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Sequel now out here

WARNING: Due to the massive complaints from countless misguided and humorless Spike fans I must warn anyone who thinks any sort of negative actions towards spike counts as abuse, that my fic has minor "spike abuse" in it. If offended please don't read.

Pinkie Pie has been feeling lonely lately and she was granted a day off by the Cakes. She had nothing planned for the day and decides to spend time with one of her friends.

She had planned on it being Rainbow Dash but since her friend and Fluttershy have been married they practically have been joined at the hip.

Since Rarity and Applejack have been 'not dating' it's also hard to spend time with either of them.

So Pinkie Pie decides to hang out with Twilight only to find she wants to spend a day alone with a good book. Pinkie Pie chooses to not let a book stop her from hanging with a friend.

*please read till the end to fully enjoy fic* I know it's longer than most one shots but meh.

This is a request fic and a gift to my followers who suggested it and wanted it. They wanted TwiPie I gave them it.

Proof Reader: Rain Walker
Bad Ass Editor: Rain Walker, SolidFire

Picture used with permission and artist name is *lulubellct

Chapters (1)

If you think that your day is a little too short,
With too much to do for twenty-four hours,
Then you fall back on the final resort,
And go back in time with your magical powers.

Princess Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, comes to the conclusion that she doesn't have anywhere near enough time to do everything on her busy schedule. Not a problem for her, though. The solution to having no time is obvious: just make some more.

Chapters (4)

After learning some shocking news about how long she's going to live now that she's an Alicorn (namely, forever), Twilight summons her friends to let them know that their time together is limited. However, their reactions to this information are not quite what she was expecting...

Chapters (1)

Who knew ten words could be so hard to write?

Small collab with RainbowBob

Edited by Sorren, Hobbes, SolidFire, and Mikemeiers

Chapters (1)

Twilight becomes Princess. Trixie doesn't cope very well.

Chapters (5)

Twilight is a princess, and traveling the land to meet ponies far and wide; an excellent opportunity to make more friends. So why is she so unhappy?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Queen No More

Twilight Sparkle made the most foolish and selfless decision possible. She saved the life of Queen Chrysalis. The dynamics of Twilight's relationships begin to change as Chrysalis introduces the changeling hivemind to her pony caretaker. Chrysalis' only hope was to relieve her loneliness, but events begin to unfold that will change Equestria forever.

Nothing is stronger than the power of redemption...

1. This is the sequel to Queen No More but there is a time jump between its end and Hive Alive's beginning.
2. This is Alternate universe due to the fact that this story will run off of a disparate timeline. Events forward of season 2 may be similar OR significantly altered.
3. There is mention in Chapter 3 of an old changeling tale titled As a Star. A version of this has been written by Farseer.

NO MORE UPDATES: The story is complete. A sequel has been made: Queen of Equestria.


Updated outer cover, inner cover, and description!
2 new HD wallpapers!
Hive Alive 2013
Hive Alive 2014
New extras collection, Hive Alive Moments, including...
Too Hot
Perfect Marriage
The Hive Before Halloween
Take Two
Shy My Heart

Featured May 24th, 2014 and on every chapter release since then.

Art by BlackWater (that's me)

Chapters (50)

The royal wedding is saved but at what cost? There was more to the changeling attack than was apparent and Twilight begins to wonder if it was all as black and white as it seemed. Queen Chrysalis was defeated and her rule was taken from her. With no food and no allies, she is doomed to the dreary fate she had always feared. When faced with potential tragedy, Twilight has to make one of the scariest decisions of her life. Does she help the dying changeling or leave her to her "just" end?

Continued in Hive Alive!


Featured July 20, 2014.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (4)

Mentor and student, that's how things have always been between Twilight and Celestia. It was the status quo for them but now things have changed. Life has moved on and their is no room for that relationship anymore, so what should they do.

Art work credit goes WillisNinety-Six on Deviant art. You can see more of his work on his page at http://willisninety-six.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)