• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013

Emerald Harp

Just a dude writing fanfiction and his sister doing all the editing

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Equestria is dying.
Nightmare Moon has been fighting in vain to try and preserve what little remains of the kingdom that she helped create.
She knows that it's a losing battle, but still she fights on.
Ironically enough, it was her own jealousy of Celestia that tore Equestria apart in the first place. Battle weary and mentally drained, she silently reflects on her past mistakes.

An audio reading by fellow Fimfiction user TheDizzyDan can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnfztrsK0aY&feature=youtu.be

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy goes through many hardships after the loss of her friends and planted a cherry tree in memorium to them. This story tells about finding herself and others joining her life to make it worth living.

This story includes many different Japanese proverbs and translations. This brings diversity to the story. Please tell me if any of the proverbs are misspelled or translated unclearly.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Autophobia

*It is recommended you read the previous story first*

Cadance has begun to spend more and more time in the Everfree. She has had a couple of surprises here and there, such as a flying squirrel leaping past her face, or meeting Twilight as the purple Alicorn took a trip to the Princesses' old castle.

However, one day when she was particularly angry, she stumbled upon a small, hallucinating Changeling. She had reacted with a blend of hate and indifference, not giving the Changeling a chance to justify his existence. She had threatened his life and left him, crying and fearful, in the dust.

Looking back now, Cadance wishes she hadn't said what she said. He was a Changeling, sure, but mocking him for seeing things and claiming she would kill him for that sole reason was uncalled for.

Now, however, Cadance has the chance to make up for it, when she has another run-in with Changelings, two this time, and one of them is mortally wounded.

Preread end edited by me.

Chapters (1)

Walk with Applejack as she shows you how she dealt with their beloved family dog's death.

Based on a true life story. Inspired when my family dog died. Not 100% accurate because my family is bigger and my family was moving a few weeks after my dog died. Not by choice though. We were going to move and then my dog died. I hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Looking for a way to bring in new customers, Pinkie pie decided to make a commercial. Sadly, she did not take account of the population's view of a commercial.

Inspiration by Big Bill's Hell cars commercial.
Rated T for language. Not to be taken seriously.

Now with Images!

Chapters (1)

A dark and evil pony rules Equestria. Anypony who stands against him, dies. The only hope for survival, is four ponies known as The Prophiced Four, to defeat King Thanatos. With Celestia locked away, Luna dead, Shining Armour and Cadence in hiding, the ponies are all alone.

Hearts will break. Choices will be made. And friendship will be tested to unbearable limits.

Chapters (4)

The hordes of the under world have attacked Ponyville and it is up to one unlikly hero to save all of Equestria.

opened ended one-shot.

this is not cannon with any other stories I have or will write.

you clicked didn't you? go ahead and read it.

Chapters (1)

Alone in the Everfree, it feels dark, even in the middle of a summer afternoon. Darker than the chitin on the Changeling that fell victim to such a predicament. Normally, he would fly home. Normally, he would give self-sufficiency a long study. The only problem is a fear passed down throughout the Changeling race, generation after generation, so ingrained within their DNA that even the Queen must have a companion at all times in order to not break down.


Inspired by this song.

Now has a sequel!

Chapters (1)

A thousand years ago, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fought for power. Both were banished by their mother to locations unknown.
Equestria has been peaceful for the last thousand years under the rule of Princess Maakera. With her faithful Captain, Time Twister, she sees to it that this remains so.
And in Ponyville, a certain yellow filly with a red bow in her mane watches as a new blue star appears in the sky, little does she know that this star marks the adventure of a lifetime, which will lead to a world where the moon shines on a frozen land...

Chapters (11)

So you want to hear a story, eh? One that involves the threat of global war, a small group of heroes desperately trying to put a stop to that war, a tale of heroes and villains, that kind of thing? Too bad, this isn't that story. Not yet, anyhow. Princess Luna has asked that our adventures be written up for posterity, so that’s what we’re doing now. Hey you ol’ bag of trix, say hi to Posterity for me. Hello Posterity! I don’t know who you are, but hopefully I’ll meet you at some point.

What? Well why didn’t you tell me that before? I thought Posterity was a pony. Well you might as well take that out then. Hold on a sec, what are you writing? Well I know I’m dictating to you, you don’t have to write literally everything I say down. Yeah, exercise some common sense for once. Ok, ok, hypocrite I may be, but still.

Where was I? Ah yes, posterity. Anywho, before I tell you that story, I should probably tell you about Sale Craft first. Now this tale was told to me by his sister over a few mugs of ale when we visited Appleoosa a few months back, and I think is a good way to introduce him. So, without further ado, let me introduce Sale Craft, and tell you the tale of the Madness of Manehatten.

It all begins on the great north road to Manehatten...

Note - bloody writers block

Chapters (2)