adventure / romance 2044 stories
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Wallflower tries repeatedly to murder Sunset. She doesn't expect Sunset to flirt back.

You get to choose the ending!

Written for The Sleepless Beholder as part of Hearthswriting 2021.

Original prompt:

Wallflower, as a cliche horror killer, tries to kill Sunset Shimmer for all the bullying she suffered during her time as queen b**** of CHS, but her mission becomes immensely difficult when Sunset, instead of being remotely scared, flirts with her in every encounter.

Thank you to Bicyclette, Sunlight Rays, iAmSiNnEr, and daOtterGuy for prereading. daOtterGuy also deserves thanks for the title as it was a fantastic suggestion.

Chapters (4)

People will do anything to distract themselves from their problems. In an age where the situation could be both a hundred times worse and a thousand times better, there are still stories floating around. You know the type: a young human gets snatched from his/her homeworld and dropped in a land far from home, and they have to either shape up or ship out before it's too late.

Replace "human" with "Reploid", and you have a good idea what's happened to me. This land of Equestria is as completely alien to me as I am to its residents. If I can't return home then I'll have to figure out how to adapt to its environs, but my time and options are running out quickly. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm getting desperate.

I am Fairy Leviathan, one of Neo Arcadia's Four Guardians, and I will gladly accept your help if you have any to offer.

There is a Frequently Asked Questions blog on this story. Please read it first before getting into the story. Thank you.

The cover image is Leviathan's official art from Rockman X DiVE. I haven't been able to find a reasonable alternative and circumstances aren't allowing me to commission something, so I'm just going to leave it as is.

Don't know about the 'Human' tag for this one, as it's kind of iffy. Personally I think it's alright, as Reploids are close enough to 'human' for it not to matter, but your mileage may vary.

Has a TV Tropes page here.

Chapters (72)

After getting stuck together on a class project, Sunny starts to question her views of Indigo. The brash tomboy was very different when they were working together, and that just didn't add up. So it was time to do some digging.

Hints of romance in later chapters, this is basically the backstory for Indigo and Sunny's relationship. There's some threads to other fics, but they're really not gonna jump out until later.

I hope you enjoy, I'm no good at drama.

Art done by Ta'ruht Qarine a good friend of mine, her stuff is awesome and her commissions are affordable, check her out!

Oh snap, this was featured on 10/26/22
Never imagined I'd make it to the front page outside of update windows, that's really cool!

Chapters (48)

Chrysalis has Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor cornered. This is her moment, to take the Crystal Empire! However, before she does, the two rulers have only one request.

A date with the Queen.

She can't say no to a pony's final request can she? Besides, it's just one date. One date, and that's it.

This is a commission. If you'd like your own commission, feel free to PM me, or support me on patreon.
Updates monthly.

Chapters (12)

Allen Keller has turned his life around thanks to a certain show his mother made him watch. Season Three has ended and everyone is awaiting the promised fourth. The problem is that one night he went to sleep and when he woke up the next morning he found himself in the body of a pony. A certain villain that almost no one likes in the first place. Life just got more interesting again.

Chapters (21)

A displaced story about a man who becomes the most powerful being in the universe, at least in MLP terms.
As you may noticed, i have just had a multi-dimensional makeover

Follow Bill in the realm of Equestria in his search for the ultimate goal that all seek in life.
Warning: Contains harsh language and a little bit of gore

Chapters (47)

Rainbow Dash and Applejack went to far. I barely survive their last prank. Now the Elements are all begging me to be their friend again.
I only have two friends left. Ditzy Doo and... The Darkness. It promises to never hurt me. It treats me like I'm its best friend.
I can feel myself slowly falling apart.

Chapters (4)

The Doctor suddenly finds himself in the world of Equestria following his TARDIS accidentally passing through the void. He tries to head back to his universe, but things get complicated when a pegasus named Derpy finds her way into the TARDIS and they end up traveling back to Equestria's distant past.

Chapters (8)

Princess Cadance, in an attempt to better understand love in all its forms, has decided she needs to sleep with every species in Equestria, no exceptions. When the only member of one of those species says no, she doesn't take it well, and subconsciously channels a power she wasn't even aware of. A power with a dark past, a darker champion, a deadly enemy, and a horrific side effect.

A.N. Cover art by the exceptionally skilled mix-up, A.K.A. amalgamzaku over on Deviantart.

Chapters (10)

Three alicorns are tired of their subjects and their constant whining and complains. So one fateful day, they make a silly wish. But the wish came true...
One human, a lonely guy with the name, Anon, who does not have a job, friends or a family, is riding his big RV in North-Norway. Every day is the same; driving, fueling, eating, driving.
Until one day everything changes.

Featured for over 4 days!!!

(-Just a heads up. i suck with grammars and stuff, so expect some changes and corrections in the future. Also please point out my mistakes if you would. Thanks. Now let the games begin!)

-(cover art goes to the guy who made it!)-

Chapters (7)