• Member Since 29th Mar, 2018

The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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Having helped Diamond Tiara learn both the true meaning of her cutie mark and the value of friendship, the Cutie Mark Crusaders had just resolved that being together and helping others was what really mattered before they were engulfed by a bright light.

Finding themselves in a strange void, both their lives and those of all Equestrians are about to change. Hopefully Celestia and the former Elements of Harmony can figure out how make sure this change is for the better, because there's a new alicorn on the block, and they have a bit of a reputation for causing havoc.

Chapters (2)

Based on Crusaders of the Lost Mark

With all that glowy-magic stuff going on, one might have thought that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were going to become alicorns.

Well they did – without even getting their cutie marks.

Chapters (1)

Clarabelle is a look at what the apple family keeping sentient farm animals really implies. When you think about it, it really sheds an uneasy light on the social dynamic between Ponies and the "critters" they keep under their care.

Inspired by "Get along little doggies", the song about rounding up cattle for their last corral.

Chapters (1)

Please, check out the description at the bottom for context, please.

The Apple family and their tried and true traditions have always been the envy of Ponyville as far as families go. Applejack is one of the humblest ponies around, but can always openly pride herself in having a loving and nurturing family that she helps keep civilized.

Just recently, Applebloom and her friends just found out how all her friends got their cutie marks and how they were connected to each other all her lives. Great story, right?

Well, Spike has always been a careful listener. He needs to be when trying to keep a neurotic unicorn able to cause mayhem on a small country stable on a daily basis. So, when Twilight recalls the stories of her friends to the letter (quite literally since she made him write it down), he finds a discrepancy. It really couldn't be what he thinks, right? There's no way...right?

Well, that's why he is going to go check in on Applejack.
Takes place after the "The Cutie Mark Chronicles" and inspired by "Somepony to Watch Over Me"

Warning: Feels and a bit of humor.
Also, no AJ is not Ab's mother. I know that cuts off suspense and intrigue, but I don't want to give people expectations I am not gonna meet.

Chapters (3)

Ah, you have probably heard of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, well, I have, anyway. And if you've heard about it and have a firm grasp of knowledge on it, you've probably known of Twilight Sparkle, born a unicorn and discovered the magic of friendship and eventually became an alicorn.

But what if she was already born an alicorn, and to shake things up further, she's born as an anthropomorphic version of herself. Now, come on with us as we go onto this wild heck of ride of a story.

Hey, author's notes here. Twilight is the only pony changed into an anthropomorphic version of herself, the rest are just in their default selves. And yes, she's born an alicorn in this story, and no, Equestria Girls will never happen.

Anyways, enjoy the show, err, I mean story.

Chapters (7)

Princess Twilight has received a declaration of war. For the first time, she will have to protect her realm as a princess against the onslaught of an enemy nation.

Chapters (1)

A human turned pony asks Twilight Sparkle to send him back home. Luckily, Twilight is perfectly capable of doing so. But is it really a good idea?

Chapters (1)

Twilight has a bit of a problem. You see, she always does Princess Celestia's bidding, regardless of how ridiculous the task or insane the request. Now, it'd be just a shame if someone were to abuse this knowledge to their own malicious ends. The only question is, how far will they go?

Thanks to my amazing editor Maskedferret for all the help!

Chapters (1)

Becoming an immortal alicorn princess pony can be hard on a mare. On the one hand, Twilight now has near limitless power, but on the other, with great power comes great annoyance. Luckily that whole "near limitless power" thing kinda negates that. Still though, no one ever said banishing everypony to the moon would be easy.

Written for The Writeoff Association's inaugural writeoff, Lonely Happiness.

Chapters (1)

The Everfree forest is just like any other forest—except it's full of monsters and weird magic junk, but ignoring that—it sometimes grows out of control and needs to be trimmed a bit. In order to keep the forest from growing too large, Celestia asks Twilight to start a controlled forest fire to burn a portion of it down. It seems like a simple request, but a series of mishaps and misunderstandings lead to some miscommunication and, subsequently, to Twilight setting fire to all of Equestria.

Chapters (1)