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A Displaced Human in Equestria story. A high school boy and his friends go to comic-con, he gets a Pip-Boy, and then they have a heart attack. Our "Hero" makes a deal with a being of darkness to give them a second chance, and things go down hill from there.

Edit: I forgot to put the ratings. It's T, not E. Sorry for the mix up.

Chapters (11)

[Displaced Story] Our Main Character is a huge fan of Digimon, as he goes to a convention dressed as Renamon, but unknowingly buys a real Relemon digimon egg.

As he walks away from the merchant, the merchant whispers some enchantment under his breath, and our protagonist falls unconsious.

When he wakes, he'll find that he is in a world far different than his own.

Takes place before Season 6.

May or May Not Contain Crossovers.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Darker Side of Life

Shea was a young Night Elf that was killed by Celestia because of the dark magic living inside her. She wakes up a thousand years later to find a shattered kingdom named Equestria ruled by a Sith Lord known as Folteren. What will she do? What any Undead Night Elf from another dimension that can't remember her past would do.

Walk around aimlessly until she finds a graveyard. Then sets up shop.

"Who the heck would name themselves Fotlen?"

And Folteren has to deal with a rebellion, commended by some... Flash Century? And his old friend, Jackie, or as she likes to call herself: Bastila Shan. Plus, the dead are rising.

Crap, he just got the throne!

Oh, and Whitney's back. Joy.

He'll also have to deal with something he never thought of before... His immortality.

"Waffles! Get down from there!"

Rating changed due to changes in the story.

Chapters (4)

Meet Dave an average 19 Year old Guy in College with Friends who is a huge Pokemon Fan and also a Brony.

At least thats who he was before an accident with a Truck who's Driver probably had a Beer too much.

He had expected to wake up in a Hospital with everything white, a loud Beeping Noise and his Friends and Family by his side. But he didn't expected nor wanted to 'wake up' in Heaven with an Angel who said he Died too early but couldn't send him Back to his Live on Earth. So the Angel gave him an Offer, he could stay in Heaven and 'Live' on there or he could send him to another Live in another Universe but in Order to Survive he would need 'Powers' and a new Body .

Powers that Dave would Choose and so he chose. He asked for many things but the Things that were given to him were:

All Bending Technique's from Avatar the Last Airbender
The Powers to manipulate Time so he can Time Travel or 'make' something young again
The Ability to shape Space so he could shape everything he could Imagine
The Ability to shapeshift and Hover/Fly
Telepathy (http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telepathy )
Telekinesis (http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telekinesis )
(The Telekinesis will 'Level Up' depending on how much he uses it wich will be A Lot so therse a Big chance He will get to the Master Level Maybe Ultimate but I doubt It since It would be too OP)

And so He was launched into this new Dimension. But before that he chose a new Body and since he was such a Huge Pokemon Fan he already had a new Body in his Mind and since he didn't wan't to become anything from My Little Pony, he chose his favorite Pokemon a Mew.

So the Angel send him into this new World in the new Dimension, but what he didn't expect was to Land in Equestria. But for now he has to get a hold of his Powers and how to use them all while he hides from Pony kind ... for now. Until a certain Lavender Coated Unicorn, her Friends and her Teacher set out to find the great magical anomaly that happened.

Just so all of you Know this Im German and this is my First Story.

Chapters (2)

Coverart from HERE

Set shortly after the season 5 premiere, but before episode three

Romance tag readded due to a lack of a certain mare having a ship in the finale.

Normally, Ken wouldn't have minded finding an excuse to get out of school. However, being hit by a car and suddenly waking up as a strange four legged creature with purple fur, wings and a horn is not something he'd have chosen just to play hooky.

Now in a world he continually doesn't understand and makes him... now a her, want to pull her hair out, Ken must learn how to coincide with the creatures of Equestria, while finding her place in this bizare world that defies all senses of logic she was raised with. On top of that, she's now apparently a princess and has to deal with nobles fawning over her, including one male who she knows is definitely just trying to get into her new female parts to breed, and she'll have none of that.

Of all the things she could've chosen to get out of school, this was definitely not one of them and she just wants to go back to normal. Sadly, that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

Though not pertaining to the main character, Romance tag does still apply to other characters in this story. It's just the Tag Limiter wouldn't let me keep Romance Tag after I edited the description a little, so had to remove the tag, even if it still holds some small weight on the story.

Featured Box 16-18/8/2015. Okay. Seriously did not see that coming.

Popular Stories 16-20/8/2015

Featured Box again 6/11/2016 if only for a few moments.:rainbowderp: I... I honestly don't know what to say:raritystarry:

Featured again? Really? Thank you guys, so much:twilightsmile::yay:

Chapters (26)

A Displaced story.

How would you feel, I wonder, if your reality was torn out from under you, to have your life stripped away in the strangest of circumstances, and thrust into a world you have no understanding of, with no way to get home. Now living the life of a star spirit, who without starlight, you simply cease to exist until the next night brings you back.

How would you cope, if you were only ten years old at the time?

For our young heroine, the answer was simple. She didn't.

Her name is now Mare, and she wants to be left alone.

The character Mare is from the Visual Novel Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star, But is unlikely to contain any elements from there apart from the appearance, abilities and some mannerisms of the character Mare, so prior knowledge is unnecessary, and even mildly discouraged, as I will not be entirely faithful to the source material, and most things will be explained in the story.

To save time, rather than putting this on individual chapters, I'll just say that This story has been edited by m2pt5, and probably will be for the foreseeable future, and is much better off for it.

Chapters (17)

One day, I become Princess Celestia in the middle of Lunch at school. A year of testing, spellcrafting, and preparing later, I end up in Equestria, thanks to Discord. Now, I get to meet Celestia, Luna, and others of Royal Company as I troll the shit out of everything. Maybe I'll learn some new tricks too.

Thanks to Blazing Archangel for pointing me to this picture. It fits perfectly!

Due to circumstances, this fic is no longer going to be updated since it was merged with Life as a Sonic OC Redux

Chapters (12)

I wanted to just enjoy going to Supanova with some friends. As embrassing as losing a bet, my punishment being going dressed as Raven from Teen Titans is, I'm not going to let it spoil my fun.

However, waking up in the world of My Little Pony as Raven herself might spoil that fun. I mean, being an empath in MLP... after the Changeling Invasion at the wedding?

Yeah. I don't see any problems for me from that. Not to mention keeping my new powers under control when they're tied to my emotions and I haven't had all the years of training Raven did.

And let's not forget that my new powers are shadow magic, so basically Dark Magic. I don't see that causing me any problems socially, either. Nope. None at all.

T due to Scenes of Violence, Blood, (hence the Gore tag) sometimes and nudity of a young girl and other things.

Adventure and Slice of Life tags would be here if they didn't go against each other, plus there was no room. Sex tag mostly for when Raven is nude and how she talks about sex and similar things with the ponies at times.

Featured 3/5/2016.

Featured 12/3/2017? Wow. Thanks:scootangel:

Featured 23/3/2017.:rainbowderp: Um... okay.

Chapters (14)

I woke up to a burning building coming down on top of me.

Oh yeah, that isn't even the half of it. There's these freaky Technicolor horses everywhere too and a few of them were dressed in golden armour.

They bound me, dragged me to the castle and hooked me up to some chains. Currently I'm being interrogated by a white unicorn... guard. Whatever it's called.

Well, it's not like it could get much worse, right?

Rated teen for suggestive situations and bad language


Found some cover art.

Sorry to whomever made this, but the source website was taken down or something, so I'm really not sure who to credit.

Finally found the name of the artist: Blaz Portenta

I got featured a couple times. Yeah, I'm surprised too.

Chapters (23)

Was originally on Lancerot's page, but he has handed over to me to continue, as he is busy with the BS that is life throwing crap at everyone.

Eclipse. That is my name. Or at least now it is. You know how it is, bla bla bla tragic\boring story bla bla bla end of the world, I'm spared you get the gist. I get a keyblade, get sent to equestria but here's the kick in the nuts. I'm reborn as a pony with all my human memories. And I mean re born, out of the womb kind of reborn.

I HAD TO GO THROUGH PUBERTY AGAIN!!!!! Oh and apparently now that I'm 18 again, apparently The entire Multiverse has be on speed dial.....buck my life.

Crosses over with:
A Wielder and His Students
Life of A Nobody

Chapters (40)