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Ever wondered what it would feel like to be turned into a mind reading, future forseeing, body camouflaging, venom spitting, dragon with "unrestricted" enchanting powers? Well I have. All because it started with the books I bought online

Hi my name is Jonathan Rawls, at least it WAS my name before. But now you can call me Stargazer, your one and only NightWing/RainWing hybrid in Equestria. Apparently, one of the original characters that I created and buying books from a very suspicious website creates quite the synergy, also noting the fact that I somehow got transported to Equestria as well. And how did I get Animus magic anyway? It's not even part of my OC. I don't know if I coud manage that kind of power. Hopefully is not like in the books where it's a double edge sword. Hopefully. Now I just need to read all three manuals that I bought from that shifty website and somehow my memories are merging with one another Interesting.

My first story for the new year and first story ever. Been wanting to start a story for a long time but school is stopping me from doing it, so I decided to start my first story on the new year. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated and suggestions are also welcome. Enjoy the story. Amature story teller out.
PS. Profanity tag for minor cursing

[An MLP:FIM and Wings Of Fire Crossover]

Extra Note: This story's update schedule is incredibly random, but I promise, no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, this story would never die.

Posted on Featured:
8/13/19 8:14pm (short lived, but still counts)
10/11/19 12:12am
5/8/20 4:58am (short lived, but still counts)

Chapters (17)

Ryan Danver was a Stormchaser. he loved Mother nature at it's wildest but when he was struck by lightning he ended up in Equestria. In the body of a cyan colored pegasus.

Editing by Bazing and Dances with unicorns

Chapters (22)

Princess Luna has got into an argument with her older sister and goes to her private realm to vent. Meanwhile, in another realm, Prince Artemis has got into a similar situation with his brother. From what was a simple meeting between alicorns of the night quickly becomes anything but simple.

Rated Teen due to language and subject mater.

Note everything below this line is not important to the story in itself as it has edits to the tags, my team of editors, and feature date list.

A big thank you to Foals Errands for getting me cover art so fast.


Got onto the popular list on the same day I posted this story, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!




To list my crew of helpful friends, that help me keep this story coming out in a well timely pace.

Foals Errands, my friend and growing co-writer of my work.
Deepsleep64, my chief editor for this story, and hopeful more to come
Pure Note , my secondary editor
Ninja-PON3 , beta reader and one insane, but fun fan.
Lord Artemis, my second beta reader and good fan that offered his services
Noble Thought a person who helps out at times.

Tags changed


New co-writer is Anon the wonderful shark mouse and a TV Trope Page


Chapters (23)

Years before a certain prophesy would come to fruition, a young pegasus filly fell from the sky near Las Pegasus, only to be rescued and taken in by Burning Sky and Dragonfly, a newlywed pegasi couple on leave from the Equestrian Air Guard for their honeymoon. Adopted and named Firefly by the very ponies who caught her out of the sky, the young filly is secretly a being from another reality, a former human who had been a fan of a popular show that had portrayed this very world (or one very similar to it), with no idea what had brought her here, why she was now a pony, or even when in the timeline she happens to be.

Once she figures out that she's in the past, with years before Princess Luna returned as Nightmare Moon, young Firefly resolves to simply stay out of the way and let events happen as they should. However, once she sees Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Brave and Glorious appear out of a bubble of complex looking magic, Firefly feels an incredible sense of liberation, believing that it no longer matters what she does or doesn't do as everything would correct itself once Twilight dealt with Starlight Glimmer and returned to the future.

So Firefly decides to buck Starlight Glimmer on the way down to save Fluttershy.

After all, if nothing she did right now mattered anyway, why not be the hero? What harm could it possibly do? :twilightsheepish:

And thus my SI takes a sledgehammer to causality, breaking Starlight Glimmer's spell in the worst way possible for two mares and a dragon from the future and changing the course of history forever. :facehoof:

But hey, at least Fluttershy is okay, right? :twilightsheepish:

What do you mean Fluttershy's Cutie Mark is different now!? :twilightoops:

Cover rendition of Firefly by Equestria Prevails.

This pic of Firefly is pretty much what inspired me to write this story... :twilightsmile:

Chapters (2)

Fire Fight, a young colt with a knack for combat, and a strong sense of justice, has lived a life riddled with belittlement from others for being who is, or at least wants to be: a hero. Fed up with feeling like a prisoner of his own special talent, he runs away from the land that disapproves of it, and embarks on a quest to help other foals like him. Together, Fire Fight and the friends he makes travel the lands endlessly searching for peace.
They begin to discover themselves along the way, as well as hidden places and secrets that will serve to strengthen them, and their friendship.

Chapters (206)

Sunny believed the tales. Really believed, in a way that most ponies didn't anymore. About the Elements of Harmony, and about Twilight Sparkle. Back when Equestria had princesses, and was whole, when every creature knew the real power of Friendship. She believed⁠—and she knew that, one day, if she believed hard enough, it could be again.

Elsewhere, distant, Twilight Sparkle watches her would-be student, and frets.

A Russian translation by NovemberDragon is available here. | Русский перевод от NovemberDragon доступен здесь.

A Chinese translation by forgivenlove is available here here. | 这里forgivenlove的中文翻译。

A reading by ObabScribbler is available here.

Part 1 of Equestrian Scions, which continues with The Dreamer and Me.

A late addition to the "But what happened to Equestria?" story pile.

[04/29/21 - 05/02/21] Featured. That's a first for me. Thank you all so much.

Chapters (1)

A shipgirl in MLP

What we have here is a very annoying Plot bunny which never went away. All because the main character of Worm and a destroyer from WW2 share a name, then for some absurd reason my head says yeah! That’ll definitely work in my little pony. I can’t just let it be a standard destroyer though Worm has tinkers which could do cool things to the warship right? So what if there is little to no fighting in my little pony. I want a flying super destroyer which could probably blow up Malaysia.

“Sorry Taylor, the truth is. The game was rigged from the start. Gate!” Contessa shouts as a Gate open up just in front of Kelphri.

Taylor Hebert post GM

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to That Time I Became a Friendship Bomb

(This story is actually a rewrite of that one, but i dont seem to be able to change that)

Peter Westmoore, formerly nineteen year old college student.

Once upon a time, his friends described him a responsible, hardworking student, not overly outgoing, but pleasant enough to talk to. He never was one for the party scene, nor did he drink, but he really put his all into his work. When he wasn't doing that, he was refining his skills in animation.

For his dedication and diligence, he is rewarded with a trip to a land of colourful ponies! He's even provided with a form to blend in! Mostly... a real shame he has no idea what's going on.

The epic rewrite of That Time I Became A Friendship Bomb. Don't know if the changes will be significant enough to warrant this being a new story, at least for the first few chapters, but since this one is going to continue updating, I think it might.

There is also the fact that I had no real idea where the old version was going, something I've fixed here.

Huge thank you to Gerandkis for editing this story, and the original as well! This wouldn't be as good of a story without their help, so you enjoy it, be sure to give them a thank you!

Chapters (10)

Cover by mixdaponies
Asta has defeated the Dark Triads. All of kingdoms have been safe so there's no threat for his world. But he found out there is something. He cannot die by age because he possessed the devil's power so he can live forever. Not only that, his friends and Black Bulls has been passed away. He's only one, who's still living. But something unexpected happened, he got sucked in the orb and ended up in Equestria
Crossover: Black clover x My Little Pony
Note: He will be an earth pony. So don't mind about his wings on page cover

Chapters (4)

So, you think you know Equestria just because you watch My Little Pony? Well, I can tell you, the show barely scratched the surface. The name's Shirotora, and I'm one of many humans that call Equestria home.

Of course, where most humans find themselves in the form of a pony, griffin, minotaur or some other regular race, I happen to have the form of the servants of an ancient tyrant god that were sealed away along with their master thousands of years ago.

Yeah, that didn't go over very well with Celestia.

This is the story of my adventures in this crazy world of not-so-cartoonish ponies, along side a colorful cast of friends, including a crystal pegasus from Seattle, an eight hundred year old dragon-pony, a demon blacksmith looking to get contracts with mortals, and the worlds luckiest/unluckiest mare... Oh, and the Mane 6 are in there, too.

Together, we'll figure out why the hell predators are getting more violent, and why more and more monsters are suddenly popping up everywhere.

I just hope it doesn't have anything to do with some ancient, long-banished evil coming back...

It does, doesn't it...


This is a complete reimagining of my first successful story, Chaotic Harmony. While it will share some characters and events with the original, this is going to be an entirely different experience.

To those of you who loved the original, I hope you love this just as much. To those who didn't, I hope you find this an improvement.

Also, to those who have been following Children of Chaos, that story will also be reworked a little as a sequel to this, not the original.

Note: While this is not a true AU, there will be some pretty major deviations from canon. There is no AU tag because all major plot points in canon still happened in this fic, though the details of how they played out may have changed, and most changes could be wedged into the show's canon. There's also a little bit of 'dark', but not too much.

Basically, this was made as if the show was the kid friendly version of what happened.

Chapters (56)