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Displaced Fic
Man my nose really itches, but it is to be expected when you are in stone. It wasn't my fault I got to be in this predicament. I was a normal teen Named Jeffery and I went to this con dressed as black suit Spiderman and I bought web shooters and the utility belt with a lot of extra web cartridges from a guy that looks very similar to the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. Once I bought them I got brought to Equestria with the same powers as Spiderman and the strange knowing of how to make the spider web fluid. The time I'm dragged to Equestria is during Discords rain about 1000 years ago when the princesses are trying to fight him off. After my fight with him a lot of crazy and insane shit happens to lead up to the crystal empire vanishing and me being turned to stone as punishment for failing to save it from Sombra.
Now let's jump to now where I'm a fucking statue that birds shit on and kids look at me with awe in their eyes. If i get out of here I swear by Uncle Ben, Peter Parker, Ben Reilly, and on my own eternal soul I will be seen as a hero again and not wanted by the princesses for being a criminal that escaped.

Chapters (11)

Ugh! Being stoned by the very things that you have been gifted with sucks, but when it means that the world stays safe, its worth the 1,000 year wait. My name... I go by many names; Shade Blitz, Norijiro, Rage. But my most common name; Alexander, God of Rage. This is my story.

Chapters (10)

Yo I'm Nathan. Dissy said there is a audience listening... So listen up. I always wanted to be a hero, I always wanted to go to equestria. Well I fucked up... But I am gonna redeem myself! I'm gonna prove sunbutt and all of her ponies wrong! I am gonna save Equestria!

Once I get out of here...

Or fuck up again in the process...

Meh. Whatever comes first.

Chapters (8)

Well, my life has gone insane. I was attending my first ever convention with my mom and sister, dressed in a costume that looks like a black and blue Spider-Man that took me months to make. Then I find someone who offers me a mask and sword that'll complete my costume. Next thing I know, I'm in an anthro version of Equestria with all of Spider-Man's powers and abilities and my sister is a pink hedgehog with a hammer.

My own little take on a Displaced story. This is my first ever story, so constructive criticism is appreciated. Rated T for some swearing. Also, first 2 chapters are currently pretty bad but the rest is decent so please don't judge it until you finish chapter 3.

Feedback (your thoughts in the comments) on chapters will be appreciated.

Chapters (65)

(Displace story)

Me, my Girlfriend and my other friends went to a con, you know the drill. While we were in Equestria I decided to give any of the Mane 6, CMC, Spike or Princess's who were killed from other Displace fics a second chance at life while keeping a eye on the other displace.

Image and Characters belong to their rightful owners. Prologue had been proofread by NewUnitedEmpire and Chapter 1 had been proofread by me.

Chapters (5)

*Cover art made by _Vidz_

3/14/2015 100 Likes? Wow... I never expected this. Thanks :)

A simple purchase. That's all it was. All that was bought was some kind of item that looked like it was from the game. How the hell did it cause a cross-dimensional or otherworldly transport to another place where every damn member of it was a colorful, talking horses?!

That is the life of Drake Blackwood, a American gamer who makes his life testing, playing, and of course improving games. On one of his day offs, he had gone to a gamer con, dressed as what he believed a Summoner would be from DOTA 2. While there he purchased a object that looked like a item from DOTA 2, but unbeknownst to him it would rip him from one world and to another.

How would a human react to a situation like this? Could he be a hero or villain? Well... depends on his mood and of course what the hell he could do.

*Notes: Other tag is for other characters and the girls are a Level 3.5 on the Anthro scale.

Gore tag is because of some of the powers of heroes, I.E. Axe's Culling Blade or Phantom Assassin's Coup de Grace.

Dark tag is because of some heroes attitudes and how they would deal with a villain.

Takes place after Season 2 pilot episodes.

(Additional tag: Adventure)

Chapters (5)

Well, I was shot. I was shot when I pushed my best and only friend out of the way of a murderous student's gun. And because I was shot, I gained the powers of a god. I became the Cosmic King, the ruler of the multiverse. But because I couldn't control my powers, I split myself up, sending each version of myself to a different universe. One of those happened to be Equestria.

Now, I'm a god surrounded by a science crazy pony who wants nothing more than to break every law trying to understand me, the student-turned-god that shot me and wants revenge for me beating him up, my power hungry predecessor, an evil organization that wants my power to take over the world, a robot version of myself with all my powers and access to each of my weaknesses, and chimeras that constantly attack me.

Well, my name's Connor, and I'm the Cosmic King, and if any of those monsters think they can harm this universe, they have another thing coming.

Chapters (57)

This story is a sequel to Lost in Her Time of Need

With Core gone and Zeke split into two. Ōkami takes his Mark of Mastery to find himself and his new role in this chaotic multiverse.

Chapters (8)

There was a time when I thought that there were no other realities. Well I was wrong. Me, a random college student, was sent to a world of sentient multicolored ponies, and all I had left were the bad memories of my life on Earth and my clothes.

This will be a Kingdom Hearts crossover, but it won't happen in the first chapter.

Chapters (15)

Twilight and the girls of Canterlot High travel to New York to take on the Dazzlings who have allied with a mad man bent on revenge. The girls only hope to face the trio of sirens and their ally is in the form of four mutant turtles, their master, and their two human friends. MLP/Ninja Turtles crossover.

Inspired from a fan video.

Chapters (19)