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This story is a sequel to Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds

The Equestria Girls accidentally found the portal into Mobius. Now they will have to help the Mobian Heroes save their dimension from an evil from another world. (Sound familiar) Will they succeed? Find out in this brand new awesome sequel, Mobians and Equestria Girls 2: Return of the Equestria Girls.

Note: Not many people thought this was as good of a story compared to M&EG 1 on FANFiction.net. So I don't expect many people to like it on FIM.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls

It has been a month since Sora and Donald had returned from Canterlot High, and Sora decides that he needs to train to prepare for retaking the Mark of Mastery exam, but he needs a new stomping ground to train in. King Mickey suggests that he has, "the perfect place for him", so he sends Sora, Donald, and Goofy to the new world that Sora has opened up from the keyhole he unlocked.
Will this new world be the perfect place for Sora's training? Or will it be just another world that he needs to save from the dark clutches of the Heartless once again?

New Game (If you haven't read Kingdom Hearts: Equestria Girls, click "New Game".)


Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

Artwork by GundamBrony.

Author's Notes
If you believe Sora's scene in the beginning warrants the "Human" tag, let me know in the comments.

Chapters (14)

Your name is Naxon. You have been living in "The World That Never Was" with Organization XIII for an entire year now, after a man named Vexen has implanted all the data of every Organization member inside of you, giving you all of their weapons and powers, but you have yet to awaken them. You have been told that you would serve as a replacement if the thirteenth member didn't appear in time, your future will be set in stone, your destiny will be what they made it to be.
But the thirteenth member has finally appeared, and your leader has ordered Vexen to lock you up, he refused, of course, saying that you are his "greatest creation", but your leader insisted, saying that they'll release you when needed.

After a little over seven days, Vexen came into your room and told you it was time for a "tune up". You were brought back into his lab and he implanted the data of the thirteenth and fourteenth members, he told you that he'll be back to get you very soon, you don't remember much after that, something about, "taking over the Organization".

You counted at least 130 days since Vexen said that, and you haven't seen him since. Then you met some boy who found your room by accident and you two ended up being "friends" as he called it. You remember his name was Roxas. For the next three weeks, he came to your room regularly, bringing seashells and sea salt ice cream. But one day, he stopped coming...

207 days later, you discovered that Roxas had left the Organization and for you, it was a lot to take in. Your only friend was gone. Maybe forever. You began to realize that Roxas was the only person who cared about you. You wanted to leave this place, you wanted to leave and never come back. Who knows? Maybe you might find Roxas.

Then you felt the room shake and thought that castle was under attack. You took this chance to escape; you packed your belongings, your diary, the first seashell Roxas gave you, and the popsicle stick from your first ice cream, and left your room. You saw a giant dragon circling the castle and raised your hand forward, opening the Corridor of Darkness, as they called it, and escaped into an unknown world.

All that you remember after that is running from a group of fledging Nobodies in a severe thunderstorm.

You are trapped in a doomed future and the only person who ever showed you the light inside you was Roxas. But maybe some new friends can take his place? Show you that, "Friendship is Magic".

KH Universe: Takes place after Kingdom Heart 2 and the events after that.

MLP Universe: Takes place after Rainbow Rocks.

Cover art from vadenwrench via DeviantArt.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Tags will be updated as the story goes.

This is currently a side project; this story is not canon to my KH:MLP Crossover series.

EDIT: Featured on 3/10/2017, thank you all for your support!

Chapters (10)

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls

What does friendship truly mean if it's gone?

A powerful magic had suddenly revealed itself, drawing unwanted attention from the Darkness. Riku was sent to investigate the phenomenon, but was never heard from. With Riku's whereabouts unknown, Sora must travel there to find his friend, discover where the powerful magic is located, and protect it. After all, everyone shares this special magic, and if it disappears, who knows what will happen. Little did Sora know that he would have to go through High School to accomplish his mission. But with the help of six friends, he could make it through in one piece.

Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

NOTE: This story is cancelled, but there is a rewrite. You can find it here! For an explanation on the cancellation, check this blog post for details.

Edited by the great NightmareKnight
Preread by the cool XxEpsilonxX & the neat Golden Flare
Cover picture created with GIMP and a couple vectors

Chapters (22)

After failing His Mark of Mastery Exam, Sora was sent back to the Islands to search for signs of Xehanort. However while he was there a magic door forced him into the world of Equestria. But why is he in such a peaceful world? And more importantly who summoned him?

Takes place after Dream Drop Distance and between MLP Season 4 and 5

Story is inspired by steel soul's Kingdom Hearts of Harmony although I Know I'm going a different direction. However if you like this why don't you check out steel soul.

Chapters (8)

Sora was an average teenage boy, though average was an understatement. At the age of fourteen, he was thrust into a battle between light and darkness, wielding a mystical weapon known as the Keyblade, saving worlds from creatures known as the Heartless and finding his friends, Riku and Kairi. He has saved the universe many times from the Heartless, saved Kingdom Hearts from being controlled by those with evil intentions, and has made new friends in each world he visited.

However, he fails his mark of mastery exam after almost getting himself killed by Xehanort's younger self, needing to be rescued by his friends as Riku and Kairi become Keyblade Masters. Needing more training before he can retake his exam, Master Yen Sid gives him coordinates to somewhere in the galaxy, though the information on what was there or why was unanswered, obeying his teacher. But as he was close to reaching the coordinates, his own gummi ship, which he crafted on his own while on a break a week prior to his exam's failure, malfunctions for some unknown reason and crashes into the world of Equestria.

With no way to make it back home, and Equestria too far from the rest of the worlds to contact his friends or fix his ship, Sora is stranded on this new world until someone realized he's been missing. Until then, he's going to have to fit in, his magic transforming his body into being a part of the world like in many others he visited in the past, and be patient. Little does he know that there were also dangers that lurked in this world, aside from any Heartless that may appear.

Sora's story takes place after the events of Dream Drop Distance, his adventures beginning in Equestria before the season 1 premiere of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix and Disney. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

EDIT: Those who are new to this story, there are links in a majority of the chapters where they lead to soundtracks of Kingdom Hearts to help build an atmosphere in the story. Sadly, most of them may come up as dead links because those videos had been taken down by the YouTuber for some reason, even if there are some still active by that same person, or they'll be gone as well if they happen again. With how many chapters I've put in this story, and how many links there might be, I don't have the patience to take them down or find new links with the right music I chose for those moments if I can remember which ones. So, up until Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (Part 3), ignore the links, as much as I hate to say that with the hard work I've done. Hopefully this crossover will be as enjoyable without music as it keeps on going. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (237)

BlackWarGreymon, created from 100 Control Spires to do evil, died being a hero.

But as death start to grip him, fate has other ideas. Now in Equestria, his life can start again. Making unforgettable friends, facing deadly foes and experience feelings and emotions he never thought would ever happen to him.

(note: this story takes place after the events in Digimon Adventure 2 episode BlackWarGreymon's Destiny and some time after MLP FIM season 4)

Chapters (78)

One day when her sister goes on a trip with her friends, A young filly named Sweetie Belle tries to find herself something to do in order to cure her boredom. However, when she was getting everything that she needed in order to go crusading, she finds a strange looking device from inside her closet. One that she assumes is a watch.

Turns out... that watch has a powerful companion and friend inside it that her mother knew when she was only her age. Now with her mother gone though, the figure named Rena takes it upon herself to look after the children of her previous partner. And to teach the youngest one, Sweetie Belle, to stand up for herself and to be strong at heart. Just like her mother once was. Sure, it may sound like a lot of weight on her shoulders with the almost daily shenanigans that Equestria is known for and the fact that there's also this Digital World that is almost unknown to modern Ponykind, but hey. Nopony said she was going to do this alone.

A Displaced tale involving Renamon from Digimon. Takes place at the beginning of Season 5 when The Mane Six go off to Our Town. You can blame Solphestus for this idea xD

Updates for this story will not be consistent and will happen at random times. I want to update this more often, but I already have a lot of things going on at the minute

Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
Digimon belongs to Bandai and Akiyoshi Hongo

Featured and Popular stories list on first day!? :pinkiegasp: You guys are just awesome!! Thanks for the support! :pinkiehappy:
Featured again on 9/4/2018. You guys are amazing!
Featured once more on 1/24/2019. :pinkiehappy:
Featured on 9/4/2019. You guys rock! :rainbowdetermined2:

Chapters (19)

After a full year of training from Yen Sid, Kairi is finally ready to fight by Sora and Riku's side. But after an unexpected and unexplained event, she suddenly finds herself stranded in a strange, yet colorful world filled with talking ponies. And finds herself morphed into their image as well.

While she continues to explore this new world, dark forces are coming to threaten the peace and tranquility of this little world. Can she find the strength to protect her new friends? Or will the darkness swallow them all?

Only time will tell.


Current cover is only temporary for now.

With the permission of TobyandMavisforever, I'll loosely be following their timeline because I feel the story will make more sense rather than in the shows episodic format.

I give thanks to Toby for giving me permission to use their timeline in my story.

Chapters (7)

Fighting with the inner darkness inside his heart, Sora starts to wonder if he is really fit to be called a keyblade wielder.
Well this all comes into question when he wakes up in a strange new world, filled with people that he has never met before, and with signs of evil planning to attack Sora has little time to think. Will Sora become the hero of light and stop this evil from taking over, or will he cave in to the darkness that resides in his own heart?
Everyone's a human. Unicorns can use magic. Pegasi have wings.
Green means play. Red means stop.

Chapters (26)