• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,452 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Snake in the Boot

As the morning slowly crept its way onto the hills, the sounds of stirring broke the silence within the tent. The Digi-Destined gradually rose from their sleep, waking to the crisp morning air and the smouldering of an extinguished campfire.

Ken, however, was kept apart from the group. He had seemingly not touched his sleeping bag at all, and instead sat on the floor some distance away with crossed legs, gently stroking the head of Wormmon, who slept in his lap. Ken’s face was unreadable, though there were heavy bags under his eyes, as though he hadn’t slept at all the past night, and there was a large bruise to the left of his jaw.

Yolei let out a gasp as she took notice of the injury. “Ken! What happened?”

“Hm? Oh, you’re awake,” said Ken. He reached up and rubbed the bruise gently with his free hand. “It’s... nothing. Nothing you need to worry about.”

T.K., standing some distance away, reflexively turned his head away from the conversation. He placed a hand over his nose, an action which immediately drew the attention of Applejack.

“Something wrong, sugarcube?”

“No, it’s... it’s fine,” said T.K.

Applejack remained unconvinced, and narrowed her gaze to the hand covering T.K.’s nose. “Don’t rightly look like it to me. Did you hurt yourself or something?” She paused briefly, a thoughtful look crossing her face. She turned her head to see Yolei examining Ken’s injury, and then turned back to look at T.K., before a sudden realization snapped her eyes further open. “Hold on... did you and Ken get into a fight?”

T.K.’s body seized up, his hand briefly dropping to reveal a large bruise on his nose. “What? No!”

“You did, didn’t you?” said Applejack, pointing an accusatory hoof at T.K. “Y’all went outside and started hitting each other! Land’s sakes, T.K., you told me yesterday you wanted to avoid a fight! Just what in the hay were you thinking?

Everyone within the room went silent, and T.K. found himself being stared down by more than a dozen sets of eyes.

“T.K.,” said Kari, “is this true?”

T.K.’s arm went limp, and he lowered his hand to reveal the dark bruise on the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, alright, it’s true,” he relented. “Things got heated last night. I didn’t mean for it to get out of hand.”
“But why?” Pinkie looked at T.K. with wide, sorrowful eyes. “Why would you hurt each other? We’re all supposed to be friends, aren’t we?”

“Look, don’t worry about it, okay?” T.K. said. The assortment of concerned stares he received made it clear that he wasn’t reassuring anyone.

Before anyone else could say something on the matter, the sound of heavy footsteps came from one of the tent’s other rooms. Allomon pushed his way through his tent flap, entering the central room. Braveheart soon followed, coming out of her own room to greet the Digi-Destined.

“Did you all have a restful sleep?” said Braveheart.

“Yup!” said Davis. “Most of us, at least. So, what’s the plan?”

Allomon stared down, a serious look in his massive, predatory eyes. “You will follow me to the village commons. We’ve important matters to discuss.” He turned around and walked through the tent exit, leaving the Digi-Destined to exchange a series of perplexed looks.

“Well? Come on, then,” said Braveheart, turning to walk through the exit flap herself. “You wouldn’t want to keep my father waiting.”


The group had soon followed Allomon out to the center of the village, where a number of Aquilamon stood in a circle, observing the meeting with watchful eyes. Many Poromon gathered behind them, shielded from potential harm by their appointed guardians. Even more Aquilamon stood on the massive perches, looking out beyond the hills for anything approaching.

As Davis led the rest of the group, he turned towards Twilight and noticed that she had carried a heavy pair of bags under her eyes. “You okay there, Twilight?”

“Huh?” Said Twilight. “Yeah, just... a bit tired, that’s all. I think I had a bad dream last night.”

“That sucks,” said Davis. “Is wasn’t too scary, was it?”

“I, um... I actually forgot what it was about,” said Twilight. “Maybe I should start keeping a dream journal, I’ve heard you normally only remember dreams right after you wake up.”

“I don’t get it,” said Veemon. “What would be the point of remembering stuff like like that?”

Davis grinned. “Hey, whatever helps her sleep at night, right?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at Davis. “What that supposed to be a pun?”

“You could say that,” said Davis. “So what do you think they’re going to talk to us about, anyway?”

“Probably something about their conflict with the nearby town,” said Twilight. As she spoke, she looked across the village, and her expression turned melancholic. “It’s hard to imagine that they’d start such a massive conflict just over some gems.”

Davis paused. A crease appeared on his brow, and he looked to be deep in thought. “Gems, huh...”

“We are here,” Allomon suddenly spoke out. The Aquilamon parted as they allowed their leader to enter the circle, and the Digi-Destined soon followed after. As the Digi-Destined were corraled into the center of the circle, Allomon moved to the outer edge, joined by his daughter. The fearsome dinosaur straightened his posture, standing tall and imposing as he gazed down at his apparent guests.

“Oh, dear...” said Rarity. “I’m not entirely sure I like the looks of this. There’s no way for us to escape now, is there?”

“Relax, sugarcube,” Applejack reassured. “We ain’t their real enemy here. Ah’m sure they just want to talk to us, that’s all.”

“I can only hope you’re right about that,” Rarity replied.

Allomon cleared his throat, and addressed the group. “I am glad that you have made it today, Digi-Destined. As I’m sure you know already, we have had something of a problem recently. We have been caught in the midst of a conflict that threatens to take away our very home. We had initially believed that we could resolve our dispute with the settlers peacefully, but during negotiations, one of their leaders attacked us unprovoked. It has been made clear since then that they will not reason with us.”

“And that’s why you’re attacking the town?” said Yolei.

“Correct,” said Allomon, “but it may not be for the reason you think. The settlers have made it clear they intend to declare war, and I fear we would not survive it. Most of them are at least of the champion level, while many digimon in our tribe are far too young to fight. Were they to become caught in the conflict, our most vulnerable would be wiped out. And with the eastern Server Continent under the control of Vespimon, it would be far too dangerous for any of us to make the journey to retrieve their digi-eggs.”

“But then what exactly are your attacks hoping to accomplish, if you know you couldn’t survive a full fight?” said T.K.

“My father has ordered our attacks to concentrate mainly on their supply stockholds,” said Braveheart. “Our aim is to disrupt their ability to organize, and prevent them from making war.”

Allomon sighed. For a moment, he no longer seemed to resemble a predator at all, his sharp resolve replaced with weariness. “Yes, that was my intention. But now I fear that I’ve made a grave tactical error. While our efforts have delayed an invasion, every attack only leaves them more emboldened to destroy us. Sooner or later, they will find the resources to launch a full-scale assault.”

Yolei looked horrified. “I just don’t understand why Starmon would do this. I didn’t think he was really a bad guy at heart.”

“Perhaps he’s under the control of a dark spiral?” Hawkmon speculated aloud.

“Even if that were true, it wouldn’t explain everything,” Ken chimed in. “Vespimon’s influence hasn’t even reached out this far west. If she lacks the resources to make it this far, she wouldn’t be able to place dark spirals over the entire town’s population.”

“So you’re saying at least some of them are acting under their own willpower?” said Yolei. “But what are we going to do, then? We can’t just fight them like they’re any other brainwashed digimon!”

“Brainwashed or not, they are a threat to us,” said Allomon. “You are the Digi-Destined. Your endeavors to save the Digital World are renowned among all digimon. If there is anyone that can stop this threat, it is you. That is why I’ve brought you here.”

“So you want us to see if we can talk them down?” said T.K.

“If there is a peaceful solution, then by all means you may seek one,” Allomon replied. “But you must understand that you may not have this option.”

The Digi-Destined and their companions paused, sharing a series of uneasy glances. “I’m not so sure about this,” said Cody. “I really don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“We have to do something though, don’t we?” said Kari. “It’s not like we can just let them go to war with each other.”

Pinkie beamed. “Don’t worry! I have just the thing!”

“Oh, no you don’t!” said Rainbow. “We are not doing that song again!”

Pinkie Pie deflated almost instantly. “Aww...”

Chief!” A cry came from one of the Aquilamon perched on top of the lookouts. “I see something coming! Starmon and Deputymon are leading a large group of digimon this way!”

“So they’ve already come to end us,” said Allomon. He closed his eyes, and let out a low growl. When they snapped open again, they burned with renewed flame and vigor. “Assemble a squadron of soldiers to escort us! I will lead the Digi-Destined to meet them.”

“Father, wait!” Braveheart called out. “Let me help!”

You will be staying here,” Allomon gruffly replied. “I will not allow you to risk your life.”

“You know I can take care of myself!” Braveheart called back. “I’ve died defending our people hundreds of times!”

“And perhaps you would not still be a rookie if you didn’t repeatedly insist on throwing your life away!” Allomon shouted so loudly that it became a literal roar. Braveheart recoiled at the gesture, tears already forming in her eyes.


Allomon sighed. “I’m sorry, my child. I simply can’t bear to lose you now. Please, just... remain here, for now. I want you to be safe.” He turned around, and addressed the Digi-Destined. “Come with me. We will have to move quickly if we want to catch the settlers before they reach the village.”

Allomon stepped forward, letting the Digi-Destined move out of his way as he exited the circle. A series of expectant stares from the surrounding Aquilamon encouraged them to follow. Before long, they were traveling behind Allomon as they left with village, with a group of at least a dozen Aquilamon leaving to follow behind them in the sky.


It hadn’t taken long for them to intercept the arriving force of digimon. Their path took them through the wooded parts of the Themthar Hills, and eventually into another clearing at the top of one of a massive hill that overlooked several others, large enough that it could be a small mountain. As Allomon and the Digi-Destined climbed up to the top from one side, the other Digimon climbed up the other side to meet them. The Aquilamon following behind landed just behind Allomon’s group as the the two sides converged together in the center of the hilltop.

The other digimon were led by Starmon and Deputymon, but joined by a number of champion-level digimon of various shapes: among them included several Bakemon, a Veggiemon, a Centarumon, a Meramon, and a Woodmon.

Starmon’s pupils dilated as he took notice of the group opposite him. “What the—!? Now what in tarnation are you Digi-Destined doing with them natives!? Are you telling me y’all are working with the enemy now!?”

Allomon stepped forward, baring his teeth. “You are the ones who are attacking us. The legendary heroes of the Digital World would not side with you.”

Starmon’s body froze. A moment later it relaxed, and he burst out into loud, guffawing laughter. “You really think you’re going to scare us with that kind of talk? This is the end for you! These folks,” he said, pointing a thumb behind his shoulder, “are just a preliminary force to escort mahself and Deputymon over here to deliver a message. That message being a demand for your unconditional surrender! Give yourselves up or be blown to smithereens!”

“Now you wait just a minute here!” Applejack called out. “You ain’t seriously suggesting that y’all are willing to wipe out these digimon just because y’all want a bunch of worthless gems? Just what the hay is wrong with you?”

Deputymon stepped forward, pushing Starmon back slightly as he moved his way to the front. “Alright, y’all Digi-Destined can drop the act now. No need to go about pretending no more.”

Applejack’s body tensed. Her nostrils flared as she glared at Deputymon fiercely. “Act? Are you calling me a liar?”

“Ah’d, uh... have to agree with her there, Deputymon,” said Starmon. “Ah’m afraid Ah don’t have any idea what you’re talking about.”

Deputymon chuckled. “What, you didn’t hear about mah plan? Ah sent the Digi-Destined over to the natives so they could spy on them for us. And Ah have to say, they’ve done a pretty darn tootin’ good job, yes sir!”

What!?” The cry came simultaneously from several directions at once, a sound of utter disbelief coming from nearly everyone else.

N-now you wait just a minute here!” Rarity stepped forward from the crowd, seething in indignation. “I don’t know what exactly you think you’re doing, but if you think you can just go about telling such outrageous lies, you’re absolutely mistaken! To think that you would even suggest that I—”


There was a sudden sound of a small object hitting the ground. A chorus of gasps sounded as the crowd turned to see what it was.

Lying on the ground was a massive, glittering amethyst. And it had fallen straight out of Rarity’s mane.

Deputymon chuckled. “See, Ah told you so!”

Cody gaped. “Rarity, what did you do?

“I-It’s not what it looks like! I swear! Please!” Rarity frantically pleaded, turning to face her companions, and was only met with expressions of shock, anger, and disgust.

Allomon bared his teeth, a fire burning just beneath his eyes. “You deceived us. We placed our trust in you, and you betrayed us.”


A voice called out in the distance. The entire group froze, and watched as a brown, birdlike figure in the distance drew closer, before landing in the center of the gathering.

“Little Braveheart,” said Allomon. “I thought I’d told you to stay behind.”

“Father, please!” said Braveheart. “I know what you’d said, but you’re making a mistake! Deputymon is lying to you! He’s trying to divide us to leave us weak and defenseless! Do you not recall that he was the one who attacked us during negotiations?”

Yolei gasped. “He what!?

Allomon stared down at his adoptive daughter, eyes narrowing dangerously. “Indeed, I do. But if there were not truth to his words, then why does this ally of the Digi-Destined possess a gem that she could have only extracted from our land?”

Rarity flinched as the massive, predatory digimon turned to face her, displaying his sharp, pointed teeth. “W-would you believe me if I said it was just a moment of weakness?”

Allomon responded with nothing but a wordless growl, the sound of a very agitated, very hungry predator.

Please!” Rarity blurted out. “It was a mistake, I know! But I have nothing to do with those settlers, and I did has nothing to do with my friends! Punish me however you want, but leave them out of it!”

Allomon took a step forward, the weight of his footstep seeming to increase tenfold, sending a miniature tremor across the ground. The viciousness in his eyes was matched by that of the Aquilamon present, and together they all turned their ironclad gazes towards Rarity.

“Whoa, wait! Hold on a second here!” The native digimon had their attention pulled away from Rarity as Davis suddenly called out. He stepped forward into the center of the gathering, between both groups. “Look, I know Rarity did something bad, and I understand you guys are upset. But there’s something I kind of wanna know here. This is all about gems, right?”

“Er... yeah,” said Starmon, scratching the top point of his star in a gesture roughly equivalent to scratching his forehead. “We told you that back in town, didn’t we?”

“So why the heck would any of you guys even need gems, anyway?” said Davis.

“Oh no, don’t you go asking no dumb questions!” said Deputymon. “Them gems are here so we can strike it rich! Don’t you start muddying the issue!”

“But how?” said Davis. “If these gems are valuable, it’s probably because someone will give a lot of money for them, right? But just who the heck are you going to even sell them to out here?”

Deputymon suddenly jumped back. “S-sell them!?

“Huh,” said Starmon. “You know, Ah never really thought about that. There ain’t no real way of trading outside town ‘round these parts, especially not with Vespimon having conquered everything to the east. And if everyone in town had gems, they’d probably get worthless real quick.”

“Exactly!” said Davis. “So, like, what’s even the point? This whole conflict is just stupid!”

The digimon led by Starmon and Deputymon glanced at each other strangely, and broke into a series of unrestrained murmurs.

“Is it true?”

“It does sound kind of dumb when he puts it like that.”

“But we came here to get rich! Does this mean we moved here for nothing?”

“Just what are we going to do now?”

“Hey, come on! It can’t be all bad!” said Davis. “I’m sure you’ll think of something to do without having to invade other digimon! Heck, you’ve probably got all sorts of awesome things to do already!”

The digimon shared another series of glances, though this time they seemed less perplexed, as though each of them had just been brought to the verge of epiphany.

“We have card games!” said a Bakemon. He was met with several nods and sounds of approval from the group.

“And rodeos!” said the Centarumon. More words of approval were vocalized by the townsfolk, louder than before.

“And burlesque shows!” said the Veggiemon. The town’s shouts of approval became even louder, so much so that they were outright cheering.

Each of the ponies that were present blushed furiously, while the human Digi-Destined and their partners simply stared at each other in bewilderment.

“What’s a burlesque show?” said Cody.

Nope!” said Pinkie, suddenly lunging forward to meet Cody. “Nuh-uh! No way! We’re not going there until you’re way older, mister!”

Starmon turned to Deputymon, a smile somehow apparent in his eyes despite his lack of a mouth. “Well, shucks! Looks like we don’t need to be attacking anyone, pardner! Ain’t that something?”

Deputymon’s fists clenched by his side, and the yellowed eyes beneath his hat closed tight as his body began shaking. “No! No, it ain’t great at all! Consarnit, now everything’s ruined!

Everyone else present stopped in their tracks, turning to look at Deputymon. His entire body was quivering in place as he seethed, drenched in rage.

“Deputymon? Deputymon, are you alright?” said Starmon. “Is something wrong?”

Deputymon’s body suddenly relaxed. Then, to the surprise of everyone, he laughed. It was not a laugh that sounded like it came from his usual dopey, half-baked drawl, but a laugh that pierced the air with its sharpness and viciousness.

Starmon’s eyes went wide. “W-wha? Deputymon?”

“Y’all are dumber than a sack of rocks, ain’t you?” said Deputymon. It wasn’t just his laugh that had changed, his voice now carried with it a degree of confidence and forcefulness that it never had before. He opened his eyes once more, revealing them both to be blood red. “Did y’all really think Vespimon needed control spires to expand out west? Her loyalest, most reliable-est deputy’s been here the whole dang time!”

Author's Note:

Digital Harmony is going to be going on a short hiatus after this chapter, for reasons I’ve explained in a blog post. Long story short, my personal life is catching up to me and I don’t anticipate I’ll be able to continue such a massive, ambitious project until I get things sorted out.

I’ll get back to this fic eventually, but it will definitely be a while before I can start doing regular updates, or at least a short while. Sorry to leave you folks on a cliffhanger like that, but sometimes it can’t be helped.

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