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This story is a sequel to Cold Days and Warm Hearts

The winter passes into spring, bringing with it many changes, both for good and for ill. Dawn Lightwing must contend with the pending disaster as a powerful adversary approaches with designs to end his life. Rainbow Dash finally leaves to join the Wonderbolts, but finds her dreams jeopardized by somepony from the past. Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle and those close to her are drawn further into the machinations of the Noble Court.

Oh...and somepony is planning to destroy the world...probably...maybe...let me get back to you on that...

Chapters (29)

Tony Stark had everything he wanted in his life. He had his company. He had a carefree life where he could simply enjoy himself and tinker with whatever came to mind...and he was a super hero to boot! He couldn't imagine ever being happier.

And then a rainbow-maned Pegasus foal dropped into his life, and turned it upside down.

Lucky for Tony Stark that the multiverse is much more imaginative than he is.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Will freely mix several different Iron Man continuities based on what makes the story work best.

Chapters (24)

Part of the Tutelary Spirit universe.
Main installments: Loyalty, Honesty, Generosity, Kindness, Laughter, and Friendship.
Minor installments: Living Forever, Tales of the Tutelary Spirits, The Guardian of the Elements.

Tales of the Tutelary Spirits is a growing collection of short stories centered around the actions, deeds, and exploits of the Mares of Harmony throughout their many lifetimes.

Warning: some stories may contain embellishment of events.

Cover image belongs to flamevulture17.

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash and Big Macintosh spend the day gathering supplies for Apple Bloom's birthday party. This is a good thing.

This may or may not have been written for Jake the Army Guy.

Chapters (1)

Crime was easy before Princess Twilight and the First Five ushered in a golden age of Harmony. Back then, any idiot could plan a robbery, just like any rat could sneak through the cracks in wooden granary walls. But now that everything is cloudstone and clearsteel, with magical countermeasures over the few remaining holes, it takes a different breed of rat to survive.

"Slippery" Jimmy the Grey is one of the rare few ponies who can still slip through the cracks — even with the legendary Rainbow Corps on his tail. Now he's got a billion-bit heist planned in the gleaming skyscrapers of Cloudsdale. If only he hadn't made the mistake of stealing from a dragon …

Now with a reading by Illya Leonov and Scribbler!

* * *

This is a crossover with Harry Harrison's Stainless Steel Rat novels, but it assumes no knowledge of the series.

Winner of February's Writeoff Association competition! * Featured by Equestria Daily! * Featured by Seattle's Angels!

REVIEWS: "Highly Recommended" by Titanium Dragon; "Recommended" by Present Perfect; rated "Why Haven't You Read This Yet?" by PaulAsaran

"The Iridescent Iron Rat was not only my favorite story from the most recent writeoff... it's my favorite story of anything I've read in months." —Sharp Spark

"What a ride it is. This story is made of awesome moments." —Casca, Seattle's Angels

"[A]stounding on so many levels. … If there’s one story from this round you have to pick, make it this one." —Corejo, Seattle's Angels

"Absolutely beautifully done. It fits the style and feel of the books to a perfect T." —Themaskedferret

Chapters (3)

A 'Know your Star' story; only with your favourite ponies getting unneeded hassle and lies told about them. Won't this be fun? Probably not... But hey, everything can't be seriousness all the time, so let's take a load off and just pester some ponies, and Spike for good measure.

The never ending adventures of Know Your Mare march on and on and on.

Comic: http://ladlordblack.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d53s1hc
Animation: Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_c7CPLlzO8&list=LLAaWYxICqZHBI2hBIxg2oEg&feature=mh_lolz
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqYTZ1TKNfk&feature=g-u-u
Picture: http://luna-is-best-pony.deviantart.com/art/Know-Your-Mare-314464512

Chapters (293)

When Scootaloo and a new student get into a fight at school, it's up to Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle to teach her the importance of Griffon/Pony relations by reading the story of the first encounter between a Griffon huntress and a Pegasus soldier.

Now on Equestria Daily

Cover Art By

Editing and Pre-reading done by

Chapters (2)

Star Power isn't Twilight Sparkle -- but she does play her on TV.

This story has an audio version!

Written for the December 5th Writeoff Contest. Prompt: "Behind closed doors."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Emoticon

Not too long ago, Sergeant Major Dawn Triage, medic of the Dusk Guard, broke a rule. It was easy. Simple, even. No one said anything. No one even noticed. And it wasn't a major rule. She simply ... neglected ... to ask for permission from a patient of hers before running a test. It was only to indulge a faint curiosity, an interest that she was fairly certain would never achieve any actionable result. "What harm could it do," she'd asked herself, "if nothing ever came of it?"

Perhaps she should have asked herself what would have happened if something had.

Sixth and final of the Side Stories to The Dusk Guard: Rise. Familiarity with Rise is not required per se, but recommended.
Side Stories so far:
Carry On
The Definition of Strength
Old Habits

The Saga has a TV Tropes page! Please help keep it up to date!
Special Thanks to Jorlem, Sinister Voice, and AlouetteSK for their help pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Emoticon

After weeks of being on duty, First Lieutenant Hunter of the Dusk Guard is finally getting his day off—on a specific date of his own choosing. Most would use their day off for fun and games, seeing family, or just enjoying some well-deserved R&R. But not Hunter. He's going to visit someone special. Someone he sees once a year.

And this time, he's making the trip alone.

Fifth of the Side Stories to The Dusk Guard: Rise. Familiarity with Rise is not required per se, but recommended.
Side Stories so far:
Carry On
The Definition of Strength
Old Habits

The Saga has a TV Tropes page! Please help keep it up to date!
Special Thanks to Jorlem, Sinister Voice, and AlouetteSK for their help pre-reading and editing.

Chapters (4)