• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,449 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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The Initial Meeting

Boom Bubble!

Several thin, twig-like branches fell from the pine tree as Patamon knocked them down with a burst of pressurized air. Flying down to the ground, he carefully picked up as many of them as he could carry. Patamon’s wing muscles strained as he struggled to lift the wood into the air. This was the smallest tree he could find, almost a sapling, and even then he could only barely carry the pitifully small branches from it. Still, he wouldn’t let T.K. down. He’d been asked to find firewood, and he wouldn’t go back empty-handed.

Flapping his wings rapidly, his flight path wobbled slightly as he headed back to meet his partner.


T.K. looked down from where he sat, regarding curiously the strange, pony-like digimon before him. After their brief encounter with the lone Bakemon, he’d immediately taken the digimon to a small cave which they were fortunate enough to have found nearby.

Now that I think about it, I probably should have taken the Bakemon, too. He could’ve given us some insight as to what’s going on. He dismissed the thought when he realized he probably wouldn’t have been able to carry a ghost digimon.

What was especially strange to him was the digimon’s appearance. It looked, for a lack of a better word, cartoonish. Her coat was bright orange and her mane blonde, and on both sides of her body were images of three apples, arranged in a triangle. The saddlebags and stetson hat clearly indicated that she was sapient, as opposed to some of the more feral digimon seen in certain parts of the Digital World. Her head was also unusually rounded for a equine, with eyes facing forward, giving her a vaguely human appearance. Strangest of all, however, was the dark orange device strapped to her front ankle.

Is it just me, or does it look kind of like a digivice?

He gently placed on her side, taking note of her healthy pulse and steady breathing. Her body shivered from the cold atmosphere, At least I think it’s a her... I don’t know how I’m supposed to know for sure if she’s asleep, unless... He quickly interrupted that thought before it went any further, removing his hand from the digimon’s body. Yeah, I’ll wait until she wakes up... Actually, do digimon even even have a physical gender? I’ll have to ask Izzy about that later.


T.K. looked to the cave entrance to see Patamon enter, carrying a bundle of sticks. He suddenly dropped in midair as he flew, only to regain altitude by furiously flapping his wings. He hastily dropped the wood by T.K., gasping for breath as he slowly lowered himself to the ground.

T.K. looked at his partner sympathetically, and reached over and pet him on the head. “Easy there sport, no need to push yourself like that.”

Patamon looked up at T.K. and smiled, still panting heavily. “It’s alright, T.K. You wanted me to get firewood, right?”

“Yeah, but I didn’t want you putting yourself in danger just for that. I’d have understood if you came back without finding anything. So don’t go about pushing yourself too hard, okay? You remember what happened the last time you did?”

Patamon’s expression dropped instantly. “... I died?” he squeaked.

“Yeah. So take it easy, okay?” He smiled softly, gently scratching Patamon behind the ear.

“Nnngh...” The unconscious digimon groaned softly as she began to stir.

“Hmm, I guess we won’t need that firewood after all. Sorry, Patamon.”

The digimon’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she turned her head towards T.K. and Patamon. “Ma? Pa? That you?”

T.K. raised an eyebrow. Since when did digimon have parents?

“Uh, no, I’m T.K., and this is my partner Patamon.”

“Hi!” Patamon flew closer to the pony-like digimon and introduced himself.

What the hay!?” Her upper body shot upwards at the sight of Patamon, and she quickly scooted backwards against the cave wall. Her apparent fear quickly subsided, and she regarded T.K. and Patamon curiously. She straightened her hat and frowned thoughtfully, as though she were trying to figure something out.

“Ah think ah get it. Y’all are like some kinda angels come to take me away. Ah gotta say, ah never thought you’d look so strange.”

“An angel?” said T.K., “you must be a bit confused. I’m a human.”

“I can be an angel sometimes,” said Patamon, “not right now, though.”

The pony’s frown deepened as she considered what she’d heard. “Ah’m afraid ah ain’t never heard of a human before. Ah take it you’re some other kind of spirit?” A pleading look appeared in her eyes as she looked back at T.K. “What’s going to happen to me now? Am Ah in Tartarus or the Elysium? Will Ah ever see mah folks again?”

T.K. stared back at the pony in confusion. “Uh, I’m afraid never heard of either of those places. Right now you’re in a mountain range on the Server Continent.”

“Server Continent? That don’t sound like anything Ah’ve heard of before.” She briefly glanced around the cave, trying to get a better feeling for her surroundings. “Come to think of it, this whole just place looks like some ordinary cave! What the hay kind of afterlife is this?”

“Whoa there!” said T.K. “what do you mean, afterlife?

“Well, this is the afterlife, ain’t it? Ah mean, there ain’t no way Ah could’ve survived that there ghost attacking me.” The pony paused for a moment, as if contemplating something. “Are y’all saying Ah’m a ghost now, too?”

“Why would dying turn you into a ghost?” said Patamon. “Wouldn’t you be reborn as a Digi-Egg?” The pony looked confused by this statement, scratching the back of her head with a hoof.

“Actually, Patamon,” said T.K., “I’m fairly certain at this point that she isn’t a digimon. And no,” he said to the pony, “you’re not dead.”

Patamon’s gasped. “She isn’t!?”

“Ah’m not!?”

T.K. “No need to worry. We saw you being chased by a Bakemon, but we defeated it just as you passed out. We brought you here to help you recover.”

The pony’s stunned expression gave way to a relieved smile. “Well ain’t that a relief! And here Ah was thinking Ah was a goner! Ah reckon’ Ah oughta thank you two for saving me.” She trotted up towards T.K. extended a hoof outwards. “Pleased to meet you both. The name’s Applejack. To whom do Ah owe the pleasure?”

T.K. reached out with his hand and grabbed Applejack’s hoof in an approximation of a handshake. “My name’s T.K., and this is my friend Patamon.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” said Applejack, returning the handshake.

“T.K., what was that you said about her not being a digimon?” said Patamon.

“That’s right,” replied T.K. “From what I understand, she’s a pony. More specifically, a pony from another world.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Say what now?”

“A while back I got a message from my friend Davis. He said he found an alien pony, and asked me to keep an eye out for any others. I think her name was Midnight?”

“Twilight!” exclaimed Applejack. “She’s alright! Oh, thank Celestia, Ah was worried Ah’d never see her again! Now what’s this about her being an alien?”

“Yeah, T.K.,” said Patamon, “what’s going on?”

“Well, I kind of ignored it at first since I thought it was a prank, but I recall Davis saying something about Twilight being an alien. Given that you’re not a digimon or a human, I’m assuming you’re not from Digital World. Is that true, Applejack?”

“Ah... No, Ah can’t rightly say Ah’ve heard of a Digital World.” A frown of worry appeared on her face as she considered what she’d just been told. Ah’m in another world now? What am Ah gonna do now? Will Ah ever see mah family again?

“Are you alright?” asked T.K.

Applejack did her best to put on a forced smile. “Ah’m fine. Why don’t you tell me more about this here Digital World?”

“No problem,” said T.K. “The Digital World is a world of data that exists within the Real World’s computer networks.”

“Real World?” said Applejack, “You’re saying this here world ain’t real?”

T.K. looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmm... Well, in a sense it isn’t, since from what I understand everything in the Digital World is made of computer data instead of matter. But it’s still very much a living world, so I guess it’s also real. But I guess your world must be real, too, so maybe it’s better to call our world planet Earth.”

“That don’t sound like a very imaginative name,” Applejack mused. “So you’re saying this here world exists in them fancy machines from Earth, like the one Twilight was building?”

“Yeah, pretty much,” said T.K. “I don’t know anything about your friend Twilight, but if she was building a computer, that might explain how you ended up here. What happened, exactly? What sort of world are you from?”

“Mah world? Well, ah’d say it’s a mighty fine world to live in. Ah come from a place called Equestria, on a world called Ungula. As for how Ah got here, mah friends and Ah were having a picnic out by Twilight’s place, and all of a sudden there was this huge lightning storm coming from her house. We went to investigate, and it turns out Fluttershy was dragged through a portal by some kind of evil force. Twilight cast a spell that would teleport us to her, and the next thing Ah knew, Ah was on this here mountain, and mah friends were nowhere to be found.”

An evil force? thought T.K, could that have something to do with the control spires?

“I see. Well, since you’re here in the Digi-World now, you’ll probably want to know how things work around here. The Digital World is inhabited by creatures called digimon, or Digital Monsters. My friends and I are part of a group called the Digi-Destined, and we protect the Digital World with the help of our digimon partners.”

“Ah see,” said Applejack, “Ah take it Patamon’s your partner then?”

“That’s right!” said Patamon. “You and I are a team, right T.K.?”

T.K. smiled. “Couldn’t have said it better myself. As I way saying, we help protect the Digital World from harm.” Reaching into his pocket, T.K. pulled out his D-3 and showed it to Applejack. “This is called a digivice. Its power allows Patamon to digivolve into stronger forms to fight the forces of darkness.”

Applejack leaned in closer, staring at the digivice in T.K.’s hand. Lifting her leg, she held her front ankle out in front of herself, comparing the strange device to T.K.’s side-by-side.

“So y’all are saying that this here doodad is a digivice like yours? Does that mean Ah can do that digivolution thing?”

“Well, I don’t think you’d be the one doing the digivolving,” said T.K. “And I’m not really sure if that’s a digivice at all. If it were, you’d have probably found your own partner digimon by now.”

“Ah see,” replied Applejack. Suddenly, Patamon let out a small giggle..

“What is it, Patamon? Something funny?” said T.K.

“I was just thinking,” Patamon replied, “her accent is just like Armadillomon’s! Wouldn’t it be weird if I D.N.A. digivolved with her?”

Applejack gave Patamon a strange look. “Beg pardon?”

“Now that’d just be completely ridiculous.” said T.K., “I do admit it is kind of a funny thought, though.”

“Ah’m afraid Ah lost you there, sugarcube,” said Applejack, “and just for the record, Ah ain’t got an accent.”

T.K couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Sure you don’t. As I was saying, Patamon and I help protect the Digital World. We were out here searching for a control spire, an evil tower that controls dark rings that brainwash and enslave digimon. When we stopped to take a break, we saw you being chased by Bakemon controlled by a dark ring. Patamon was able to break the dark ring right as you passed out.”

“So y’all are saying somepony was controlling that there ghost that attacked me? You think it might have something to do with the evil force that took Fluttershy?”

“Actually, I was just thinking that,” said T.K. “Wait, somepony?”

“Uh... Sorry, Ah meant sombody,” Applejack responded hesitantly. “Ah apologize if Ah offended you, Ah didn’t mean to be insensitive.”

“Why would I be offended? I just think it’s a bit strange is all.”

Applejack smiled nervously. “Well, uh,” she chuckled weakly, “See, back in Equestria, you ain’t supposed to use the word somepony to refer to folks who ain’t ponies. It’s... Well, Ah wouldn’t call it racist exactly, but it is just a mite insensitive. Ah’m guessing y’all don’t have that problem here?”

“Not really, no.” T.K. said. A smile crept onto his face as he considered the thought, the whole idea sounding completely silly to him. “As I was saying, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that your friend was kidnapped at around the same time these control spires appeared. I think we should stick together so we can figure out what’s going on here. Sound good?”

“Fine by me,” replied Applejack, “If y’all don’t mind, Ah’d like to try and see if we can find mah friends as well.” A look of sadness appeared on her face. “Ah just hope Ah’m not too late...”

T.K. looked down at Applejack and smiled. “Applejack, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you should never give up hope. I know things might seem daunting sometimes, but nothing will ever get better if you just give up. So what do you say we go out there and look for your friends together?”

Applejack looked back up at T.K., her deep green eyes filled with gratitude. “Y’all would do that for me?”

“Of course,” replied T.K. “it’s the least I could do after finding you like this. But first we’ll have to take out the control spire like we came here for. After that, we’ll meet up with Davis and your friend Twilight and figure out what to do next.”

“Sounds good to me,” said Applejack. “Ah can’t thank you enough for doing this for me. If it weren’t for you and Patamon, Ah don’t know what Ah’d do.”

“Hey, no problem.” replied T.K. “You ready to get going? If you feel like you still need to rest for a bit, that’s fine. No need to push yourself too hard”

“Nah, Ah’m fine,” replied Applejack. “We ain’t gonna find anything just sitting in this here cave, are we?”

“Alright, if you’re sure.” T.K. turned and shared a knowing look with his partner, and he reached into his pocket and pulled out his digivice, holding it out in front of him.

Digi-Armor Energize!

The digivice shone with a brilliant light as T.K. shouted the command, and a egg-shaped object emerged from the screen. Patamon’s body glowed as the egg dissolved into him, causing his body to transform.

Patamon, Armor Digivolve to: Pegasusmon, the Flying Hope!

What in tarnation!?” Applejack’s jaw dropped at the sight of the massive armored stallion that was suddenly standing before her.

Now stop that Applejack, it ain’t polite to stare, she reminded herself. T.K. calmly walked over to Pegasusmon and swiftly jumped onto his back, as though it were second nature.

“You need a lift?” asked Pegasusmon, approaching Applejack.

A pink flush appeared on Applejack’s face, plainly visible even through her bright orange coat. “Ah... Uh... Y’all want me to ride you?”

T.K. chuckled lightly. “No need to get all flustered, Applejack. I can assure you it’s strictly business.”

“Hey, that ain’t funny!” Applejack cried out indignantly.

“Did I miss something here?” asked Pegasusmon. “Was there a joke?”

“Don’t worry about it, Pegasusmon.” replied T.K. “Just let her climb on.”

“If you say so.” Pegasusmon lowered himself onto his knees, allowing Applejack to climb onto his back. Applejack’s blush deepened as she positioned herself onto Pegasusmon’s back, sitting upright behind T.K., with her front hooves awkwardly positioned on Pegasusmon’s barrel.

Rainbow ain’t never gonna let me live this one down.

“You ready to lift off?” asked T.K.

“Ah think so,” replied Applejack. “Just where are we headed, anyway?”

“We’ll fly out over the mountain range and see if we can find the control spire. They’re pretty tall, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to spot. Be sure to hold on tight, okay?”

“No problem,” said Applejack, “now let’s get a move on!”

T.K. nodded to Pegasusmon, who trotted towards the entrance and stepped out of the cave, onto a sheer cliff in the mountainside. With a powerful flap of his wings, he took to the air, carrying both his passengers in search of the next control spire.

Author's Note:

Get it? Initial meeting? As in, T.K. and A.J.?


Okay, maybe it's not such a great title. But it did feel good to get this chapter out of the way. Maybe now I can actually focus on studying for finals.

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