• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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This story is a sequel to Sleepless Snuggles

Princess Celestia is often viewed as a mother to all ponies under her rule. She would never hesitate to aid those in need; Such as when she visits an orphanage in Canterlot to aid with a fundraiser. However, a chance encounter with a colt holding big dreams to his heart would soon hold drastic changes for her.

Contains: Momlestia and weaponized cuteness.

Cover pic by Ruanshi

Beautifully read by the talented Lotus Moon.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash, your average girl living in Canterlot, kept making strange things happen randomly without knowing. One day, on her eleventh birthday, she gets an owl telling her that actually she is a witch and needs to go study in Hogwarts, a school for the witches and wizards.
This story is majorly about her first year there.

Chapters (23)

After losing both his mother and his father, due to a group of villains attacking his home, a young Sly Cooper is sent to a nearby orphanage with his family's cane in hand. There he finds Murray, Bentley, Gilda, and Derpy Hooves, the four people that he would eventually come to call family one day. Together they practice their individual talents and pull off some successful heists, all while searching for clues as to the whereabouts of the Fiendish Five, the people that took out Sly's parents... as well as recover the pages of the Thievius Raccoonus.

All of them must deal with the tests and challenges that come with being in a gang of thieves, especially when some tests will push them to their breaking points.

(Sly Cooper/ MLP crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (85)
by Eyes

A long time ago, Luna found a boy. The boy was lost and alone, covered in snot and tears. The boy, named Issac, followed the blue Alicorn and found a home in a castle full of ponies. A castle of two sisters. Lost but no longer alone. His story starts here, but begins much, much, later.

I really don't want to ruin the story for you too much. So, my apologies for the less than descriptive description. Guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Also, the first three chapters are the prologue. After that the style is more like the narratives we all know and love.

Also, that Alt-U tag is important. Twilight finding about Issac completely changes the "Mare in the Moon" opening, leading her to research into the Elements thus figuring out she'll return.

Chapters (9)

The Map decides to suddenly send the Mane 6, plus Spike, on an adventure that will enlighten them all about history that pre-dates their coming into this world. Along with the aid of a new, and mysterious friend.

But as they learn about the past before the past. An older, and far more dangerous enemy then any that has come before, will reveal itself.

(takes place after Twilight's Kingdom episode.)

(Highly inspired by LOTR and similar references)

Chapters (1)

"Do you know what family is? Family, is whatever you decide it is."
Twenty years after the Reaper war Shepard returns to a place she once called home to find someone that will change her and Garrus' life forever.
Four months after the Anon-A-Miss incident Sunset as finally started to trust her friends again, but she still feels like something is missing.
Watch as a few simple choices turn both Sunset's and Shepard's live upside down as they try to get used to their new lives. Lives full of magic and friendship, of family and hope.

Chapters (9)

While Europe sinks into bloody war and the powers of Nazi Germany dominate the continent, a new dark power begins to rise that could destroy them all.

The Nightmare is returning. And all will bow before her glorious night.

Editors: Tek, Mitch H, Cerulean Blue
Photo Credit: Russian documentary on the Nazi saucers in Antarctica.

Nazis and alicorns and rockets, oh my.

Chapters (21)

Gilda only wanted the humble things in life. Cheap rent, copious bits, the respect of her peers, the occasional juicy field-mouse.

Being captured by the Equestrians and dragooned into the Territorials wasn't quite what she'd dreamed of, but at least the rent was free.

And the rats were nice and plump.

Chapters (36)

Twilight Velvet is a mare leading a charmed life. She's always relied on her ability to see a few moments into the future to keep her out of trouble, but when she gets caught up in danger that spans centuries and continents she's going to need to rely on other ponies if she wants to survive this bizarre adventure!

Two decades before the return of the Nightmare, an ancient evil is unearthed by ponies who aren't equipped to recognize it. The fate of the world is at stake in a game of cat-and-mouse between Twilight Velvet and four spirits of chaos!

Written for National Novel Writing Month. I'm going to attempt to publish a chapter every day as I write it, so there will probably be even more editing mistakes than my usual work (if that's even possible).

Chapters (26)

Based on Starscribe's Ponies After People series.

When the Earth's humans were changed into ponies and other magic-tolerant species, most people were tossed into the maelstrom of time to be returned to their home planet changed at a future date. Three thousand years after the Event, a van of archaeology students en route to the University of Hawaii reappears in the middle of a now-overgrown Honolulu. Now they must come to terms of their new bodies and their new world.

Step 1: Figure out how to survive as ponies, a griffon, and a diamond dog on an otherwise uninhabited island.

Step 2: Unravel the mystery of how we got here, and why we're the only ones in a place normally crawling with tourists.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Make contact with the outside world and (if we're really lucky) go home to our families back on the mainland.

Simple, right? Oh and there is the matter of a dangerous artifact we have to keep out of the wrong hands. No pressure.

NaPoWriMo 2017 Winner!
Dedicated to my alpha reader and roommate, Gwelwyth.

Chapters (21)