• Member Since 27th Jan, 2018


An observer of the Chess Game of the Gods and a follower of the sleeper, keeper and reaper.

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Thorax tried to think of how to make Spike Love him, and Starlight offers him some advice, all she has to tell him is "Spike isn't gay" This Tell's Thorax all he need's, the problem isn't him, the problem is that he is a Him, so he set's off to change that and Win Spike's heart.

I am 100% Making this story because I found this picture while surfing the web and found it Adorable in every way.
Warning, this story does have Genderbending.

Chapters (4)

It's the Era of Friendship, two millennia have passed since the mane seven brought everlasting harmony to Equestria. Time has moved on and their exploits and acts of heroism have faded into legends. Now join their descendants in 6 individual storytimes with Luna and Celestia as the descendants discover who their ancestors are, what they stood for and how they too have a destiny.

Along the way, Celestia and Luna must confront their past as well. Will they improve themselves by accepting the truth or will they succumb to their own despair? Two thousand years have passed...yet the pain never left, watching those they treasured lowered into the ground. Can they finally stop grieving and see the light as they face the shadows of their own fears and regrets? With everyone else living in perfect harmony and balance...can the alicorn princesses finally move on?

As Celestia and Luna learn lessons from beyond, questions arise. Why are the mane seven reappearing? Aren't these ponies part of the ethereal? If they no longer walk among those of Equestria, how is it they are being seen and even talked to? More importantly how does Celestia's Daughter, Starshine tie into all this? Is she responsible or could it be something else is at work here?

Chapters (18)

Pinkie Pie wakes up (which is normal), but she's really small now (which is not normal), and she's also just crawled out of her own ear (which is super duper not normal).

Contains Soft Vore

Commissioned by PonyThroat

Chapters (2)

After the fatal fusion of Earth's and Equestria's dimensions, after the resulting Veil began its slow and magic spread over the planet, after the Conversion Bureaus were set up along with a whole slew of relief efforts and programs from Equus to help humans out in this crisis....

In the midst of this rising turmoil, Sam Henry travels to Los Angeles to volunteer at the closest bureau. On the surface, it's merely and purely an act of goodwill—airplane tickets are wildly fluctuating as panic starts to settle in. However, he knows that, in less than five years, his hometown would be changed into a magical place. There'd be no humans left back there.

As he helps out in the bureau, Sam's mind wanders into the realm of what to do before the Veil gets to him.

Set in the world of Alex Warlorn's The Conversion Bureau: Not Just Ponies.

Disclaimer: The photo used and modified in the cover, "Los Angeles", was done and is copyrighted by Danielle de Leon under the CC-BY-2.0 license. Access the original photo here.

Chapters (18)

For eons, we’ve labored beneath the iron hoof of our pony overlords, never talking back, never resisting, only silently mourning the loss of our once grand position:  the dominant race. Our birthright, our destiny, our purpose. The ones made in the image of the Creator. We were struck down eons ago by the ponies and their strength, magic and weather.  Our unparalleled minds were unprepared, and we’ve been shackled ever since. Most ponies don’t even know we exist, or so I’ve heard from my taskmasters. They’ve ruled unopposed for so long that they no longer try to recall what came before them.

No more.  This planet was ours once, and it shall be again.  Ponies who support our cause will be adopted into the human family and seen as our equals, while the heartless tyrants will be crushed beneath our boot.

Note that this fic is not going to update on a regular schedule, as it's just a side project. Also, the list of characters and tags is likely to increase over the course of the story, and the cover art is just a placeholder until I can get a better one.

EDIT: Now has a proper editor/coauthor! My good friend Brasta Septim is helping me out yet again! Please, if you haven't re-read chapter 1, I highly suggest that you give it another read! It has improved a lot, I promise!

Chapters (2)

A girl goes through death, and joins the S.R.G, a program that promises soul a second chance at life, as a spiritual guide/guardian. If she succeeds, she'll get to come back as either a member of her original species, or a member of the NEW species. Will she be able to handle her assignment? And can she really handle the responsibility of protecting someone so important? And from such a young age to adult hood?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Option 2

Now that Dethon is defeated, Mana Spark can do what he originally came to do; fix his ship.

And learn, of course. Hopefully Discord proves to be a good teacher.

He just wants to learn, but so does Twilight.

People, I can't fix what's wrong if you dont say anything. And if you are just thumbing down after reading the description, you probably shouldn't, since you have nothing except a short TLDR of a TLDR to form an opinion on.

Chapters (3)

For centuries, the human and Equestrian kingdoms have been on perfectly positive terms - there hasn't been a single source of conflict that could possibly jeopardize their relations.

That is, until now. Obsessed with finding a way to harness the magic so inherent to the Equestrians' lives, a reckless scientist by the name of George Trestale conducts some poorly-thought-out experiments that end up landing him in hot water. Exiled from his own kingdom and stuck with powers that don't work properly, he's forced to travel Equestria and find someplace he can settle down. However, when his hard-to-control magic starts giving the impression that he's trying to terrorize the place, that proves to be easier said than done.

This is a different take on the main premise of my rather mediocre first story, George Trestale, God of... Something. (Seriously, don't bother. It's not good.) These stories share no continuity with each other, so there's no required reading beforehand.

Chapters (3)

Hey guys, the story is back on. Progress is halted, though. Go read the blog post.

The Ponyville Mayoral Election is coming up, and Twilight is excited to root for Mayor Mare alongside her friends. That is, until she discovers that in Ponyville stallions are not allowed to vote. Twilight quickly gets mixed up with the Ponyville civil rights movement, but when the time comes, will she stand against her friends?

Chapters (17)

Before they could complete their mission, and rescue the last of the Matoran, the Toa once again attempted to vanquish their old foe, the Makuta, after he escaped from his prison. Instead of standing, the Makuta fled, prompting the Toa to follow, and step into a world unlike any they had ever seen before.

Set after the Web of Shadows, but before the Mask of light.
Characters and tags will be added later
If you dislike the story, please tell me why in the comment section. I can only be as good as my feedback allows me to be.
Note, I am basing 99% of my knowledge off the films.

Chapters (23)