• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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On the eve of the Coexistence Carnival - one of the most important celebrations in the world, where each and every kingdom comes together one night in peace to celebrate unity - Celestia (and Luna, I guess) accidentally reveals a secret about themselves.

Or, rather, reveals an accidental secret.

Rated teen because of one utterance of the f-word and one utterance of the b-word.

Wow! What a great response! I also went through it and changed a few wrong words here and there, an awkward sentence at another spot. Nothing major.

I can't believe this got featured! Celebration!

Chapters (1)

Remember when Sunset yelled at Twilight for putting everyone's "lives in danger?" Well, Rarity does, and she's a bit confused—after all, how could their lives be in danger when it's quite literally impossible for humans to die?

"Recommended for terrible people" - Present Perfect
"I don't know whether to laugh or be horrified." - DerpyDerp97
"Don't know why this is getting upvoted. It's not one goddamn bit funny." - MythrilMoth

Now with a reading by Teksune Studios!

Written from 3 AM to 5:30 AM, the morning after Friendship Games premiered.
Preread by Majin Syeekoh, Magello, and M1Garand.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash blew up the Weather Factory and now Ponyville is about to suffer the consequences... but from the fires of tragedy Twilight Sparkle sees an opportunity, one that she'll be damned to let slip by.

Based on today's episode; Tanks for the Memories. I'm not sorry.

Chapters (1)

At some time in the recent past, a human somehow ended up in Ponyville. It turns out that this person fit in quite well. So much so that Twilight tries to find a way to bring in more. Being Twilight Sparkle, she quickly succeeds and finds a few more humans willing to move in. But now more ponies want their own human friend, so she goes looking for more.

And eventually Twilight finds one that might not quite work out.

Chapters (1)

It's been a week since Zesty Gourmand's hold over Restaurant Row was broken. Delicious food of dozens of different varieties is being prepared, and business has never been better.

But Zesty Gourmand isn't done yet. She's recruited Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Prince Blueblood and intends on having their royal palates challenge Restaurant Row, starting with the Tasty Treat. The chefs of Canterlot face their biggest challenge yet as they prepare for a Royal Review...

Chapters (1)

It's finally Saturday, and after a long week I have some time to just sit back and play some games with a few of my friends.

It's a weekly thing we have going, every Saturday we pick a game to spend a few hours playing it. This week it's my choice, and I decided on playing the 30th anniversary edition of Rome: Total war. James complained about my choice, but he picked a Mario game last time so he can just deal with it.

I just hope that Mike doesn't try and put his mods in again, considering what happened last time. Well, I doubt that anything can be weirder than the dancing Carthaginians, so I probably don't have all that much to worry about.

Coverart by ohthatandy shamelessly used without permission.

Chapters (1)

Despite their supposed massive power, Alicorns have done a rather poor job of saving the day. Twilight discovers that there's an actual reason for that.

Featured on EqD 6/6/16!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rip

Starlight succeeds in killing the only pony who could be able to unite the six Ponies and thus permanently strip Twilight of her Cutie Mark... Shame she didn't read the fine print on time travel and realize the old Grandfather Paradox.

This is a sort of parallel story to both Rip and A Second Chance, earlier fanfics I did visiting this scenario, but instead of doing a Days of Future Past style "Time Burp" or just negating the thing altogether, I'm instead going for a Back to the Future style "Time Paradox".

Trigger Warnings: Foal death, People succumbing to the Time Paradox

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to MLP Time Loops

The Infinite Loops (format first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net). An endless recursion of time brought on when an unknown event happened to Yggdrasil, the World Tree computer that contains and runs the multiverse, forcing the various universes to be put in 'safe mode', time-looping until Yggdrasil can be repaired. Those aware of these Loops have been through much. There has been love, hate, loss, humor, and much, much more.

Now, in an event too large to be contained within the MLP Time Loops alone, one of the Loopers from Equestria's branch is getting married... to the Anchor of the Warhammer 40,000 branch.

This is the story of that wedding, and the chaotic events that come with it.

Author's note: Prior reading of the MLP Time Loops is heavily recommended. Spoilers for that fic abound, and associated terms will be used without explanation.

Primus scriptor: Evilhumour
Primus conpositor: Anon e Mouse Jr.
Secundus conpositor: Purrs
Tertius conpositor: The Infinite Loop Community

Chapters (3)