adventure / romance 2044 stories
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Life is grand for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. Sunset is being accepted by the school and Twilight has a sweet new castle.

When Celestia requests the presence of both of her former students, little did they know that it would forever change their lives and realities. More than one surprises are in for these two ponies.

This is based on my headcanon that Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Starlight Glimmer are all related.

Thanks to The Real McCoy for editing chapters 1-4!:pinkiehappy:

Chapters (7)

There are good reasons why most unicorns want nothing to do with time magic: it's dangerous. One tiny slip-up could have far-flung consequences no one saw coming, something few understand better than Starlight Glimmer now that she's seen it for herself.

Which is why, after testing a temporal spell of her own creation results in her waking up in her old village with a nasty headache, she sets out to fix her mistake at any cost... only to find that destiny seems to have a different plan in mind for her, and a rather unlikely set of allies.

Cover designed by Novel-Idea!

Chapters (11)

Life had just settled down for Sunset and Twilight Shimmer. A child on the way, major choices to make, classes to choose for spring.

And then Celestia appoints her as her temporary replacement while she and Luna step down for a time. In the wake of this are whispers, riots, and mysterious slogans bearing a single word:


Continuity: Homecoming

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to The Witch of the Everfree

Saddle Arabia is a land of mysteries and ancient legends, and Sunset Shimmer sees it as a great place to escape from her mistakes for a while. What caused her to flee Equestria, and can she find a way to prove herself and win back the favor of the ponies she wronged?

More importantly, can she avoid starting a war?

I'd like to thank all my followers, fans, and patreon subscribers. Without all of you, I'd be worse off in every way.

Chapters (18)

Once Upon a Time...

Equestria is at peace. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have ruled over their little ponies for generations without a serious threat like Discord, Sombra, or Tirek. Equestria has had a chance to live, breathe easily, and grow from coast to coast.

As time has passed and things have changed, the only thing that has remained constant in their lives for the last century has been each other. They've been family, comrades, rulers, saviors. Is it any surprise that they should be lovers?

The one thing they've never been is enemies.

Written for the "Dear Love: A Beautiful Discord" Contest.

Tags are for sexual situations involving dubious consent, pain, and the emotional trauma of losing the one person who mattered most. Do not attempt to replicate these stunts without a trained professional present.

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer is having the worst day of her life. She used to be important. She was the personal student of Princess Celestia. She was a future leader of Equestria. She was the kind of mare that everypony envied.

Today, it's all crashing down around her.

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't gone through the mirror?

Chapters (11)

Betrayal always hurts, especially when it come form those you love and trust the most. When Anon-A miss brings Sunset’s world crashing down around her, she turns to the one pony she knows she can truly trust, only to find she’s not the only one who’s been betrayed by her friends. Plagued by betrayals old and new, Twilight and Sunset began to walk the road to recovery and as they do, they discover that while the road may be painful, it’s also almost as beautiful as the pony walking next to them.

Romance tag is for SunLight as well as some Starlight/Trixie that will occur in the final scene of most chapters as a background story.

Chapters (3)

After one-night Sunset's memory is erased completely. After not going to school for over a week, everyone is worried. Her friends need to try and do whatever they can to help her... but will they have time before it is too late? And wasn't the memory stone broken too right? (Story set after the Forgotten Friendship)

Chapters (3)

[Cancelled] After capturing Twilight during A Canterlot Wedding, Chrysalis decided that keeping her and Cadance locked up underneath the place would be too risky. Instead, she forced them through an ancient mirror-portal said to contain an impenetrable prison created by Starswirl himself, shattering the mirror in the process.

Now, Twilight and Cadance must adapt to a new world and new bodies. Without any magic at their disposal, they must attempt to build a new portal and prepare to face Chrysalis on the other side while also maintaining the guise of normal high schoolers. Luckily, they aren't the only ones interested in reaching Equestria, and they'll cobble together an unlikely alliance of beings from both sides of the mirror to help them in their quest.

A Canterlot Wedding and Equestria Girls AU that, rather than aiming to be a fixfic, simply takes an alternate (and perhaps longer) path.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Time Goes On

After reuniting with her best friend, Sunset Shimmer has decided to do the one thing that will ensure Twilight will never forget her again: move in with her.

Now it's a simple matter of reconnecting with the mare who stole her heart, learning the ropes of her new home, and continuing her study of magical artifacts... And, perhaps, making new friends as well. All while dealing with all the surprising perils that seem endemic to Ponyville. But none of that could possibly be a problem for a pony as great as Sunset Shimmer, right?

It's going to be a long year.

Cover art by ShutterflyEQD

Featured on May 3, 2018!

Chapters (12)