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Flurry Heart spent most of her foalhood listening to stories of favourite Aunt Twilight Sparkle's many accomplishments.

Now a young mare seeking her place in the world, Flurry has attempted to model herself in Twilight's image. One could even say that Flurry idolizes her aunt.

Twilight wishes she didn't.

It's time for a chat.

*Set 15 years after the end of Friendship is Magic*

Huge thank you to kalash93 and son_of_heaven176 for their tremendous work on editing and proofreading!

*Coverart is not owned by me, all credit goes to kiwi4578 on Derpibooru*

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I'll Always be Here for You

A budding love, a new family.

Rescued from her horrible parents by Twilight and Rainbow, Scootaloo begins a long journey of recovery from the years of mental and physical abuse. Now Rainbow’s and Twilight’s adopted daughter, she looks forward to what the future has in store for her. However, Scootaloo's happiness and her life are at risk now that her parents have escaped from prison, fully intent on revenge.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and Twilight try to make their relationship work as they face the difficulties of raising a filly together. To accomplish their dream of a happy family, they all must face numerous challenges that will test the strength of their love and friendship.

Chapters (30)

The Witch of the Everfree... a tale that has spread among all who live by the ever illustrious forest, to whom the witch truly is, no one knows apart from the one herself... until now. Twilight Sparkle had lived in the Everfree throughout most of her long life, since the corruption she was alone until not long ago when she met few companions. Trained along side her sisters through bond in arcane magic, given true immortality, she continued her studies alone only every now and again seeing how her race fared. Now, forty years after she was dubbed a witch by her race, three little girls stumble through her woods in search of the ever mysterious "witch", what could really happen? read to find out.

FEATURED: 16/03/14

Many have wondered what Twilight looks like and such so to clarify, she does not look like a human female, she retains her fur coat, she is of human height and has hands. The facial structure is more detailed such as where the eyebrows should be there is a darker patch of coat much in the color of her mane.

The story starts a few episodes in, around halfway through season one I would say, some shall stay canon whilst some with alter, I am sorry for this inconvenience.

Twilight is still Twilight in every way, though she has been with little to no contact throughout her life apart from when the Everfree retained people, in such her words would become haggard sometimes so that's why you will probably go "huh" when you first see her talk to the CMC.

That is all for now.

Chapters (12)

My take on the events of the first EQG movie in the continuity of the Hive Series by law abiding pony. Set between the events of Of the Hive and For the Hive.

While representing the hive of Stripped Gear at a Equestrian Princess Symposium in the Crystal Empire, Twilight Sparkle finds the Element of Magic, which she had been using as a crown, being stolen by a mysterious unicorn that escapes with it through a magical mirror. Now it is up to Twilight to find her way in the strange world on the far side of this portal and retrieve the stolen Element before it can disrupt the balance of this other world.

Chapters (11)

While reading together and talking, Eric Reed makes a "brother-sister" bet with his Equestrian "big sister" Twilight Sparkle that she couldn't go one week without reading anything, and she takes the bet.

At first, Twilight does all right without reading, but as the week goes on, the Princess of Friendship becomes more and more unstable. If she keeps it up, it'll be "Lesson Zero" all over again!

But this time, Twilight's an Alicorn, and if she loses it again, Princess Celestia won't fly in to save the day.

Oh, buck.

Good luck, everypony. Good luck.

This story takes place after my "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" story, but it's not required to read it first to understand this story (and laugh at the mayhem somepony will cause) other than to learn more on the backstory of the OC human character Eric Reed, how and why he's in Equestria, and how his brother-sister friendship with Twilight formed. However, here's the link to it if you'll want to check it out, and it's a 18-chapter story,

A Giant Adventure to Equestria

Also special thanks to TheHardie-Boy for suggestions to the story.

Chapters (3)

A few days after the Nightmare Moon Incident, Spike awakens to find Twilight acting a little...odd. Or odder than usual anyway. All of a sudden she's being all motherly, sure of herself in ways she's never been before, and even more outgoing.

But…it’s kind of creepy how she just seems to know everypony’s name, or their habits, and even some stuff nopony else should know.

But she's still good old Twilight...right?

Featured 5/28/2014

Chapters (11)

It's been 100 years since her friends have passed. Deprived of her royalty, her magic, and her will to keep moving.

Deluded into believing that she could bring her friends back, she is tricked into giving up all of her magic, it being sealed in a scroll. Now she roams Equestria, the evil spell leaving her wingless but still immortal, regaining magic and power through ancient scripts. Searching for the one who took the little she had left away from her.

Hlight foresetten pliht

(Art by NCMares)

Chapters (3)

Being friends with Pinkie Pie requires a certain kind of patience. She offers plentiful rewards in exchange... but sometimes those rewards are themselves the problem. After a prolifically provisioned practice session, the two most calorie-conscious members of the Rainbooms decide they've had enough.

Sunset just wants to know how she got roped into the madness.

Chapters (1)

"Legends are for foals", they say, but Applebloom hopes with all her heart that a certain legend is real for the sake of her family when Sweet Apple Acres experiences a sudden spell of infertility. How futile is it to wish upon a bedtime story?

Chapters (1)

Kendrick... some would describe him as an asshole, some would call him ambitious. Nobody would call him normal, or kind, or caring.

Karma needs a warrior, someone who could reach for greatness, someone who is brave. She finds it within someone never expected.

Chapters (16)