adventure / romance 2044 stories
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Okay, it goes like this.

I was supposed to get married today, but fate had different plans. Those plans included me inexplicably appearing on an alien world of sapient horses who speak an entirely different language. Not only am I totally screwed with my wedding, but these sparkling horses are apparently hostile.

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm not the kind of guy who can make up something like this.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Instinct

Set after The Alicorn Instinct, but before The Endless Nightmare

Isn't it strange what one little argument can do?

Well as our Human and his pink Princess come to discover, one argument can cause so much more than a little heartache.

Cover Art done by the brilliant Shadow Bolt!

Chapters (2)

The trauma of having his mind twisted and controlled before his wedding had a larger effect on Shining Armor than he first thought.

After an innocent conversation, Shining Armor is feeling uneasy about his wife’s special talent and even more worried about something he learns regarding Princess Celestia. However, luckily for him his sister is one of the most talented ponies in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Celestia is totally exhausted working hard day in day out, and eventually decides to use magic to get herself some much-needed rest. The spell she uses is a mite too powerful though, and isn't she in for a shock when she wakes up...

Commissioned by someone who wants to remain anonymous. Thanks for the idea though, dude!

Chapters (1)

Principal Celestia has accidentally fallen through the mirror into Equestria, and it may be a bit before she can go home. Until then, she has to learn to cope with a strange world, in a strange body.

At the same time, Twilight has to figure out how she can help her new guest while keeping Equestria from freaking out over the presence of a second Celestia, and Sunset Shimmer has to figure out how she is going to make amends with those she had left behind in Equestria, while keeping an eye on her Principal.

Disclaimer: Since I wrote this description ages ago before I even knew the plot, the story is mostly pure comedy in the beginning, with eventual Sunlight and Chryslestia shipping!

Cover image by Arvaus, used with permission.

Chapters (22)

Desert Mirage lives in a world full of guns, lasers, explosives and people competing to be the best of the best. There she excels at what she does: hunting. She started as a nobody, and yet became one of the most sought-after gunslingers.

Sunset Shimmer was practically born the best of the best. Selected by none other than Princess Celestia to be her prized student... until she ran away to another world in search of power. Through trials and suffering she was eventually taught humility and friendship.

At first blush, they don't have much in common. But their connection runs deep, and sooner or later it will change their worlds forever.

Chapters (34)

The stories of Sunset Shimmer and Nightmare Moon have a lot in common. Sunset and Luna, though, have never even heard of each other. Luna's past is behind her, but Sunset still has one last apology to make. Will she find the courage to face the one she wronged? Or will she just keep hitting on Luna?

My entry for the Sunset Shipping Contest
Cover by the inimitable Rawrienstein
Special thanks to Gara and Arkadarp for proofreading!

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss occured before Winter Break, and tore down everything Sunset had built up to prove she had changed. She's the main victim of this deadly online secret teller, and everyone believes she's guilty. Including her so called friends.

It takes her to a point of no return, but at last minute before she jumps, she's saved by an unlikely ally... does she even a right to that word anymore?

Chapters (18)

After being abandoned by her friends after a Mystable user by the name of Anon-a-Miss starts spreading rumors and personal secrets. Sunset is left alone in her darkest moment, left with nowhere else to turn to she decides to end everything. until a certain trio decide to step in.
Can friendships be saved or are they meant to stay Broken?
Heavily inspired by the holiday special 2014 and the stories by the talented Small Muffin and Dainn
Anon-a-Miss By Dainn
In a time of need by Small Muffin

Chapters (9)

As a timeless immortal being, I never understood death and loss. I was willing to make friends and play nice, I even fell in love. But then one day I lost the pony I loved most, and sought to escape my grief. It went fine for a time, until somepony restored magic to Equestria.

Hitch was having a pretty normal day, until a strange creature appeared on the road and transformed him into a mare. He kept going on about somepony named Fluttershy, before vanishing and imploding a few buildings. Hitch misses the days before he was a national hero in constant peril.

Chapters (7)