• Member Since 4th Oct, 2013

Emerald Harp

Just a dude writing fanfiction and his sister doing all the editing

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Manehatten's streets aren't a pretty site. Besides crime everywhere, East Side Gang was one of the largest around, rivaled only by South Side. But Manehatten isn't just a stage for criminals:

It's a stage for musicians.

Trumpeteer, a new entertainer on the streets is about to learn that the only thing you can trust on the streets is money, bodyguards, and a gun. And two outta the three won't help ya here.

Chapters (1)

The Headless Horseman, aka Dullahan, aka that guy with the pumpkins, has come to Ponyville to set things on fire, and generally wreak havoc. Will the ponies be able to stop him? Or will Ponyville be burned to a crisp?


A little something I whipped up to celebrate Halloween. Btw, happy Halloween, Fimfiction!

Also, the crossover tag isn't just for the classic Headless Horseman story; this incarnation of the Horseman is actually based on a version of him from a certain video game. I don't want to spoiler it - the game will be listed in the A/N at the bottom!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie loves Nightmare Night. She loves dressing up, and she loves candy. Most of all, she loves pranking ponies. One year she goes too far.

Reading by CaptainBron3y: Pinkie Pie's Last Nightmare Night
Reading by Jennabun (PegasisterReacts): Pinkie Pie's Last Nightmare Night
Reading by AShadowOfCygnus: Pinkie Pie's Last Nightmare Night

Translation into Russian by Dark Room Collaboration

Chapters (1)

The humans at the restaurant Freddy Fazbear's are getting tired of having to replace the night guard every week, and go to Canterlot to ask for Princess Luna's help. She agrees to help, but the animatronics aren't expecting a blue alicorn princess to replace last week's guard. Needless to say, they are caught off guard.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle awakens, not to the Ponyville she knows, but one that is a mere shade of its former self. What has happened here she does wonder. As time progresses ever forward more questions pop up, will any ever be answered though?
Written on my phone during a plane ride so feel free to point out any errors

Chapters (1)

When the deposed king of the Diamond Dogs is brought before the court of Celestia, the story he tells is far too much to believe. For if it is true, the Equestrians' conquest of his nation has been a terrible mistake.

* * *

Audiobook by Illya Leonov.
Proofread by GaryOak.
The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (1)

Sheep in Equestria are often overlooked. Many see them as simple livestock. Others are only vaguely aware they exist. Meet Phyllis, your average Equestrian sheep, as we explore a day in her life on Sweet Apple Acres. Today isn't just any normal day, though. Today will change the course of her life, forever!

For today is the dreaded shearing day...

Editing and Proofreading done by CowabungaDude, Roranicus and Striving for Harmony.

Chapters (1)

When the gym class teacher breaks her leg during a martial arts session, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna have to turn to someone they didn't want to turn to from the beginning.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman.

Rated 'TEEN!(?)'
Expect swearing. Lots and LOTS of swearing, and also sexual humour.
Set within the Equestria Girls universe. Set before events of Sunset Shimmer's downfall.

Chapters (3)

And come she shall, no matter whatte Forces of Chaos stande againste her. Yea and verily, upon the fifth year of the Greate Battle the Grey Knighte shall return to the Kingdomme of the Two Sisters...
As the Great War enters its fifth year, Princess Celestia searches for answers. What does this prophecy mean? Who is the "Grey Knighte", and what does a cross-eyed Pegasus have to do with any of this?

Chapters (1)

I have a problem involving character(s) X that means I can’t start/finish the next chapter of story Y. So what do am I gonna do? Why saddle (pun!) those characters with the problems I'm having for a 24-hour period. This will either help me write or let out a little stress. I’m good with either one. So, Let the madness begi- uh… sorry.

Chapters (1)