adventure / romance 2044 stories
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Equestria. A world plagued by monsters. Their cities protected by magical shields, ponies afraid to step beyond the borders.

Four mares, friends for years and students of the powerful alicorn princesses, they possess the means to fight back.

And at their side, a dragon of unparalleled power. Sealed away for a thousand years, he is awakened by the very mares he now fights beside. But can he be trusted?

And what does he mean by "I'm not really a dragon?"

My own entry for the 'Displaced' series of fics. While I know they tend to have a dubious reputation, I'll try my best to provide you all with an enjoyable fic that brings the worlds of MLP FiM and Final Fantasy together.

Swords, sorcery and an awesome story. What more could you want?

Generously edited by Thadius0 he also providded much inspiration for this fic.

Edit: Featured the same day I posted the fic ; 6/02/16. Thanks so much guys and girls. I love you all~

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle's coronation as the sole ruler of Equestria is right around the corner. To not disappoint her, Sunset Shimmer decides to come back to Equestria for the first time since her theft of the Princess's crown to attend.

Said Princess's student, Starlight, is there to greet her, but the two of them are surprised to find that Sunset is a princess herself - or at least an alicorn, and her arrival may have unintended consequences for a trio of recently imprisoned villains.

Chapters (8)

Sunset Shimmer's life was good, she had plenty of friends and greatly enjoyed where she had eventually ended up in life. It's a shame then that reality had a different opinion on where she belonged. Now stuck in the past prior to first leaving for the human world, Sunset will have to figure out what kind of direction she wants to take in life this time around.

After all, the future she herself lived with her friends was not reachable without doing things that she now found appalling. Even so, she knows that staying in Equestria could very well doom the world to a much darker future. If she had time to draft a plan she could probably figure out something that would keep herself out of the way while also not affecting the timeline, it's a shame then that the two princesses of Canterlot would just not leave her alone!

Apparently this thing got feature mere days after publishing... somehow.

Chapters (5)

Sunset makes a bet with Trixie Lulamoon, and teaches the egomaniac a small lesson.

But just this once, Trixie decides she enjoys losing.

For a Sunset Shimmer x Trixie Lulamoon (SunTrix) story contest.

Chapters (1)

What if Twilight had to replace Stygian in the Pony of Shadows? For a while, they'd just have to move on with their lives until The Pony Of Twilights, formally The Pony of Shadows could be seen again and the Mane 5, even some with relationships, have to fight to get their friend back. But can they?

(( image for cover if links being stupid https://www.deviantart.com/dragonfoxgirl/art/Corrupted-Commission-709102415 ))
Note: Spike in my AU will have also come to Ponyville due to the Rainboom and will be the same age as everypony, around 24.

Chapters (11)

In an alternate universe where Discord is ruler of Equestria as the only one powerful enough to raise the sun and moon, Big Mac, the Element of Kindness, and Daybreaker, an ex-tyrannical fiery overlady, have been friends for quite some time.

Big Mac knows how to read certain details about her. It keeps him in tune with her. That’s what friends do, right? And that’s what they are. Friends.


Created for the 2022 Crackships Contest.

If you’re interested in this old AU of mine, you can check out more details about it here, but doing or not doing so won’t affect much of the story. Now on Fimfiction!

The title kind of came from the AU’s ‘parody’ of Keep Calm and Flutter On called Be The Bigger Mac Pony.

Chapters (1)

Izzy likes hanging out with her new friends, especially Zipp. She's learned so many new things from her, like that Pegasi don't hatch from eggs.

Edit: Featured from 1/16/2022-1/17/2022.

Chapters (1)

The Galaxy is once again in turmoil.
The Republic faces yet another Rebel threat.
However, they had one hope - 10 pony Jedi Masters had earned both the fear and respect of the Rebels, promising peace as long as they maintained vigil over the Republic.
It was not to last.
In a very sudden turn of events, the Jedi grandmaster Luna disappeared.
With her disappearance rose rumours of a new sith lord, Darth Nightmare, inciting a new rebellion.
It wasn't long before the remaining 9 pony Jedi Masters, Masters Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Lyra, Bon Bon and Celestia were similarly suspected of turning to the dark side.
One by one they disappeared mysteriously, all save Celestia.
In desperation the Republic turned to the proposals of the galactic corporation Blueblood Shipyards to make use of the planet Equus, homeworld of the pony jedi masters. The planet is a force nexus so powerful it distorts the very fabrics of reality around it, generating a gravity well powerful enough to maintain a sun in orbit around it.
Harnessing this gravity well they would be able to build a hyperspace cannon capable of annihilating entire star systems.
With this they hoped to create a deterrent to stop the Rebel threat for good.
Now the last Jedi Master standing in opposition to this plan, Celestia, has been accused of treason against the Republic and the Jedi Order and faces execution on the planet Coruscant.
However, the execution is interrupted by the arrival of a lone figure wearing the colours of dark side, wielding crimson sabers, the mark of the Sith.
Who is this Darth Twilight, and what is she after?

Story inspired by the cover art.

Cover art by the amazing NCMares, used with his permission. Go check out his story Night Mares, a great read complete with epic illustrations (available on his DA).

Chapters (2)

Thousands of years after the Golden Age of Harmony, Equestria has lost its way. Greed and power rule the day, and friendship is a luxury.

According to legend, in Equestria's darkest hour, the Protectors of Equestria will return to lead the way back to harmony.

Sometimes, though, legends need a little push.

Winner of the 2022 Sci Fi Contest SciTwi Committee Award for What Could Go Wrong If I Push This

Chapters (2)

In the darkness of a malfunctioning elevator, there's little else to do but lay your heart bare.

Chapters (1)