• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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After a failed attempt to score big by stealing the Soluna Stone, Team Grifficorn is now in financial crisis. With no where left to go, they seek out the Manehattan 6 for help and hope to swindle them out of money, but get roped into a catastrophe they've caused when a spell of Twilight's goes horribly wrong. Set in the Manehattanverse. Takes place 6 months after The Wrong Place, at the Right Time.
Read Daring Do and the Soluna Stone for a better understanding later in the story.
Cover art done by Punzil504.

Chapters (6)

When Tangerine is chosen to be the school's new hall monitor, she feels that she cannot live up to the task. Her cousin Babs however, with the help of their new friend Featherweight, is determined to help her by toughening her up a bit. But there might be consequences after the lessons...

Title suggested by punzil504

Part of the Manehattanverse

Chapters (5)

All of the pegasi are tasked of getting water from Manehattan's Horsepower Park in what is called, "Operation Rainrise". As Blossomforth and Daring Do help out with the mission, a promising young Wonderbolt Academy recruit-in-training named Lightning Dust, may immobilize the mission and cause problems for the Mane 6.

Chapters (4)

Spike has taken the hobby of reading Daring's exaggerated readings of her many adventures. One day when Daring has to go and uncover a lost jewel; He, Twilight, and Trixie tag along on one of her adventures. Where as Spike should never judge a book by its cover.
Set in the Manehattan Universe.
Takes place one month after Brag you down.
Cover Art by: punzil504

Chapters (6)

Manehattan is an old city. There aren't many surprises or mysteries left in it, except for what mysteries the ponies that live there make.

But sometimes, mysteries have a way of making themselves. When one of their own stumbles across such a mystery, the Elements of Harmony need to decide what to do about it...

Set in the Manehattanverse.

Chapters (5)

After Octavia finishes playing for the Broadhay Theater, her unexpected but fun friend Vinyl Scratch, popularly known as DJ-Pon3, visits and invites her and her friends to a party at a popular dance club, something that the cellist is unfamiliar with. Not wanting to disappoint her friend, Octavia agrees to go to her party, but can she last through the loud music, rowdy party-goers, blinding lights, and stallions constantly flirting with her?

Cover Art belongs to Ziemniax from DeviantART

Part of the Manehattanverse

Chapters (5)

Trixie has never been one to shy away from boasting and ego stroking. It certainly helps when you've suddenly become one of the most important ponies in the world in the span of a single night. But Twilight starts to think things are getting out of hoof for the showmare when she starts hoofing out autographs and getting news columns for things as simple as stopping a runaway baby carriage or fixing a broken carriage wheel.

So she decides to show Trixie what a real hero is like with a little help from her friends. Unfortunately for them, everything will go too according to plan. When a simple scheme to teach a mare about swallowing your pride turns into a race to save a reputation, a friendship, and perhaps an entire city, there's only going to be one question on everypony's mind at the end of the day:

What truly defines a hero?

Story set in the Manehattanverse.
Cover art by punzil504

Chapters (5)

Orange Sherbet has received an invite to attend the annual Apple family reunion, being hosted in Ponyville this year.
She would love nothing more than to see all her relatives again, but uncertainty grips her heart. The last time she ever attended the Apple Clan's gathering was when she was still a filly on a farm. Much has changed for her since then, she fell in love with an Orange, moved away from her sister and mother, and hasn't even seen a live apple tree aside from the one in the Neigh York Botanical Gardens in over 20 years. She doesn't even have her old name anymore. Can the business savvy city socialite find a way to fit in with her dirt loving farm raised cousins?

Story set in the Manehattanverse.
Cover art by punzil504

Chapters (5)

In the song for the episode, "Fame and Misfortune", Twilight didn't sing about what flaws she has. One day, Pinkie realizes this and quickly this the others. They begin talking.

Chapters (1)

After many months of mayhem happening in the Big Apple, Twilight and her friends are in need of some well deserved rest. They get that chance with the Grand Galloping Gala coming up in Canterlot. When Twilight receives two tickets to the Gala, some of her friends have already received their tickets, save for Blossomforth and Trixie. With two of her friends not having their own tickets, they start to compete to win Twilight over and win the prize for her other ticket. Will Twilight be able to chose which of her friends will go, or will they both drive her insane?

Set in the Manehattanverse

Chapters (4)