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Going to con can be fun, even more so when your dressed as your favorite character from a TV show that you loved to watch, But it can turn around and become quite confusing when you end up BECOMING the big triangle himself, careful who you talk to at con ,you never know what could happen.

Disclaimer I DO NOT own Gravity falls or any of its characters nor my little pony fim

Chapters (8)

The Tree of Harmony decides to grow into the outside world. The Everfree forest reacts to this new addition to its ranks. The tree responds in a way that only it can.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom was just helping her sister at a local farmer's market when she met the most unusual employee at a stand. What follows is a filly getting the most unusual and depressing advice she's ever received.

This is a MLPXUndertale crossover. May contain minor spoilers to Undertale.

Chapters (1)

"You’ll have to take her soul. You’ll have to kill LUNA.”

"You’ll have to take her soul. You’ll have to kill LUNA.”

Rising from a timeline nearly lost to Genocide, Twilight Sparkle enters the throne room of the Queen of all Monsters, DETERMINED to make this timeline the last.

At her side is Sunset Shimmer, a disembodied voice halfway between spirit and conscience.

Standing behind her are the hopes and dreams of her friends, each and every monster in the Underground counting on her to set them free.

And in her way stands perhaps her greatest challenge yet. A foe just as determined to set everyone free as she is.

An Undertale MLP crossover AU with a twist. Set around the player's final confrontation with ASGORE.

Spoilers for Undertale may ensue.

Chapters (2)

After unusual circumstances leave them forever changed, the Cutie Mark Crusaders embark on one final adventure to regain what they've lost.

Gore tag is chiefly due to Zombie Apple Bloom being kind of icky and zombie-ish. Read at your own discretion.

Written (partly) for Equestria Daily's Friend Off Event. Based upon the artwork of Balooga.

Even if you are lost in the dark, all you need is a single light to find your way home.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sleepless Snuggles

Princess Celestia is often viewed as a mother to all ponies under her rule. She would never hesitate to aid those in need; Such as when she visits an orphanage in Canterlot to aid with a fundraiser. However, a chance encounter with a colt holding big dreams to his heart would soon hold drastic changes for her.

Contains: Momlestia and weaponized cuteness.

Cover pic by Ruanshi

Beautifully read by the talented Lotus Moon.

Chapters (1)

Featured Nov 6, 2018 at 18:30 PST
A reporter from The Canterlotter magazine tries to find the true Twilight Sparkle when she comes home to Canterlot after fighting for a return of harmony. This is the resulting article and accompanying artwork. It paints a picture of a Twilight Sparkle few have seen.

For the sake of the FimFiction terms of publication, this is a work of original prose fiction and qualifies as a story. It slots into the Enforcerverse but is completely standalone. The events take place immediately after the closing scene in The Return of Harmony - Part 2.

A big thank you for pre-reading and opinions about the artwork to DoContra. All typos, errors, and omission are my responsibilty. Feel feel to report any typos, write a comment (please please please), or leave a critique (but do cite the paragraphs you are discussing). Please remember to press the like button!

Chapters (1)

Sent to the Equestria Girls verse and going back to high school isn't so bad when I've got the combined power of several of my favorite fictional ninjas. My name before no longer matters. Now I am Kohtaro Hanzō a Master Shinobi. This is my story.

Edit 1: Kohtaro's Token is a scroll with this written inside. "To any that find this write down the job on the lines at the bottom of the scroll that you’d like the Shinobi of the Hidden Phoenix Village to take. Know that we will need to be paid for our services and the more dangerous the mission the more expensive it will be and have the right to deny any mission if we feel that it is necessary. Ryu the Shinwa no Kage, 神話の影, The Myth Shadow." There is no audible message

This is one of two characters I designed to be completely overpowered. the other being in The Archer of Twilight

Edit: This is going on hiatus for awhile because I want to work on it but the inspiration and ideas just isn't there.

Chapters (4)

Luna discovers a vast and ancient being approaching Equus. When she and Celestia go to meet it, they see into the early dawn and eternal twilight of their universe.


Based off of a thought/realization I had in my studies.

Illustration "Black Islands" used under creative commons share-alike, which the artist (Equestria-Prevails) put all of his art under.

Chapters (2)