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( Chapter proofreading by: Pinkiepierocks and MD stephen51991 )

Yen Sid, receives a message from an old friend of his asking for the assistance of a Keyblade Bearer. Dark and mysterious happenings have suddenly started appearing in Equestria. Sora is sent on a mission to take care of the situation starting by looking for the world's key hole and locking it. As a request on Yen Sid's part, Sora will also remain there for a year to train and unlock abilities he never knew he had to prepare him for 2nd attempt at the Mark of Mastery and become a Keyblade Master. However, he will need the help of his new friends to activate it until he can learn to do it on his own. Of course this doesn't mean he'll be the only one getting something out of this exchange. His friends will be gaining some new powers along with him. The question is, will they be able to take on the Darkness that is slowly making it's presence known to Equestria. One thing is certain: Things are gonna get crazy with Sora and the Elements of Harmony.

I do now own Kingdom Hearts or My Little Pony nor do I own any pictures that you see in the story.

I do not own the background music, and it is optional for the reader to play them at certain parts of the story, you are free to not click on them if you feel like it. they are there basically help with the atmosphere of parts of the story.

Chapters (57)

A new world has opened up, and a magical disturbance has been located inside that world. King Mickey sends Sora and Donald to this new world to find the disturbance and deal with it properly. But when they arrive at this new world, more problems are added to them, the Fall Formal, keeping where they're really from a secret, and most of all, what's really on the line...

Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls belongs to Hasbro
Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney and Square Enix

EDIT: Cover art from Akili-Amethyst

EDIT 2: Title Screen (Dearly Beloved)

EDIT 3: Warning! Spoilers in the comments

EDIT 4: Edited by zimmerwald1915

New Game

Chapters (18)

Sora has been on many adventures with his friends, after some heavy training to regain the abilities he lost from his keyblade, he is now tasked with a new mission. A mission that will test the light of his heart.
Will he succeed, or will the darkness win him over.

Chapters (3)

While Sora and Riku were on thier quest to put a stop to Xehanort's plans, the Master Yen Sid summoned them to go into a mission in a new world which have a source of light that it's under threat by Xehanort. The result of this mission would have a big impact in the upcoming final battle so the two heroes can't afford to fail on this mission...

Sunset Shimmer and her friends are having a good lives after the friendship games, but she has been feeling weird lalely, the feeling that something bad it's about to happen. A new threat, worse that any other foe, will come, she also feel that she and her friends gonna need new alies to help them out, also she has been feeling that it might be time to go out and look for somebody to make her happy, her hero...

Sci-Twilight Sparkle is trying to get used to her new life and learn about the friendship, but she's having a hard time trying to, also she feels more isolate than ever to the people from her past actions, the fault is eating her up, even with her family and her friends trying to help her there's not great effect on her, what she needs now is someone that can help her and fill her with light, she needs a hero...

Takes Place after Friendship Games and in the beginning of KH3

Kingdom Hearts belongs to Disney and Square Enix
Artwork by GundamBrony
Simple And Clean -Ray of Hope MIX belongs to Square Enix and Utada Hikaru.

Chapters (16)

Displaced Story

Maretropolis. A town unlike any other. A town which is phasing a new mutant problem. A town with a suddenly increasing crime rate. A town with a new furless deformed Minotaur habitant. A town-

Well, you probably get the gist. This town had seemingly a lot of challenges to face. Increasing crime rate, the unrest of their citizens towards mutants, and even a growing price for potatoes. And god knows potatoes are awesome.

One of the few well accepted mutants, the Power Ponies have a lot on their hooves, and they certainly don't need anything more to worry about.

Too bad it wasn't meant to be as they encounter a strange furless thing, that can only be described as furless black deformed Minotaur in one of their missions.

This is a direct response to the ridiculously low number of fics with the tags: Power Ponies, Human, Comedy, which is up to six. At least up until now! But this changes now with this one, fic number seven is now on the list! So help us fight against this low number of fics!

Crossover: X-Men

Chapters (16)


Chapters (31)

Hello my name is Zanitar and I am the god of speed and adaption. I am a normal displaced and I am just trying to live my life while fighting monsters and if anyone of you displaced want to do a crossover with me then I would gladly do one with you.

Caracter is inspired by Prototype and the series The Flash.
This is a displaced story so read if you like those.
I might change things here later on but for now I will have it like this.
And if you know of a good cover pick then send me it and I will show it here.

Chapters (5)

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior? What secret is he keeping from the town folk of Ponyville? Join Crimson Storm on a journey that will shake the foundation of the world.

All ponies are humanized. Pegasi still have wings and Unicorn's cast magic with their hands.

Inspired by Gentlemanj's amazing series. 'The Journey of Graves.' and RoosterTeeth's RWBY

Chapters (33)

Your name is Eternal Void, and you are a student at Crystal Prep Academy. You had good grades, a clean record, oh, and you are one of the Keyblade's chosen. A lot of the students at CPA are Keyblade wielders, very few are Keyblade Masters, and one of those Masters is the principal of the school: Master Abacus Cinch.

You are just a simple wielder, and could care less if you became a Master, all you wanted to do was what your previous mentor taught you; work hard, learn, and use your Keyblade abilities to better the world. And it was because of his words, Master Flintheart's words, that you distanced yourself from other people. You cared for friendship once, but now, it clashes with what you were taught.

But maybe, six girls from a rival school could convince you otherwise. Will you open your heart to companionship once more and overcome your insecurities, or will you push it away again and be swallowed by the darkness slowly growing in your heart?

Author's Notes:
Takes place sometime after Rainbow Rocks and before Friendship Games.

Chapters (6)

Inspired by My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous.

You are infamously known as the worst Duelist in all of Canterlot High School, losing Duels left and right, if it wasn't for two other Duelists who are as bad as you, Snips and Snails, you'd be friendless. Little do you know that a few new cards are going to make an appearance in your world...and cause mass mayhem. By summoning all of your courage and Duel skills, you prepare yourself for the greatest challenge of your life.

The big question is: can you survive the power of the "Numbers" and the wrath of the two warring planets, Astral World and Barian World?

Author's Notes:
This story is not canon to My Little Pony: Friendship is Numerous.

Chapters (6)