily. She struggled to remain standing up, barely managing to prevent herself from falling over.

“No, not here!” Rainbow groaned. “I can’t fall asleep here... My friends... Danger...”

Her protests were in vain, however, as she unceremoniously slumped to the ground, falling asleep in an instant.


“This isn’t right,” Ken complained, “we should be looking for the control spire right now, not wasting our time with some asinine picnic.”

The others stared at Ken from across the circle they sat in on the forest floor. Yolei, Hawkmon, and Wormmon were all eating sandwiches Yolei had brought with her. Ken’s sandwich, however, remained untouched, lying at his feet in a tinfoil wrap.

Hawkmon harrumphed. “Oh, do lighten up, Ken. It’s hard to fly on an empty stomach, you know! Besides, I hardly call this a picnic without a blanket or a basket.”

“I know,” Ken sighed out, “I just... You know what, never mind."

Yolei stared at Ken, a look of sympathy appearing in her eyes.

“Ken, are you alright?”

Ken remained silent, eyes fixated on the ground.

“This is about the Digimon Emperor, isn’t it?”

Ken visibly flinched at Yolei’s words.

Yolei gasped. “I-I’m sorry, Ken! I didn’t mean-”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“I said it’s fine, so shut up!

The others abruptly stopped eating at Ken’s sudden outburst, leaving them momentarily stunned. For almost a minute, nobody said anything.

The silence was eventually broken when a loud noise began coming from nearby in the jungle.

“Hey wait, what’s that?” asked Yolei.

“If I’m not mistaken, it sounds rather like a chainsaw.” Hawkmon chimed, “Perhaps some digimon wishes to cut down the forest?”

“A chainsaw?” Yolei puzzled, “No, that can’t be it. It sounds kind of like... Snoring?”

“Oh dear,” said Wormmon, “this is no place for a digimon to be sleeping, there are all sorts of nasty dark rings about!”

Wormmon turned and glanced at Ken. “I’m going to go make sure that poor digimon is alright. You should probably come too, Ken. I mean, if that’s alright with you.”

“Huh? What?” Ken looked up to see Wormmon skittering off into the forest, in the direction of the snoring sound. He immediately bolted upright and climbed to his feet, giving chase to Wormmon.

“Wormmon, wait! It could be dangerous!”


On the streets of Cloudsdale, a young filly named Rainbow Dash watched as the hospital pegasi carried the ambulance away. For a long time she’d simply stood there and stared, thinking only of how she could have prevented it.

Rainbow made no effort to hold back the flow of tears as the ambulance sped into the distance. She cried harder than she ever cried before. It was all her fault.

“Hello, are you okay?”

“Mrrngh...” Rainbow Dash gently stirred in her sleep as she felt something gently prodding at her cheek.

“Hello? You need to wake up, it’s dangerous out here!”

“Ugh, five more minutes, please...” Rainbow Dash’s eyes gently fluttered open as she protested the sudden disturbance. As her vision adjusted to the light, she finally got a good look at what had startled her.

It was a giant bug. A massive green caterpillar, more than half of her size, was staring at her only inches away from her face.

“Hello, my name’s Wormmon, what’s yours?”

Rainbow Dash screamed like a little filly.

Author's Note:

And now we're onto Rainbow Dash! For those of you wondering, the Digimon she encountered in this chapter were Kunemon and later Flymon. I didn't use the Digimon Analyzer since they appeared in Adventure 02 before.

For those of you wondering about Rainbow Dash's dream, don't worry, you'll find out more later. If you're familiar enough with the franchise, you might even be able to guess where it's going. :trollestia:

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