• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Starting out as a fairly normal day, graduation from Magic School means Twilight will no longer have to send friendship reports to the Princess. Things go amazing, but, slowly, they topple into an adventure and a problem so large it will change the face of Equestria forever. The Mane 6 will have to deal with love, violence, vengeance, and more.

The story was cancelled, but I'm leaving this up for historical purposes. I plan on rewriting from scratch with a different style. It's going to be the same story, same characters, but with a different narrative I'm better at, and a new title. While this is going to stay up, and it's by no means short, I'm just going to start over. It has a LOT of problems, and the vast majority would be fixed with a complete rewrite.

Chapters (4)

Sgt. Jackson of the United States Marine Corps began his first tour of duty in Afghanistan. But after serving 3 months over seas, his convoy was ambushed. After the attack subsided, an RPG hit the lead humvee Jackson was standing next to. Now in a strange new colorful world so unlike his own, Sgt. Jackson tries to make sense of all of it and find the way back to his own.

Chapters (8)

Twilight feels herself lonely in generic fashion, when she spends the Hearts and Hooves Day dateless. And that in spite of the fact she did something about it, too.

Thankfully, some sage advice from Applejack amends the situation.

Chapters (1)

Edward and Alphonse Elric are tossed into a world of chaos after they attempt to regain their bodies using a faulty Philosopher's Stone. Can the famous Alchemist and his brother make it back to Amestris? Or are they stuck in Equestria forever? Read to find out!

I'm rewriting this. It was pretty bad before. Hooray for second chances! Right? Right??

Chapters (5)

'Alchemy, the science of understanding, breaking down and reforming matter, however it is not and all powerful art, in order too- wait, why do i have hooves?

Yep...Edward Elric in Equestria...How will the Full Metal Alchemist handle being in a world of talking ponies.

I......can't do it....I'm sorry......forgive me for wasting your time....

Chapters (2)

Two thousand years ago, the terra ponies and the alicorns waged war over who would control the world. In the end Discord settled it by attacking both sides. Both were all but wiped out. Or so it was thought.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders have gone missing and it's up to their sisters and their friends to find them. But they might not be looking for three fillies anymore... And why is Trixie calling herself "new and improved"?

Chapters (26)

Princess Celestia’s 5000th birthday is fast approaching. The Mane Six and Luna decide to work together and throw a party for her, with many surprises that neither she nor they will ever forget.

A big thank you goes to Conicer, who made the wonderful cover art for me!

Chapters (12)

Desc- Well...obviously the Gala wasn't so great for everypony...but I always wondered why they didn't include a certain Moon Goddess in at least the last episode of the season, ya know? Well, if I had it my way (and it wasn't supposed to be a kid's show, primarily, hehe...) our favorite and little-known-of Alicorn would have come to at least bring the spirits up of miss Sparkle!...but I can't have it my way, so I resort to entertaining you with this story of mine. Enjoy.
NOTE, Written BEFORE "Luna Eclipsed" episode was released, so...yeah. Keep that in mind.

Chapters (2)

Memories of a time long gone by hold the key to Luna's salvation. To save her sister, Celestia sends Twilight on a quest through Luna's mind, searching for the source of an ancient spell that is slowly killing her. What she finds may change her forever.

Twilight experiences Luna's life first hand on an emotional journey through the dark alicorn's past.

Chapters (11)

"It's so nice to see you again!" said the thing that was not Celestia. "Oh yes, I know who you are, Twilight Sparkle. I had a taste of your magic the first time we met. Mortals forget things so easily, I find. Allow me to refresh your memory: you tried to kill me. But you failed, Twilight Sparkle. You only mostly killed me. And I guess that makes you one very unlucky little pony."

Chapters (15)