• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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The year is 2559. The two Jirilhanae brothers known as Pavium and Voridus have barely managed to halt the spread of the flood and defeat the proto-gravemind. However victory is not yet within their grasp. When their leader orders them to secure the breach, the pair find themselves hunting flood forms once more. One of which manages to escape the brothers grasp and ends up activating a portal into a new world. Now the brothers must follow the parasite into this unknown land and stop it before the infectious parasite takes hold of a new land and brings the end of ponykind. After all, one single flood spore can destroy a species...

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to I Am The Villain!

Emperor McBad, villain, hybrid, Emperor of Bananaramma (previously the Crystal Empire), Liberator of the Equestrian Republic.

His Empire including reformed villains of all kinds, his technology advanced, and his Corporation safely in peace. Sounds like he should be able to lean back and relax, right?

Yeah, as if things are going to be normal around McBad.

Chapters (9)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...

All Hell broke loose.

Meet Mister Officer, Awesome Police, who was pulled away from his 1970's Earth and thrust into the golden age of Equestria. Along with his deputy Sergeant Reckless, and a lack of any real law knowledge, the duo go around Canterlot dealing with crimes no other pony dares tackle.

These are their stories, their heroics, and their passion for fighting crime and punishing those who do wrong to others.


Pre-read by Snakeskin Ducttape, and not properly edited by anyone, including me.

Chapters (3)

When Chrysalis discovers a portal in the badlands, the fallen Queen flees through it to escape King Thorax and his new subjects. Plotting her revenge, she takes the place of a young man, only for him to fall through the portal and into Equestria.
The young man is Allan Ryder, a Twenty-Three year old from Vancouver, who is transformed into a Changeling by the magic of the portal. From there, it's a race against time to prepare for a battle that only one side can win. Allan will need all the help and training he can get from his new friends, and perhaps a bit of love as well.
This is the story Of Men and Insects.

This is my first story about ponies, though I do have another I am also working on at the same time. This fic contains shipping of a cannon character with an OC.
This takes place right after season six, and as such, will not be effected by future episodes of the show (Unless I want to write about them :3). It also assumed that the Equestria Girls movies, and the comics are canon, featuring references, and maybe even appearances, of characters from those worlds.
Allan Ryder is a character created for this story, as are all of his family and friends, and any additional human characters from his world. In other words, they're mine.
All other characters and places set in either Friendship is Magic or Equestria Girls belong to our lords and masters at Hasbro inc.

Rated teen for swearing and mature language. Added the 'sex', 'violence, 'gore' and 'profanity' tags due to violence, mild bloodshed, barely concealed innuendos, and mature language.

Chapters (40)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Enchanted Enigma Elixir

It has been a year since Twilight moved to Magiville, and a lot has happened, she and her friends stopped Discord and started him on a path of reformation, they have helped drive back an invasion, they helped save a lost city, among other things and to top the list, Twilight had recently ascended into a demigod and is Mystica's newest princess. As the Summer Sun Celebration and the first anniversary of her friendship with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. However, a day before the Summer Sun Celebration, chaos starts to ensue yet again as Celestia and Luna have both vanished, the sky is both day and night, and black vines have started to infest Magiville. Can Twilight and company solve this? Or will Harmony fall apart?

Cover image by EmberDim, and used with permission.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Royal Wedding

The Grand Gala is finally here.
Twilight and each of her friends are excited for their night.
Applejack: Executing the catering and expanding business not only for Sweet Apple Temple, but the whole of the Apple Clan, maybe help a silent giant find love
Rainbow Dash: Meeting with and networking with the Wonderbolts, maybe the final push into getting into the academy
Fluttershy: Simply seeing if she can reach out other druids and enjoy herself as she confronts her phobias
Pinkie Pie: Party, make the party the best it can be for everyone, maybe help her shy sister find someone she'll open up too
Rarity: To meet and court Prince Blueblood
Twilight Sparkle: To spend time with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna
Spike and the CMC: Just to have fun

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Kingdom of Friendship

Nightmare Moon; reformed into Luna
Discord; Work in Progress
Chrysalis; Haven't heard from in a while
Sombra; Stopped and body destroyed
Sunset; Turned over a new leaf
Tirek; Banished to Tartarus
The Sirens; Transformed and missing

Twilight and her friends have returned to the recently constructed Castle of Friendship, and Twilight's new home, with an ever-increasing list of accomplishments. But as they finally get to look the place over as they should, they summon a map of the world and it calls them to a spot in the middle of no-where.

What will they face there?
A harmless road trip?
Another world-threating force?
Only traveling there can tell.

A My Little Mages AU retelling of The Cutie Map

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Weight of the Crown

Following her lack of involvement greeting of the Magetonian duke and duchess for the Mystica Games, on top of so many things since her coronation and the return of the Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony, Twilight finds herself in doubt about herself and her role as a princess.

However, a mistake from a year ago has come to haunt her as another old foe Celestia and Luna faced has escaped Tartarus, Lord Tirek, the Spell Thief.

In the meantime, the box the Tree of Harmony gave her remains unopened.

Can Twilight solve the riddle of the box?
Can she and her friends defeat Tirek?
Or will Tirek leave Mystica as little more than dust in the wind?

A retelling of Twilight's Kingdom in this My Little Mages AU.
Cover art by Didj and used with permission

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: Erisomachy

It has been a month since Twilight and her friends fought and sealed Discord away in stone. However, another event in Mystica has come up for Twilight and her friends, the wedding of Twilight's older brother, Shining Armor being held in Chantalot.
Upon arriving Twilight meets the bride, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. Upon seeing her, Twilight remembers that Mi Amore Cadenza was Twilight's former sitter, Cadance. However, something seemed off about Cadance, who wants go by her royal name. As Twilight oversees the preparations being managed by her friends and Mi Amore Cadenza being terrible behinds their back.
Twilight concludes that something is wrong.
Is Twilight right about Mi Amore Cadenza?
Is Mi Amore Cadenza just not a kind person and Twilight was wrong about her past?
Is Twilight just paranoid and perceive of her older brother?
Or is there something else going on and can Twilight stop the wicked plot unfolding within Chantalot?

Cover art, used with permission, by Didji

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to My Little Mages: The Revenge of Nightmare Moon

Winter has come and gone since Twilight Sparkle moved to Magiville, now as Spring has kicked off and the Royal Gala is getting closer and closer. However, an old foe of Celestia and Luna has re-emerged.

After an argument between the Cutie Mage Crusaders(CMC), the Erisadies, Discord, now free from his stones prison, has stolen the Elements of Harmony and had set up a 'test' for Twilight and Company. Will they stand tall? Will Chaos reign supreme? Can Twilight show the power of Friendship Or will Discord tear the world asunder?

Cover art by Rainywindmill and used with permission

Chapters (5)