• Member Since 1st Sep, 2013


Don't we ALL feed off positive emotions?

Favourites 1178 stories
Found 647 stories in 100ms

Total Words: 23,483,374
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

A damaged robot pony, unlike anything ever seen in pre-industrial Equestria, is found in the orchard. Before it collapses, it says only two words: "Twilight Sparkle..."

Twilight fixes the mechanical mare and gives her a new directive: "Make friends." Now a robot must learn what it takes to be a good friend and, while she's at it, what it means to live...

Featured on Equestria Daily (11/22/15) and The Goodfic Bin! (3/20/16)!
Featuring illustrations by Colby Green (Illustration Gallery found HERE.)
Editors: GaPJaxie,The Knight Templar, GenerousGhibli, E3gner, and Reese.
Technical Consultants: Artichoke Lust and JFalk.

Now with its own TV Tropes page!

Chapters (68)

Apparently, she possesses the auspicious accolade of having the most lewds of any fictional character. For once, Twilight was not pleased to learn something.

Now with a video reading!

Chapters (1)

When relaxing in a secret hot spring, Rarity has an encounter that, one way or another, will change her life forever.

Another entry for the Monster Mares Story Contest

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia: Goddess of the Sun, ruler of Equestria, beloved Princess of ponies. She is loved by all, and loves all in return. A calm and wise ruler, she sits on the throne in Canterlot, maintaining peace and harmony throughout the land.

What most don't know is that her past is much darker: She was once a commander of legions, a warrior and scientist of unmatched skill. Thousands of monsters and abominations fell to her forces, slain in the name of an old leader, one entombed within his own throne. Free of her old form, free of the powers of Chaos, she was cast into a new realm, in a new form, with a new lease on life.

She is the God Emperor, Eternal Ruler of Equestria and Lord of the Imperium of Man.

Has a TvTropes Page. Please contribute.

Comments contain spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Chapters (17)

A surprise visit from Twilight prompts a conversation about Celestia's unusually long life, and the implications for the young Alicorn.

But immortality comes at a cost, and no immortal would wish it upon another.

6/15/2019: Oh my goodness. Featured. :yay: Thanks all!

Chapters (2)

Anon had a bad feeling when he saw the ice cream machine outside Firmly Asked Questions. Not only was the world softer and fluffier than he had anticipated, but he would also have to watch his weight.
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

You like Sunset Shimmer- not that you'd tell anyone, of course. Somehow, someway, you've managed to wiggle your way into the periphery of her social circle at Canterlot High, and now she's taken notice of you enough to ask you over to help her study for the next history exam.

EDIT: Featured 5/19/19!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Lonely Fanboy48!

Chapters (1)

You, the only human in all of Equestria, come back home to Twilight's castle after a night on the town and find that everycreature's favorite ponies are there having a slumber party! If you play your cards right, you might get to hug them, pet them, or maybe even...CUDDLE with them!

Cover Art by sorcerushorserus.

EDIT: Featured 4/15/18!
EDIT: Featured at #1 same day!
EDIT: Now with an AUDIO READING by Lonely Fanboy48!

Chapters (9)

Anon has been forced into Canterlot's throne room. Even worse, Princess Celestia is inside of it. Crying silently.

Welp, there's only one real solution here.


Now's the time to hope this isn't a crime of any sort, and that he isn't sent to the sun anytime soon.

First publicized story- would definitely appreciate criticism.

And being completely honest- this was made in under an hour. A product of sudden inspiration.

Edit 5/17/19: Christ, featured less than an hour after it was posted and generally liked- i'm honoured. Glad you all enjoyed my silly little story!
As of 12/12/22, this still manages to appear on popular stories and featured occasionally when I post, which I cannot fathom-

Now featuring a Ko-fi for the generous, looking to help me out or the folks I want to support in my life.

Chapters (1)

Now that I was living in Equestria, it was time to finally buy a new house. I’d settled on the charming little town of Haywards Heath, and found myself a decent house that just needed some work to spruce it up.

Or so I thought.

I might have gotten more than I bargained for.

Chapters (52)