• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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When Beauty Eyes the new Lamia queen is born her subjects are overjoyed. Soon after she turns ten she goes on an adventure to take back what should have belonged to her and her subject long ago... Equestria

Chapters (9)

My name? It’s Silver but over time I’ve changed it and at this current moment I’ve taken up to being called Moon Lily. I never thought that my story would be revealed to other ponies who weren’t in my family. I just had this thought that my story would stay in the hooves of my family in Canterlot and in my own head, but I guess not. I currently live in the one forest most ponies try to avoid the Everfree forest. I’ve taken up residence in about thirty years after the nightmare moon incident, but I didn’t move here because of my family’s connections I moved here because of my own fear.
Till now my life has been good to me so far but as they say, all good things must come to an end and I’m glad it did because along this journey I have made friends, I have found love once again and it all started with a nightmare and a visit to a Market.

(Authors Note. I am putting this Story on Hiatus. I found an Editor that is going to work with me. we are going to work and fix this story. I've lost how many times that I try to edit this one myself and gotten overwhelmed.)

The cover is done by me as well.

Guest ponies -

Eternal Void
Obsidian Cloud
Chrome Hex
Midnight Temptations
Amplicity Vibe

Chapters (47)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

This story is a sequel to D.N.A: Damned New Administrator

Wrath, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, the Seven Deadly Sins in the seven layers of Hell. Demons eat each other as their previously ordered system falls apart.

Corruption, Insanity, Lust, Greed, Destruction, Betrayal, Pain, the rules of Tartarus. Demons eat each other as the ponies throw more and more into their land. But there is hope.

Takes place at the same time, and is in the same universe as https://www.fimfiction.net/story/427064/dna-damned-new-administrator

Chapters (11)

A 40k imperial guardsman from an inquisitorial retinue finds himself in ponyland. Murder and fear begin to cloud the streets of Baltimare as constable Dusty Trails and her Earth human friend Trace try to uncover the mystery of this murder spree and the strange religious symbolism left behind.

Will Baltimare be able to come back from these brutal crimes or will it be another victim to a dying galaxy in its death throws, echoing to the laughter of thirsting gods?

Set in the Your human and you-verse, roughly, with RGRE seasoning.
Updates sporadically, no time to look over first drafts, thats why theres errors.

Chapters (4)

Twilight finds an ancient book in an abandoned catacomb at Hollow Shades. Upon discovering its secrets, she unleashes an ancient horror on Equestria. But as bad as that is, the poor Alicorn has bigger problems to contend with. Just what dark plans does the dreaded Nyarlathotep have in store for her?

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to What My Cutiemark Is Telling Me

Princess Morgan Annie Spencer. That's my name. I've had it for almost 200 years (certain travels may vary). My sixteenth birthday is in about a two months and I'm bursting at the seems in excitement.
So, what's changed? Oh! I'm an alicorn now. Yeah. That's a whole other mess I don't want to get into. Lilac's ten now, aged slowly by the Traveling. Oh, but she loves it!
It's been nearly five years for me. It's had it's ups and downs. I'm still suffering from the loss of Darcy. I somehow managed to get a boycoltfriend, Bumblebee. He's hiding something from me, and I can't figure it out! I only managed to get him because of a message from Future Morgan, who never lies to me.
Strange things have been happening to me my whole life. It's hard to remember some of them. All I remember for sure is he is trying to ruin my life. He helped turn me human in Equestria. Why can't I remember? Rule Seven says I have to remember everything, and it pisses me off that I forgot!
I'm gonna fix the mess this bastard has caused. I'm gonna find a way to bring Darcy back. I'm gonna get Bumblebee back. I'm gonna win back Lilac's trust. I'm gonna fix all of this.
I Pinkie Promise.

Other Shows Traveled To in This Story: 'Seed of Chucky'. 'Doctor Who.'
The third story in the 'Equestrian Travels' Saga.

Chapters (29)


Morgan Spencer is a reality traveling fan girl. After Twilight Sparkle reads a spell out loud, the Mane 6 end up in Morgan’s world! Morgan has to juggle her two lives, and figure out who she really is along the way.
(Be warned. Chapter 49 contains slight gore (at least by my standards of writings). The rest is still good)

The prequel. is up. Read if you want.

Chapters (48)

This story is a sequel to The Day My Life Ended

My name is Morgan Spencer. I have a... I've done this before? You know about the whole me being a reincarnated Traveler and the events that follow? That’s just great. Well, now what do I do with my day? I guess I could tell you about the first time I jumped inside MLP:FIM up to where I started last time. Yeah, that sounds good. Yeah, let’s do that.

I am Morgan Spencer. This is the tale of how I discovered the magic of Friendship. Or how badly I screwed up the Show.
Watch as I bring Darcy to MLP as Kill Joy, how I deal with a God of Chaos, what I do during the invasion, and what caused the question some people are thinking.
Why was I human in Equestria in the first place?

I made the pic myself on FakeMoviePoster.com and the girl was a digitally created doll 'cause I can't draw. Pretty good otherwise huh?

Chapters (45)

Once Upon a Time...

Equestria is at peace. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have ruled over their little ponies for generations without a serious threat like Discord, Sombra, or Tirek. Equestria has had a chance to live, breathe easily, and grow from coast to coast.

As time has passed and things have changed, the only thing that has remained constant in their lives for the last century has been each other. They've been family, comrades, rulers, saviors. Is it any surprise that they should be lovers?

The one thing they've never been is enemies.

Written for the "Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" Contest.

Tags are for sexual situations involving dubious consent, pain, and the emotional trauma of losing the one person who mattered most. Do not attempt to replicate these stunts without a trained professional present.

Chapters (4)