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Sable Gale, an upcoming racer wins her first race in Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash, impressed by her skills, asks her to join the Wonderbolt Academy. Sable refuses and Rainbow is dumbfounded. Words are said and start a chain of events that lead the young Sable Gale to better her life and learn a valuable lesson. And shows Rainbow that some ponies need a little boost to realize their dreams.

A story about hard decisions, forgiveness, and doing what's right for someone in need.

Warning, there will be lots of feels.

Cover Art by the most wonderful girlfriend ever to exist, MysticalCreations417

Chapters (1)

I got dragged to Equestria by pure accident due to an experiment gone 'wrong', roughly forty years before Nightmare Moons' arrival.
No matter what I do, as a pony-changeling hybrid, something will change with Equestria. I just hope I don't doom the country before Nightmare Moon even arrives... Or worse.

This is the first story I ever tried to write professionally, so there WILL be errors, for that, I apologize in advance.
I'm editing and proofreading it on my own because I literally suck when it comes to using this site competently.
Lastly, I am a slow writer due to IRL getting in the way but I will try my hardest to settle the story down whether it's popular or not.

Fair warning, there may be spoilers in the comments.

Thank you to Little Tigress for the fantastic cover art.

Chapters (64)

Oblivion Shadow is a master Witcher of the Wolf School. A contract on a Leshens head brings him to the edge of the Northern Realms to answer a call for help. The fight starts off as normal. A second Leshen attack leaves him fighting on two fronts. The Witcher is able to escape, or so he thought when a sharp pain in his back leaves him waking up in Equestria. He is taken in by the Apple family, who treat him as one of their own. He is welcomed by the ponies of this world and he must learn how to accept that or risk upsetting a balance that he did not realize he was a part of. The question he has to ask himself is how does he get back to his world? Or does he even want to go back to a world that is fraught with war and drowning in hate and rage? His senses tell him that monsters from his world are in this new one but he can't seem to track them down. Could his world be bleeding into this one, and how bad will the damage be? He follows the Mane 6 and learns through them what it means to be a friend and a brother.

This is a revamp of the original An Equestrian Witcher. I am trying out a new style with it and altering the characters a bit as I go. Thank you for reading!

Featured! 12/7/2021
Featured! 3/20/2022
featured! 5/4/2022

Chapters (19)

Oblivion Shadow is a master Witcher of the Wolf School. A contract on a Leshens head brings him to the edge of the Northern Realms to answer a call for help. The fight starts off as normal. A second Leshen attack leaves him fighting on two fronts. The Witcher is able to escape, or so he thought when a sharp pain in his back leaves him waking up in Equestria. He is taken in by the Apple family, who treat him as one of their own. He is welcomed by the ponies of this world and he must learn how to accept that or risk upsetting a balance that he did not realize he was a part of. The question he has to ask himself is how does he get back to his world? Or does he even want to go back to a world that is fraught with war and drowning in hate and rage? His senses tell him that monsters from his world are in this new one but he can't seem to track them down. Could his world be bleeding into this one, and how bad will the damage be? He follows the Mane 6 and learns through them what it means to be a friend and a brother.

Featured: 8/12/2019
Featured: 5/9/2022
Featured: 5/18/2022
Featured: 6/19/2022
Featured: 7/17/2022
Featured: 8/17/2022
Featured: 2/28/2024
Featured: 3/7/2024
Featured: 3/28/2024
Featured: 4/2/2024
Featured: 5/4/2024

Chapters (117)

When Apex Cornea asked Pharynx-dominus, Head General of the Hive's army, to mentor him, he never expected the outbreak of near war with the ponies. He never expected his mentor to be called away. He never even considered that Thorax, the Outcast, the Heirless Prince, the Rankless One, would try to leave the Hive because he doesn't believe in their methods.

Even more so, he never thought that he would end up seeing the older changeling...kind of has point. Now, there is so much more in store for him than he ever expected.

*Rated with the Violence tag for later fight scenes and blood*

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to My Little Pony: Sparkling Harmony: The Harmonic Medleys

For thirteen years, Sparkler suffered under the torment of her fellow classmates in KiliHima School, unable to do anything to stop it from happening. So to say that she is less than pleased with the Cutie Map for sending her there for a Friendship Mission would be an understatement.

Little does she know that this is her chance to at last make friends with the two remaining students at her old school that didn't hate her.

With her family and friends/bandmates by her side, as well as a few extra friends, can she handle encountering her old bullies? Will she maybe get revenge on them even? Only time will tell.

If this Story gets 25 likes I'll add to Sparkling Storytime

Chapters (7)

Greilyn, Azzy, Lunar, Valara, and Corgda Xandoo are kobold adventurers who works in an adventurers guild in the city of Ace Draco. They received a quest from their Guild Master named Kreylee, telling them that there has been a strange magical signature located far west of Ace Draco, in the Forest of the Forgotten. Their mission was to investigate the deepest parts of the forest, observe what caused of the strange magical signature if safe, flee the area if anything dangerous was spotted that they could not handle, and report back to the guild if anything was found suspicious immediately. Upon arriving to the scene, the adventurers looked for clues regarding to the strange magic. Unfortunately, one of them stumbled upon a sigil of a sun and moon, and when the group took a look at it they were then gone in the continent of Lacosta. Now they happen to be wrapped up in some conflict between what appears to be a tall dark blue horse and six very colorful ponies.

This is just going to be made just for fun, but that does not mean that I would not continue it. I honestly like the drawings of kobolds very much, they all look cute.

The art does not belong to me as well as the characters names. The art was made by SorcArts and the names are names given to them by other people. I'm just making some very interesting story with them being the characters.

Suggestions and feedback is appreciated. Enjoy reading!!
Violence and minor gore tags because their adventurers and such. IDK why I put romance, I might put some romance chapters if suitable, its just that I might suck at making it like a good love life or a cheesy one IDK. Missing tag for comedy. OC tag but not for me but for the creator of the character. Maybe a pony OC or someting.

Chapters (3)

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to permanently visit as well.

Oh, and that magister? He's been turned into an alicorn. And there's also another interdemensional intruder that happens to be nearby and the two hate each other. There goes the neighborhood.

This is a collab story, with its partner story being written by the awesome Silvak

Silvak's partner story: Nocturnal Mayhem

Apparently this dumb story got featured on 5/4/2017 and 5/8/2017! I don't know why, but it did!

Chapters (17)

When one ends up dying in battle, one expects to move onto the afterlife. Not for me though, for I ended up as a filly, being taken in by the ruling family. Now this sounds all nice and dandy, but there is one major problem, I wasn't the first one to be taken in, and the prick who's going to be my cousin turns out to be in a similar boat as me, except that he and I belong to separate organizations that can't stand each other. Well, at least this will be an interesting foalhood.

This is a collab story, with its partner story, Time Problems with the Sun, being written by AandWguy.

Chapters (35)

This story is a sequel to I Am (No) God: Month 0

The Summer Sun Celebration 1000-Year Anniversary - an event that would forever change all of Equestria, as six average mares would soon become the heroes of Equestria... Except it isn't about them; this story resolves around a stallion who was present for such an event but not only had a role in it... but just... "appeared".

Destiny is a fickle thing, many believe fate happens, things happen... Some say there's a greater force in play that does the slightest actions to change our lives... So what happens when that very power is living just down the road.

Story Theme Song/Arc 1 OP: Don't Stop
Arc 2 OP: The Shield and the Sword

Timeline: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/825197/i-am-no-god-timeline

Story Artwork: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/894389/iang-art

Character Bios: (Direct Link) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rug4oFgvLCnZxrghCkOe389k3ty5gXa481jWj1SkXqY/edit?usp=sharing
(Blog Link) https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/900300/iang-update-data-inanis

Story Chronology: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/1004596/iang-story-chronology

Updates: (08-24-18) Holy banana shakes, its only been seven hours and already this story got twelve likes, several people already added into their favorites, and I haven't even got to reach the third chapter... Who are you people and where is my usual readers?
(08-24-18) I GOT FEATURED! YEEEAAAHAAHAHAHA! And I whole lotta favorites, and one watch too; thank yeah all for enjoying this story!
Update (03-12-18) The new cover of IANG
(07-16-20) DAMN! WE GOT FEATURED AGAIN! Only took two bloody years and we got featured a second time!
(01-13-23) Ay yo shite! I got featured a third time after only posting my latest chapter, and the date too though could not have made it even better! HILARIOUS!
(11-24-23) Wow, I posted what is equivalent to a mini-chapter, and somehow I got featured... not going to lie, but whenever I seem to get back to posing is when I get featured... this needs some experimenting later.)
(04-11-24) Ohhh featured again, Noice.
(06-12-24) Alright another featured!

Milestone: (25-08-18) 1000+ Total Views
(25-08-18) 50+ Total Likes - Just what the heck people, you're all making my heart beat more than usual, and I'm getting the shakes! THE SHAKES!
(02-09-18) 1000+ Views of the old original first chapter
(20-09-18) YES YEEEES YEAAAAAAS *kicks boombox to play music* 100 likes baby! *insane evil laughter*
(??-11-18) Reached 1000+ Views of the current first chapter... don't know what date, but yeah
(14?maybe-11-18) HOLY SNAP, I got to pay better attention... welp reached over 100+ likes, oh and reached 5000+ Total Views too
(25-05-19) Over 10,000+ Total Views, another record breaker!
(01-11-19) 15,000+ Total Views, let's keep wracking up that number even further!
(09-12-19) 200+ Likes, now we should reach 300.
(31-01-20) 18,000+ Total Views, WOOHOO!
(21-03-20) 20,000+ Total Views, awesome!
(16-09-20) 30,000+ Total Views, WE GETTING HIGHER AND HIGHER NOW!
(02-01-21) 35,000+ Total Views, the first milestone record for 2021! LET'S REACH 40,000!
(30-03-21) AH FREAKING YES! 40,000+ Total Views in just two months from the last milestone! GO BEYOND, 50K TOTAL VIEWS!
(29-05-21) 5,000+ Views on the first chapter, we've come a long way since then
(13-11-21) So I was a tad busy, but now I got the chance to check - WE REACHED 300+ Likes, GO BEYOND!
(03-02-22) By the deities, we've reached 50,000+ Total Views! Can we reach 75,000+ and BEYOND!?
(17-09-23) 75,000+ TOTAL VIEWS! TIME WE REACHED 100k!

Chapters (27)