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Two teenagers, Alice and Thad, dressed as their favorite Transformers, Arcee and Skywarp, walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! What will the two teens do?

This story is a Displaced colab written with the help of Bronyparasite, go check him out!

Chapters (8)

I was just a normal deadbeat. I had trouble keeping a job, even through I didn't have many personal issues that would caused me such troubles, and I didn't have many friends. So, in short, there's really nothing special about me.

But that all changed when the security firm I worked for was hired for an extra muscle at a Con. I don't clearly remembered what happened next, but I awoke to find myself in a world not my own, with a body not my own, but luck was with me, as a party was going on. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to join in as the party was rudely crushed by some uninvited guests.

Now it was up to me to save the day, learn why I'm here and why I have these new powers and body. But on the bright side, I may finally get a family I so long desired.

Chapters (12)

Okay so, today my friend convinced me to attend a convention with some other so called friends. I take along my 3DS with a copy of my Omega Ruby to help pass the time. While playing I got spotted by some guy, calls himself the merchant, who sells me a golden 3DS.

Once I insert my Omega Ruby copy I suddenly find myself in an anthro version of My Little Pony, except I have my backpack from Omega Ruby and 7 pokeballs each with powerful Pokemon from my current team: a mischievous Hoopa, a fancy shiny Metagross, an evil mysterious Darkrai, a sassy Latios, two legendary Pokemon who could burn the world, and finally my loyal Sceptile. and Hoopa's prison bottle with dark evil magic. Let the adventure begin.

Warning: contains strong language, and set during season 4 finale

Chapters (21)

It has been more then a month since the destruction of Mephiles the dark and harmony was once again restored in Equestria, so Celestia sends Sonic, Shadow, and their friends to the Crystal Empire to introduce them to Twilight's brother Shining Armor and her sister in law Princess Cadence. But the new Nightmare Moon decides to cause trouble and decides to make a new evil hedgehog named the Chaos Phantom out of the Chaos Emeralds to get rid of Sonic and Shadow once and for all. As Chaos Phantom arrives at the Crystal Empire during the night, the New Nightmare Moon tells him to take the Crystal Heart and then he disappears in a mirror before Sonic, Shadow, and the others could stop him. Can Sonic, Shadow, and two of their friends go into the mirror and stop Chaos Phantom or will he carry out the new Nightmare Moon's wishes and finish them once and for all?

Chapters (10)

It's been two years since Sonic and Shadow defeated Discord and now thanks to Sonic's friend Tails they can return to the land of Equestria. But when they get there they learn that their old enemy Mephiles The Dark has returned and has the five of the main six under his control and Twilight and the princesses as his prisoners. Can Sonic and Shadow along with their friends stop Mephiles before it's to late? Or will Mephiles finally get his revenge?

*note* This story contains five of the six Elements of insanity and contains Nyx from Pen stroke's Past Sins. Although this story features Pen Stroke's Nyx (Past Sins), this story itself is not related to Past Sins, nor does it require a reading of Past Sins. And although this story contains five of the six Elements of insanity I don't own them all the credit goes to their creator theinvertedshadow.

Chapters (8)

Six months have passed since Sonic, Shadow, Tails, and Nyx returned the Crystal Heart to the Crystal Empire. Now it is Sonic and Shadow's big day as they get ready to marry Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer. But before they could perform the ceremony, Nightmare Amy crashes the wedding. She takes the main six away, and scatters them in different parts of Equestria. Now it's up to Sonic, Shadow, Tails, Knuckles, Nyx, Sunset, Spike, and an old friend of Sonic's to save them. Will they do it, or will Nightmare Amy finally get her revenge?

Chapters (3)

When Discord escapes and the elements of harmony are no use against him anymore Princess Celestia with help of her sister Princess Luna use a spell to go to an Alterate Universe to bring forth two heroes to help save Equestria. Can these two heroes defeat Discord once and for all? Or will Discord finally win and take over all of Equestria?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Mobains and Equestria Girls 2: Return of the Equestria Girls

A Dark threat from the Nightmare Dimension has come to threat the universe of the Mobians and Equestria Girls. Can our heroes unite against this enemy? Or will this be the end of their line? And the beginning of the Eternal Night

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts: Princess Twilight Sparkle

After arriving to Equestria early, Sora helps Twilight figure out what the mysterious chest is and why it's there. Twilight decides the only with more information is the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters and the group heads there for research, much to Spike's dismay. After a while, the rest of the group goes to the castle for their own reasons; Applejack and Rainbow Dash try to prove who's the most daring pony, Rarity tries to restore ancient art, and Fluttershy is accompanying her, but Pinkie was currently ringing the school bell to the day...or was she?

When entering, everypony's imagination starts to run a little too wild for their own good. Twilight and Sora, on the other hoof, are perfectly calm, but not for long when they find two secret journals...and one of them doesn't belong to anypony in Equestria.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Mobians and Equestria Girls 3: Fate of the Dimensions

Evil has returned to the universe, and heroes must rise again to stop it. But what happens when the heroes, are captured, leaving the dimensions defenseless? It's time for the Next Generation of heroes to take their place, and save them and the dimensions.

Chapters (12)