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Chrysalis sent Twilight deep into the abandoned caves beneath Canterlot to stop her from interfering with her conquest of Equestria, but what if that was not the first time Twilight has been down there. And what if Celestia was not the first individual to take notice of Twilight's potential, nor the most powerful. What happens when the hunger for love clashes with the hunger for knowledge. And which will Twilight choose?

Cover by Santafer

My little pony is owned by Hasbro
Elder scrolls is owned by Bethesda Softworks

Chapters (34)

When you've lived for thousands of years, most everypony considers you immortal. Princess Celestia once thought she was as well, but it seems that the last few millennia have finally caught up with her. As she brings together her young friends, they all must try and come to terms with the unthinkable.

Inspired by this post on /r/mlpwritingprompts by /u/Wind-Walker.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Final Moments of Princess Celestia

A thousand years after the passing of Princess Celestia, Luna feels she is nearing the end of her own journey through mortality. Twilight has been hoping against hope to delay this day or banish it entirely, but not even an alicorn princess can stop the march of time.

Chapters (2)

What is the meaning of life?
For me it means getting a second chance.
You wouldn't think that buying a simple Pearl from an old geezer at a gas station would transport you to Equestria right?
Now I'm stuck here with this Pearl on my forehead in a stupid ballerina costume and I may or may not have ticked off an all powerful love eating changeling queen...

"How dare you attack the Queen of the changelings! I'll turn you into a hat!"

Whoops... I guess this inter-dimensional message isn't as fool proof as I thought! I'll have to cut this short!
Seriously though, if anyone is reading this please send help!

[inspired to write this after seeing so many of these crossovers! Mainly inspired though by 'Land of Friendship and Magic' :D]

Chapters (22)

This is going to be a series that loosely follows the Story of Devil May Cry but not exactly.

Twilight Arrives on Mallet island after Receiving a Quest to stop an unknown evil, from Celestia.

Set 150 years after the events of Nightmare moon, Twilight sits alone in her library sitting there waiting for something to happen. Still fresh in her mind are the memories that she shared with her friends, the elements of Harmony.

I suck at writing introductions so go for it...

Credit to MetaDragonArt for the the Cover art

*I want everyone to know that
Devil May Cry Belongs to Capcom
And My Little Pony Belongs to Hasbro (Though everyone already knows this)*

Chapters (4)

The Life Aura Center is one of Equestria's top medical research centers, the producer of spells and medicines that have cured many once-fatal illnesses, and they continue to produce quality technology and cures. No one wants to think that they're doing anything unethical, but Celestia has her suspicions, so she sends Twilight to investigate.

One symbiotic pairing with an alien later, Twilight realizes Celestia was right to be suspicious. Now, working together with the strange creature inhabiting her body, Twilight will have to expose the center's shocking truth. And not get killed in the process. It's gonna be a wild ride.

Now with an audio reading by Mr. Snarky on YouTube! Please give him your support!
Part 1 Chapters 1-4
Part 2 Chapters 5-12
Part 3 Chapters 13-19
Part 4 Chapters 20-25

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

Like my content? Buy Me a Coffee!

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Another End

After Twilight refused to become immortal, Celestia realizes what it truly means to be immortal.

Inspired by/based off Black Gryph0n and Bassik's song: IMmortal.

The story is a sequel, but it is completely unnecessary to read it's prequel. It just gives a clearer understanding to what happened/what is going on.

It's also my birthday today... At least, when I published this.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has successfully restored her friends' cutie marks to normal. But something still remains to be fixed.

Starswirl the Bearded's spell.

But something happens to Twilight... Something that makes her friends prove what they would do for her.

Based off of Black Gryph0n and Bassik's song: Another End. The final song in their IMmortal album. The link isn't for a YouTube Video because they aren't all there. The link is to their bandcamp page where you can listen to all the songs in the album.

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows that Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon using the Elements of Harmony. But what nopony expected was for Princess Luna to be safe there. While the Nightmare prowled around the perimeter of her prison, Luna developed a surprising bond with a pony on Equus who has kept her company for the past twenty years. But now, the barriers holding her safe grow thinner.

Every young foal knows that the story of Nightmare Moon's banishment is just an old pony's tale to keep foals from letting envy get the better of them. But Twilight Sparkle knows better. Since she was a filly, she's had a friend who speaks to her in her dreams. When she found out that this friend was Princess Luna, trapped in her moon, she dedicated her life to trying to find a way to free her. But now that the time has come for Nightmare Moon's escape, can Twilight rescue the mare of her dreams?

AU of the first episode where Twilight was obsessed with Princess Luna instead of Celestia. My entry for Equestria Daily's Super Hearts and Hooves Day Lovefest Fanfic Event. Please let me know if there's any problems and I'll do my best to fix them. Fingers crossed the slight suggestions of gore don't disqualify me but I can remove them if it's an issue.

Chapters (1)

Falling into a volcano trying to impress people isn't very fun, and while it was quite hot for a very long time, eventually I actually started to feel a tad chilly, after a while though I blacked out, and woke up in a burning field, as a horse no less.

Featured 06/09/2016 (what did I do? How? I'm not this popular, if I knew this would happen I would have gone through and re-edited my grammar before I posted. Now I feel like a jerk.)

Featured 06/11/2016
Featured 3/26/2018
The editor is The Wind King
Proofreader is Nonameknight

Chapters (13)