• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

The One Bookshelf 272 stories
  • The One Bookshelf 272 stories One Bookshelf to sort all ponies, One Bookshelf to find them, One Bookshelf to bring all ponies, and in new bookshelves bind them.
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - December, 2018
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Diamond Tiara has learned from experience that the words we use can have negative affects on other ponies' lives. With this, she decides to have a heart-to-heart talk with Trixie about being kinder and how to forgive oneself for the mistakes in one's past. Unfortunately for Diamond Tiara, this turns out easier said than done.

Chapters (1)

The story of how Lily, the pony with the hedgehog cutie mark got her super strength. Lily ventures into the Everfree forest in search of her missing pet hedgehog. Her adventure will lead to her having to repeatedly outwit a resident of the Everfree and bring her to posses a gift that she never would have imagined.
Written for the group that named her Lily Longsocks.

Chapters (7)

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle need something to do for the evening, so they decide to play pretend. It's just an innocent game after all, a bit childish, but what's the harm?

It can actually harm a lot.

But I pretend there is none.

Chapters (1)

The CMC decide to spend Nightmare Night with some very unexpected company. Namely their newly reformed former nemesis, who is experiencing the holiday as herself for the first time in her life. How will this go? Adorable. Very adorable.

Editted by Alexwarlorn, thanks bud!

MLP belongs to Hasbro!

Coverart thanks to FlavinBagel on DA.

Made the popular stories tab on 11/3/2015!

Chapters (1)

Shorty after she confronted her mother, and realizing the error of her way, Diamond Tiara must repair all the relationships she destroyed with her wicked ways. A long voyage is ahead of this small pony as she seeks the path of redemption.

This takes place during the episode: Crusaders of the Lost Mark

*I re-edited this, better grammar now... I hope*

Chapters (2)

Diamond Tiara's joy at her newfound outlook and friends is shortlived. Exiled to her bedroom while her uncompromising mother decides what to do with her, she can only listen in as Spoiled Rich tells her too-meek-by-half husband Filthy EXACTLY how useless his daughter is. Then, there's a sudden knock on the door... and Tiara's adventure is about to begin.
Set after the events of 'Crusaders Of The Lost Mark'.
Now rated T for some disturbing scenes
Beware of SPOILERS in the comments.
Great new cover drawn, completely at their own behest, by the very talented robsa990. What a nice chap he is.

Chapters (48)

This story is a sequel to Clubhouse of Horror III

On this Nightmare Night the Crusaders find themselves lost in the corn maze and to pass the time, they decide to tell each other their own terrifying tales.

Chapters (4)

"Vicariously I,/Live while the whole world dies./Much better you than I." -Tool, 'Vicarious'

Spike brings a Ouija board to the Cutie Mark Crusader's slumber party on Nightmare Night. However, things get really strange. It is just a game, right?

Written for the Poniverse Nightmare Night Contest.

Chapters (1)

"So if you meet me, have some courtesy,/Have some sympathy, and some taste./Use all your well-learned politesse,/Or I'll lay your soul to waste." -The Rolling Stones, 'Sympathy For The Devil'

A mysterious store has appeared in Ponyville. The proprietor of this shop is a very sly and crafty stallion who has an odd manner about him. And the items that he is offering seem strange in their own right. What's stranger still, is that there is a 'Help Wanted' sign in the window. One yellow filly with a large pink bow is up to the task.

Written for Halloween 2015.

Chapters (7)

For awhile now, Princess Luna has guided and kept safe the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now at long last they have achieved their goal. She throws a party to celebrate the occasion and opens up the doors of friendship to another

Chapters (1)