• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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This story is a sequel to The Redshirts Defend Canterlot

The First Order has come to the "aid" of Equestria. They make the vital mistake of sending in Kylo Wren as well as a legion of stormtroopers.

Could be worse, they could've sent in a horde of Redshirts...

Chapters (1)

For all to long the false Empire Order has ruled over Inamorta, bringing naught but chaos in it’s wake. When Order causes this disorder, The Chaos Empire strikes. Now, Order fights a two front war as we rise up. We must unite if we are to take out Order! And tonight, we march!

For we are the Archidons, with bows so accurately piercing they shall fall before they get a chance to stand!

For we are the Swordwrath, swords so sharp limbs will sever at mere sight!

For we are the Speartons, born to die, but not before them!

For we are the Magikill, and today we summon Unity!

And we march, to take back our land, to push out the Chaos invaders, and to bring glory to our Empires!

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Detective jakkid166 Go Equestria Now

Detective jakkid166 might be th greatest detective in the world, but what he ISNT is gonna be found out! Today his past comes back to haunt him when he go back to we do the he has to find out who is causing the murders of the around the world. In this spawling epic he will come across friends and bad not friends and find out if he is truly frothy of his detective title. And also theres ponies like Twilight and stuff. So read it or else you will miss the stunning big part 3 of the DETECTIVE jakkid166 equestria series!

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to A Thief's Tale: The Road to Redemption

They say that dreams are connected to your memories, whether they be past present or future. When Twilight Sparkle begins dreaming of events that she hasn't lived through, she wonders if they're some of Luna's nightly flights of fancy or if they're prophetic, but nothing ever seems to come of them... Other than a mess to clean up in the morning. Months of familiar dreams pass until they stop. For weeks, Twilight dreams of other things that don't involve the handsome pinkish stallion until one fateful summer day.

How do you escape your fate when you're not sure of what it is in the first place? How do you deal with emotions that don't feel like yours? How do you handle memories that don't belong to you?

A Time-Warp of A Thief's Tale: The Road To Redemption from the perspective of Twilight.

*Happens after Chapter Nineteen of A Thief's Tale: The Path To Penance*

Edited by AficionadoAvacado

Chapters (7)

I was sent to Equestria only to be hunted down as if i was an animal. Well now that my friends that I met after being petrified and I are free it's time to leave Equestria and regroup. This time it will be the Darkness to purify the Light but in truth that's only a side effect for our main goal. Revenge. Unfortunately this is a very slow burn plan but that is fine. We've waited for over 5000 years to be free what's a few more? In time those who wronged us will know that wrath of not just a Dungeon Keeper, but a Oni!

Hello everyone. This story was inspired by The Beating of my Heart. by Clockworklich. Please note that this story will be much darker then all of my other stories with the possible exception of Tales of a Lycan-Scale due to me not 100% sure where that one is going to end up with the few plans I currently have for it. Please know that I will change this to Mature if it's needed but to all who read this then I hope you enjoy!

Edit: This is going on hiatus for awhile because I want to work on it but the inspiration and ideas just isn't there.

Chapters (4)

There were many enemies that the Royal Sister defeated, and they ranged from pony-like creatures of shadows to spirits of divine power. Many pages of history were forgotten through time, and who knows how many enemies were defeated during the reign of the Royal Sisters or even before?

One of such long-forgotten enemies was Nicholas the Vampire King. While vampires are usually associated with lunar pegasi, also known as bat ponies, it is not true. Not completely true, at the very least.
Real vampires have long since become a part of ancient folklore. No one has seen them in thousands of years. History became legends, legends became myths, and myths turned into bedtime stories that no one takes seriously anymore.

However... Vampires still live. It is a matter of time before they come back. With the return of their king, how will the history go?

The story takes places after the Luna Eclipsed episode.
The editing for this story is provided by Shadows of Deity. He really helped me make this story more interesting!

Join the Discord to discuss the story and get to know other people who like my stories!

Support me on Patreon if you'd like!

Chapters (17)

* This Story has been rebooted

Sunset Shimmer is a school bully in the making, The Doctor is a intergalactic hero, clearly these two couldn't become companions right? Right?

Co-Writer: Doc Grant, Disavowed Ash

Chapters (9)

What do you do when given the choice between your existence, and the lives of your friends? What would you give up? Your happiness? Your life?

Your soul?

Twilight Sparkle embraces oblivion for her friends, and awakens the Soul of Hope.

Formerly known as The Harmony League.Hero Souls: Awakening FAQ

1. I enjoy writing fight scenes, so this story will be more violent than most MLP stories you'll find... I think. It won't be grimdark violence, but still.

2. This is an Alternate Universe story. The content within this story may or may not match up to canon.

Chapters (55)

This story is a sequel to Pandemic

Six months ago, the world humanity knew had been irrevocably shattered in a way they would never have imagined. ETS -- Equine Transformation Syndrome -- had arrived, a powerful transformation spell attached to an otherwise ordinary flu virus. Only with the assistance of Equestria in the form of Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer had ETS been stopped from transforming all of humanity into ponies.

Humanity had been saved, but at a cost. Hundreds of millions of humans had been fully transformed into ponies, and many did not want to go back. The United States was hit especially hard, with over a quarter of its population as ponies. Friction between humans and ponies, Earth and Equestria, has been growing. Families torn apart by ETS had yet to reconcile.

The collision of worlds that the pandemic had brought had only just begun.

Updates weekly FOR NOW -- may switch to every two weeks in the future. I will announce as such.

Chapters (42)

An homage to stories like The Substitute Demon, ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!!, and 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing

One thousand years ago, the Princesses Celestia and Luna were blindsided by the return of the Masters of Equus. The cult of power-mad alicorns, thought to have been banished from Equestria forever, appeared in the middle of the Princesses' battle for supremacy, and caged them away. The rest of Equestria quickly fell to their might. Even the fearsome Discord was forced to his knees before them. All of Equestria was enslaved, and an era of misery began.

Now, one thousand years later, a lone unicorn mare has learned of a creature that might be able to overthrow the Masters. A creature immune to magic, overwhelming in size and strength, sealed away for centuries uncounted. A creature of ultimate evil: the Smooze.

Unfortunately for Starlight Glimmer, in trying to ensure the creature's obedience, she modified the summoning ritual a bit too far.

Because of her meddling, the soul of a recently-deceased human is pulled from Limbo, and given life, but not exactly a body. Now he has to help her save the world, or face obliteration.

Not much of a choice, is it?

Inspired by Pen Mightier and Bucking Nonsense, the legends who – to my knowledge – popularized the "human in villain's body becomes Equestria's savior" genre. May your inkwells never run dry.

Chapters (11)