• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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Louis Terwilliker has just accepted his teaching license, being the first human in Equestria to do so. But I don't think he expected his first job to be at a place that was full of females, in both student and staff.

And when he stumbles upon a piece of a mad god from another universe that this one doesn't even know about, he's going to have, as the Cuphead Devil would say, one HELL of a time.
My own take on the HiE fics, as well as the "Spike goes to an all girl academy" fic. R63 is expected, alternate universe as shown, Equestria is part of the USA (its history is easier to remember than Equestrian, I'm ashamed to admit), events leading up to the clopping (John de Lancie blushes) will be shown, but not the actual thing.

And awaaay we go!

Chapters (6)

Storm (noun)
a violent disturbance of the atmosphere...rain, thunder, lightning, snow

=== [1] ===
A hateful serpent lying in wait.
An alicorn underneath the churning waves.
A cowardly king who saw the face of death.
An ancient wizard past his prime.
Two fillies lost in a world, responsibility thrust onto them.
A drakoness with the world taken from her.

An ancient force as old as Life seeks to enact his vengeance on the world, empowered by the tensions building in the land, people at odds with one another and each kingdom on edge. A young drakoness is the victim of his bloody crusade, fueling her on a single-minded path to vengeance.

She must fight against an omnipotent foe with impossible odds stacked against her, while not losing herself as a person in her journey. She is Tempest - and this is her story.

=== [2] ===

Power that the world had not seen in an eternity tore the lands apart.

In the distance, the dragons began to roar.

In the distance, bells began to ring.

And deep below stirred the Queen of Storms.

Chapters (26)

What would happen if your life changes after you find out your best friend was a Merchant who sends everyone to another dimension. And one of them was me.

My name is Ryan, I'm the big fan of swords, I'm otaku who enjoys anime, mangas, cartoons and my little pony.

I blame my best friend to show me many animes and this cartoon. But what happened must be in the past. One past I really want to forgets about my life. I hope you enjoy my new life the same way I'm enjoying now.

Have a teen tag because of sexual and swear language. Not clop, sorry, but not so much XD.

Non edited: But who cares? It's no my first language anyway. Enjoy the story.

FEATURED 12/05/2019.

Chapters (20)

Twilight's world is what she could say... Normal. Her life as a scientist is not easy, but few can truly say their lives trulyare, and now, she's just trying to make her new experiment work.
But she did not expect that someday not only her experiment would work but would also guide her to an entirely different world inhabited only by monsters and a Beautiful and immortal girl.

Pairing: Sci Twilight x Sunset Shimmer

Chapters (37)

You know when you are really stressed out and need a bit of a break from the real world? Well Josh sure thought he needed a break, at least until he got exactly that. Ever wonder what it's like to meet something magical and amazing? A bat pony maybe?
Josh sure wishes he never did.

Cover art by Grim_Grin.

Thank you editors!
Current editor:Myself
Past editors:JackRipper

Special thanks to MV for helping me get my story started out.

Chapters (12)

Princess Celestia was sure that the day was going to be great. The Sun shone bright in the sky, the birds were singing, and nothing could possibly go wrong. That was, until she received some rather grim news concerning her sister.

She thought she'd been clear enough about things last time.

Polish translation by Dolar84.
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.
Audio reading by Pony&Wolf Productions.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Secrets and Lies (phase one)

In the year 2035 on the planet of sol the conflict between Solar Empire and New lunar Republic has slowly escalate a regional conflict could break out very soon. But in new Equestria Princess Twilight Sparkle watch helplessly as her mentor Celestia and Luna begin a war that no one could win. Know if conflict spill out from that Region her small country of New Equestria and her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle country of Crystal Empire could fall. Princess Twilight Sparkle with encouragement of her sister-in-law Princess Cadance Sparkle has reach out to New Equestria Strongest ally New Sirius and wolf defense force for military aid to protect her small country. President Veronica Sterling head of New Sirius agree to sent aid if New Equestria can get the backing of United Animal Council Security council.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle (You) desperately flees from the latest in a seemingly endless line of predators: The Humans. For years they've stalked the unicorn through the refuge of the whitetail woods, each time waiting for the moment her guard drops to strike. Exceptional teleportation keeps her just a hair ahead of her assailants again and again, but just what happens when that luck runs out?

Prequel to "Staying out of trouble", "Chase" explains just how Twilight ends up in her future situation as well as explores under just what circumstances friendships can form. "Chase" is canon but not required reading to understand "SOoT".

Chapters (8)

A human woke up in a dark room. His head was aching and he also didn't have any memories of his past life, if he even had one.

He knew there was a reason for him to be here, but he just couldn't recall it, no matter how hard he tried. The only thing that he remembered is a deep, powerful voice speaking to him, ordering him to do something or to say something.

So his quest began. He had to find out why he was here, in a world, where horses could talk.

Chapters (9)

The Enterprise has swooped in for the rescue as they aid their allies in Equestria against the dreaded alien bug-horses. However, they make the lethal mistake of sending in their security forces before their ranking officers...

Oh well, it could be worse. They could've sent in a legion of Stormtroopers...

*Second story I've ever made got featured Whoop! Whoop!*

Chapters (1)