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Twilight finds herself face-to-face with someone she’s lost over fifty years ago. Only she doesn’t look the same.

Chapters (1)

Ever since Luna returned from her banishment and been cleansed by the Elements of Harmony, she has always been worried that she would turn back into Nightmare Moon. So without telling anypony she made a magical construct, named the Tantabus, that would plague her with dreams and nightmares of what would happen if she did turn.

That is until one night the Tantabus did something that Luna never thought would happen, it gave her a good dream.

Holy hand grenade! This for featured! 05/24/2017

The story is inspired by stories Tantabus, Mk. II and Aunthood Issues by the great Rambling Writer

Go check them out if you haven't :)

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna ordered the Tantabus to torture her dreams every night so that she would never consider returning to the dark path she once trod as Nightmare Moon.

Luna should have remembered just how difficult it was for her to obey rules before she used her own essence to create what was, in effect, a smaller, more headstrong version of herself.

The Tantabus is determined to follow the true purpose of her command, no matter the consequences, large or small.

Or very, very small.

Now with a reading by ABagOfVicodin (who is open for fanfic reading commissions)
Done to go with the episode Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

Editors: Tek, Peter, Hilltopper2, Winston, Monarch Dodora

Now on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle made the first synthetic intelligence. When it eventually succumbed to file corruption, Death really had no idea what to do with it. Luckily, there are forms for this kind of thing.

AN: I grabbed a prompt from and wrote it. Just needed something new.

Chapters (1)

After meeting a strange merchant in a convention, I thought my life couldn't get any weirder.

Now I have my favorite video game character's powers and abilities. I have a full powered Varia Suit with all the upgrades from Metroid games without the other appearances. I have combat knowledge I never had before. I even have a talking hunter-class gunship to live in.

Well, I guess I should protect others, not like Equestria needs bounty hunters right?

Chapters (26)

'This mare is not the mare I asked to be with me during my free time. I ask to be free of bond, and not to be force fed whatever gack they feed me. I'll escape, and I'll show them.'

Read the new sequel!

Written because of this.

Chapters (1)

Somepony summons the Abyss. Yes, THAT abyss. Look, everypony should be fine just so long as they don't stare too hard.

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestrian Border Checkpoint

Hi, I’m Anon. I’m the asshole in the booth at the Checkpoint. See, ever since I came to the Equestrian Border Checkpoint of Manehatten, I’ve done two things. Stamp papers, and yell at people. I do both of these things really well. Now, without further ado, get your shit and get out, you’re holding up the line.

Papers Please does NOT belong to me, but there isn’t a tag for it. Sex tag is for references to sex. Also, there’s a shizzle ton of swear words. It get heckin hectic.

Amazing Cover art by LazyHooves
Chapters 1-14: The Human Arc
Chapters 15-28: The War Arc

Chapters (44)

I've always wondered what your kind looked like in your Golden Age.

How you survived hundreds to possible thousands of cataclysmic events, and yet still be standing stronger than before.

Yet when the time came and all your glory lost to time and faith:

You were the only one left of your deific people.


Cover art credited to x-ste-x.
An idea that was in my head, please give me your thoughts on this concept.
27 May -- 31 May this was on the featured. Thank you all for liking this fic.

Chapters (2)

Princess Luna was never loved amongst her ponies. Her older sister Celestia always got all the attention. Princess Luna even questioned herself why she even became a princess. Her Ponies never bothered to look at the night sky. All they cared about her sister's warming sun.

One night she found something in Everfree forest. Something that changed her entire life.....forever.

It was a child. A child named....Ori who is a Spirit Guardian who was separated from his father the Spirit tree.

Luna took Ori in and raised him as her own. She loved him so much that she began to change more and more. Luna began to care more about being a mom than her royal duties. They had happy life together, but not all good things last forever.

Luna is banished to the moon. A giant owl named Kuro takes the spirit Tree's light and Everfree forest begins to dye and starts to attract hostel creatures like Timber Wolves, Manticores, Hydras and Cockatrices.

Will Ori ever set Luna free ? Will he help Sein get to back to the Spirit Tree before its too late ?

Discover what really happend before Luna became Nightmare Moon. Discover the true secrets of Everfree forest. Discover how everything in pony history came to be. COMPASSION is Magic

Cover art by The-Butcher-X

Chapters (3)