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I was sent to Equestria only to be hunted down as if i was an animal. Well now that my friends that I met after being petrified and I are free it's time to leave Equestria and regroup. This time it will be the Darkness to purify the Light but in truth that's only a side effect for our main goal. Revenge. Unfortunately this is a very slow burn plan but that is fine. We've waited for over 5000 years to be free what's a few more? In time those who wronged us will know that wrath of not just a Dungeon Keeper, but a Oni!

Hello everyone. This story was inspired by The Beating of my Heart. by Clockworklich. Please note that this story will be much darker then all of my other stories with the possible exception of Tales of a Lycan-Scale due to me not 100% sure where that one is going to end up with the few plans I currently have for it. Please know that I will change this to Mature if it's needed but to all who read this then I hope you enjoy!

Edit: This is going on hiatus for awhile because I want to work on it but the inspiration and ideas just isn't there.

Chapters (4)

In the aftermath of a Canterlot Wedding Invasion, Twilight decides to leave on her own. Far away from feeling abandon of betrayal, trust, and friendship. Until she heard some kind of whispers or voices calling to her from the Crystal Cave she recently escaped with Cadence. Finally arriving at the cave entrance, Twilight walks inside it and sees a glowing tainted light. Not knowing the danger, Twilight tries walking closer to it until something inside the tainted light grabs a hold of her and drags her in. Twilight later wakes up upon seeing a burned town and felt strange that her whole body transformed into a human. Then something told her to look behind her and sees a lone tall figure on the back of his horse looking down at her. What'll happen when Twilight faces the King of Darkness and will Equestria ever be safe without her?

Chapters (3)

“Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else.” ― George Orwell

The end of everything Twilight knew and loved allowed something else to seep into what was left of Equestria. Something that had long been forgotten by the only one who had the ability to understand it. To Twilight it is the most jarring, the harshest, and perhaps the most benevolent thing that she could ever imagine ...


Chapters (1)

Hello there, my name is or was Kyle but now I go by Axel. You see, what started as just me and 13 of my friends going to a convention cosplaying as Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts II for my 18th birthday, has ended in us becoming Organization XIII, coming to Equestria, being labeled as enemy's of Equestria and having all the ponies hating us including that S.O.B named Celestia. But you know what, I don't care; if I'm stuck here and miss sun butt isn't going to help us get home then I might as while have some fun well I'm here till we find a way home.

This story was inspired by F*** it I'm Having Fun by Jimmy the Grape and many other stories like it. And special thanks to Thadius0 for proofreading.

Chapters (7)

I am formally known as the Mad Hatter, but my friends call me Hatter. I don't think I can call myself human anymore after what those shadow hands did to me, but I just roll with it. I'd rather have fun and be carefree than let a little dimensional traveling affect me.
Let us just see how these ponies like my madness...and hats, I hope they like my hat.

Crossover with Don't Starve, but you don't need to know much about the game.
My first published story, with inspiration from the stories of LoHAV

Chapters (6)

It all started ordinarily enough. Go out for the weekend with some friends attend a masquerade try to meet some chicks. That all goes away when the door to my hotel room doesn't lead out into the hall.

Now I'm stuck turned into an anthropomorphic raccoon with all the skills of a master thief and no way home.

(Writing this when I get bored or stuck writing my other story.)

Chapters (3)

Evil has come to Equestria in many ways. But they never expected a human and a sapient ring holding the soul of Corruption itself.

Inspired by stories like Malideus, F*** it I'm Having Fun, The Rise of Darth Vulcan, and the LoHAV universe in general.

While it is inspired and begins as a LoHAV, it is ultimately just a writing exercise.

Chapters (8)

Okay, it goes like this.

I was supposed to get married today, but fate had different plans. Those plans included me inexplicably appearing on an alien world of sapient horses who speak an entirely different language. Not only am I totally screwed with my wedding, but these sparkling horses are apparently hostile.

Yeah, I know it sounds stupid, but I'm not the kind of guy who can make up something like this.

Chapters (15)

Everything dies.

Sometimes sooner than it should, and sometimes not for very long.

When death proves to be a bit more impermanent than it should be, Celestia is left to figure it out.

As well as why the new citizen of her fair land seems so intent on keeping the answers to himself.

Chapters (4)

Over a millenium ago, a creature was dug up beneath the Crystal Empire— a sleeping god. But as all shall know, a sleeping god still dreams.

Holy bugger I hit the featured box, 12/09/2014. Also, turns out I have a TV TROPES page . http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Millennium

I would like to thank the brilliant C-Conztantine on Deviantart for his allowing me to use his fantastic illustration.

Chapters (6)