• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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No longer a powerless blank-flank, Twilight, together with her friends, faces the return of Nightmare Moon... with Twilight having no idea what her magic might do next!

Sequel to Twilight Runs Away.

Also serves as Luna's entry in the "Nightmare" series of independent stories about the redemption of each of the alicorn Princesses (see Friendmaker and Daybreaker). Note: you do not need to read these before Nightwaker. But if you choose to circle back to them at some point, I won't mind!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Grand Gala

Less than a week has passed since the Grand Gala.

And while everything seems to be normal a long lost city, Krystalopolies has reappeared and so has another old foe of Celestia and Luna, Rey Sombra.

With Shining Armor and Cadance already there and holding back the shadow king, it is up to Twilight and company to find a way to save the residents of Krystalopolies and Mystica at large from the fear and hatred of Sombra and his desires to bring the world to absolute order, his order.

Can Twilight and friend best the well-laid plans of Sombra for his return? Will Mystica remain free of Sombra's malice or will Sombra rule them all?

Cover art used with permission by Didji, so support him

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Anointing

As the Fall Equinox approaches, Starlight Glimmer has received an invitation to her former village's Fall Equinox celebration.Seeing Starlight's nervousness about how things could go, Twilight suggests that Starlight takes a friend.
Electing to go with Trixie, Starlight ends up leaving early out of fear of becoming the tyrant she was before.
However, upon Starlight's return to Magiville, something seems off about Twilight and the others.
In the dark of the night Starlight uncovers that her suspicions were well founded, Queen Chrysalis has returned and has taken the diarchs, Twilight, and her friends. And with a report from Thorax, even Cadance, Shining Armor, and the baby Flurry Heart.
Just when all hopes seem lost, Discord takes a moment to remind everyone that the demigods aren't the only powerful beings in Mystica.

Now with Trixie, Thorax, and Discord, Starlight must brave the realm of the Changelings, The Caer Sith.
Can Starlight and the others save Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Flurry, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie?
Can they stop Chrysalis' attempt of revenge?
Or will the Queen of the Changelings succeed in draining all the love out of Mystica for her and the hive?

A My Little Mages AU Retelling of Where and Back Again

Cover art made by Didj, go support his work.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The New World Map

It has been the better part of a year since Twilight et al faced Starlight, and while much has happened, it has been for the most part a peaceful year. However, after believing she sighted Starlight at a guest lecture she was presenting, Twilight is unsure if everything is as peaceful as she thought. Her fears are revealed to be well founded as she and Spike return to the Castle of Friendship to find Starlight at the Aura Map table. After casting a spell and discarding the scroll it was written on, Starlight vanishes in portal she evoked. And after Spike touched the scroll, Twilight and Spike are sent to day that Rainbow Dash preformed her first Sonic Rainboom, only to witness it being stopped.

Now flung into a preset drastically different from their time, Twilight and Spike must find away to set the time stream on it's proper course. But Starlight has not made it easy to counter this.

Can Twilight correct the course of history?
Can she save Mystica and the rest of the world from ruin?
Or will Starlight have her complete revenge on Twilight, no matter the cost?

A My Little Mages retelling of The Cutie Remarking
Cover art by Didj (go support his work)

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Seraphic Guidance

After Sunburst found the only uncounted for grinorum of Star Swirl the Great in a blind-buy barrel and finding out the fate of Star Swirl and the other five other legendaries, Twilight seeks to save her ideal and in turn rescue the other legendaries.

What could possibly go wrong?

A My Little Mages AU retelling of Shadow Play

Chapters (5)

Since her banishment, Nightmare Moon has planned her Revenge. Now her 1000 year imprisonment has ended and she is out to take what is hers.
However the young Arcane Mage, Twilight Sparkle, will do all she can to stop Nightmare Moon, but Nightmare Moon is not alone as she has formed a small but powerful army.
However Twilight is also not alone, as five other mages, Applejack The Paladin, Rainbow Dash The Elementalist, Fluttershy The Druid, Rarity The Enchantress & Pinkie Pie The Jester will stand by her.
Can they save Mystika from Eternal Night? What will Nightmare Moon employ to achieve her goal? And will Twilight learn the Magic of Friendship

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Siege of Krystalopolies

It has been weeks since the return of Krystalopolies, and in fact just two weeks until the Summer Sun Celebration, and Twilight Sparkle believe this is a perfect day, not only that it is her first time as the lead on Magivillie monthly Musical Thursday. However the actions of the night before shows that she had accidently cast a spell that swapped the lives of her five closest friends.

Can she figure out how to return things to normal? Or will her friends be forced to live out these new destinies?

A My Little Mages take on "Magical Mystery Cure"

Warning this is a musical.

Cover image by Didj and used with permission.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Remarking of Time

After moving into The Castle of Friendship, Starlight has begun her lessons in friendship under Twilight's wings. However, the Summer Sun Celebration is only a day away and Shining Armor and Cadance's baby is expected any day.
As Twilight is excited about the arrival of her niece or nephew and has found out that Starlight's first friend Sunburst has moved to Krystalopolies, once the invitation to the Crystaling of the newborn arrived, the decision was made.
However once in Krystalopolies, Twilight finds out that Shining and Cadance could use her help. Thus Starlight has to confront her old friend with Spike and a Twilight checklist.

What about Shining Armor's and Cadance's child can cause so much stress on the two?
Will Starlight and Sunburst reconnect?

Wait... Did I hear that correctly? The Crystal Heart Broke? And the Wendigos have returned???

Can a solution be found or will Krysalopolies be blanketed in ice and snow?

A My Little Mages AU Retelling of "The Crystaling"

Cover art by ig-64, and used with permission

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mage: The Play of Shadows

The Storm King has been defeated, and Mystica is free. However, upon Twilight, et al's arrival back in Magiville and the Castle of Friendship, they noticed that the Aura Map had expanded. Knowing that they cannot handle everything alone. Twilight's solution, start a school to teach friendship.
And with students from several of Mystica's allies, Yona the Ork from Yakyakistan, Ocellus the light elf from Car Sith, Silverstream the aasimar from Mt. Aris, Smolder the dragon and Gallus the harpy,
All that's needed, to pass the accreditation assessment, what could go wrong?

A My Little Mages retelling of School Daze

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: An Apprentice’s Holiday

Shortly after the Sunset Festival, Starlight, Trixie, Discord, and the newly crowned King Thorax are honored with Mystica's highest reward for actions of bravery, The Pink Hearts of Courage.

However, as the party starts after the ceremony, Discord points out how far Starlight has come and that Twilight needs to address that in her teaching.

Twilight needs advice, who better than her own mentor, Princess Celestia.

an My Little Mages AU retelling of Celestial Advice

cover art by Didj (it's an older print not found on his DeviantArt as it is), go support him

Chapters (3)