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When a college brony on a camping trip makes a wish on a shooting star, it turns out far differently than expected. Now this man turned dragon will find the there is much more to the world than the land of Equestria.

Chapters (41)

A young girl, having been robbed of her childhood and very life by illness finds herself given a second chance in a strange world and with an even stranger body. With a new life, family, and even a brother, she tries to cope with the bizarre world she's found herself in while also trying to embrace her role and become worthy of the gift she has been given.
Being a princess can be hard however, even if it's only an honorary title, especially when you're the twin sister of Prince Blueblood.

Warning, very slow burn.

Chapters (39)

Canterlot city

Home of all kinds of people: good, bad, ugly and downright crazy. Kidnappings all over the place, giant rainbows randomly shooting into the sky from the distance, A mob of trigger happy punks lead by a megalomaniac psycho, as well as one seriously suspicious high school. And that's barely HALF of the things the everyday citizens cover their heads from.

Now, something else is coming. A monster freed from Equestria. A shadow that can cover even the darkest of night, merciless and unforgiving. Challenging the brave protectors of this world in a fight to the death, to determine who are the true rulers of all the realms, be it Equestrian or human. Now the fate of trillions lies in the hands of rookie heroes who just might be in over their heads.

There's only two things on Cole Macgrath's mind;
1. How did he get here?
2. Those have got to be the weirdest seven girls he's ever seen in his life.

Based on the game series Infamous

Chapters (14)

What happens to a human when they die? Do you ascend to Heaven where you will live without worry? Or are you sent to Hell where you must suffer for the sins you committed while alive. Or maybe your reincarnated into an animal. Well no one really knows, if we did their would be no need for so many ideas of what happens.

For the mercenary Angelus Sombra, he also wondered what would happen to him. He sure as hell wasn't a good man, but he did some good deeds in his years. But like most things in life, things didnt go as planned. Instead of letting him find out what happens to those who pass on, He is instead sent to a world that is unknown to him. A world who's problems are going to be his own. Now he must try to find a way home while trying to blend in with the locals who can somehow use magic and fly. But with the sudden "changes" that he got to his body, that might not be a hard as he thought. But at least he won't be doing it alone, as the biggest problem that this world has is stuck in his head and is constantly trying to take over his body to "claim what's rightfully his".

"All you have to do is submit shadow. Once you do, we can rule a kingdom of our own."

"For the last time. FUCK OFF!"

(Warning: Humanized ponies)

(Cover art from Mr Tech.)

February 25, 2021: thank you all so much for enjoying my story.
March 31, 2021: once again, you all have help me get featured, thank you for taking the time to read my story.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to inFAMOUS: Second Storm

Hearth's Warming. The time of year where creatures all around the world get to spend with family and friends, retelling stories of the Fire of Friendship. Though, for the last couple of years, an urban myth begins to circulate during the holiday season. If some creature felt as if something was preventing them from enjoying the holiday season, they would be visited by what some would call an angel on Hearth Warmers Eve. They would arrive and depart with the cold winter winds, but not before conversing with the individual in question. What they said would help them get back on their hooves again and change their life for the better.

Of course, when Gallus heard Sandbar tell him the story, he was rather skeptical. No creature ever came to visit him when he was down on his luck in his time before attending the school. How was an urban myth going to turn his life around?

Unknown to him though, he was going to have a special visitor tonight. One that would tell him that The Angel of Hearth's Warming was more than just a myth

A sequel/seasonal story set four years after the ending of inFAMOUS: Second Storm. You don't necessarily have to read it in order to understand it, but it's how some parts of the story would make sense.

Takes place on the night before 'The Hearth's Warming Club' and is treated as an alternate take. Comedy tag for the second chapter's ending

Credits to everything shown. Edited by Wind Scribe
Cover art vector made by Strikehund on DeviantArt. Credits to him

Originally, I wanted to release this story on Christmas, but I thought that it would be cruel to make you guys wait too long. Especially since this was a surprise.

Chapters (3)

It was only about three months ago that the Department of Unified Protection had been in control in most of America's Largest Cities across the country. But ever since a small town delinquent, A ex-junkie, and a gamer have defeated the head of the DUP, their control has slowly began to fall apart like a house of cards. Even though some DUP soldiers still remain and the entire organization was suppose to be disbanded, the DUP's status was only inactive for the first two months. They're in the process of rebuilding because what happened in Seattle crippled their whole operation.

But if you think that small town delinquent is me, then you're definitely wrong. For one thing, I live in San Diego, not Seattle. I had a vacation their once though, but that was when I was eight and a year before the Empire Event.

My name is Shawn Kingston.

By how I look and dress, you can tell that I'm a Brony. But what most people can't tell is that I'm a Conduit.

Life was beginning to work out for me as my 16th birthday was almost here. But sometimes, I wonder... With the way the world is now, there are no boundaries between what is possible and what isn't. So could that mean that anything that's fictional... Could possibly be real?

I begin to think about this when I encounter a young girl that had her hair resemble the night sky and had a crescent moon on her clothes. It felt familiar... Like I have seen her somewhere else before.

A crossover based on the inFAMOUS games and takes place after the good ending of inFAMOUS Second Son. I've personally been focusing on this idea for quite some time and I felt like it was time to finally release it and see how you guys like it. I plan to be a bit creative with this story because I always liked how a conduit's powers worked. Takes place after season 4, but does not involve the events of Rainbow Rocks.

Credits to everything shown in this story
MLP belongs to Hasbro
inFAMOUS belongs to Sony and Sucker Punch
Gore tag because of the minor details in Chapter 1.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The Apple Falls Far from the Tree

Apple Bloom thought her Everglow days were behind her. Sure, she got a lot out of it, mostly cool stuff, including tales to share, but she was back on safe Equestria. Nothing that strange happens that the adults don't take care of, but there it is.

Reading the prequels is not required, but would explain why Apple Bloom knows what she does. You will be able to enjoy the story outside that if you can just enjoy an alchemically competent filly!

Chapters (57)

When a Necromancer is hurled into the place between places then escapes to another world at the cost of his life it is not the end. Being a Necromancer he returns to life with ease, but is skirting the edges of consciousness, and unable to truly wake as a mysterious figure uses magic to put him on the back of a horse to carry him away into the night.

To make matters worse the phylactery he used to save his own life recreated him as a member of the dominant race with... some errors. His injuries are still present and he's now in a much smaller body with his magic drained to nothingness.

So now he's horribly injured, held captive by an unknown force, in an unfamiliar body, in an unfamiliar world and completely exhausted. He's had worse days. He just can't think of any off the top of his head. So familiar territory then, nothing to worry about.

(Thank you again Tulip for the amazing piece of artwork.)

On Hiatus due to Life. Sorry.

Chapters (24)

Comments may contain spoilers. Scroll down at your own risk.

Scootaloo never had an easy life. Not only was she orphaned at a very young age, but she is also a pegasus doomed to never attain flight.

But her life changes forever when she meets Fang, an eccentric magician who is not what she seems. Fang keeps many secrets, but Scootaloo will soon discover that she too carries one – a dark and terrible secret, hidden away in her own heart. One that even she herself was not aware of.

As the two grow closer and more secrets are revealed, Scootaloo must find the courage to open her heart, learn the mysteries of magic, and discover what it means to be a familiar.

Act 1 completed. The story is on hiatus for the time being until I have more chapters written.

Chapters (10)

When Xenolestia transports Equestria to Earth to begin conversion, she runs into a roadblock. A mysterious human confronts her.

This is an ACB, if you don't like, don't read.

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Now with a Rage Review!

Chapters (1)