• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Estimated Reading: 40 weeks



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Octavia and Vinyl have been dating for months, but neither has had a chance to introduce their significant other to their families. Vinyl always dodges the issue, but when Octavia is insistent, they have a fight. This leaves Vinyl with no other option than to have Octavia over to meet her parents.

Maybe she should have told Octavia who she really was?

Dramatic reading by Goombasa available here.

Now in Russian, translated by Hopeless.

Chapters (1)

Transformation magic is a powerful, dangerous tool, a lesson Princess Celestia has taught time and time again. But when a miscalculation of her own warps her body into a new and terrible form, an avian form her oldest enemies held millennia ago, Celestia learns these dangers from an entirely new perspective. Now she must find a way to reclaim her old body and manage the killer instincts of her new one. Of course, in order to do that, she'll have to climb off her dusty old throne and make some friends with the knowledge to help her, with some prompting from the more-than-friend who sent her the spell to begin with.

Edited and proofread by the marvelous JKinsley

Covert art by the lovely Fuzzyfurvert

Chapters (6)

We all know the story of Artemis Fowl II. A genius teenager with all the ambition of an entrepreneur, he sought to reclaim his family's lost wealth through impossible means. But what if he had never contacted the People? What if, instead of finding an advanced subterranian society, he instead devised a way to traverse a whole other world in search of riches?

Original Story by Prothean.

Chapters (24)

She is the last. All her kin are gone. They'd either been blown apart by the Friendship spell so many ages ago or, in the case of her sister, changed their diet from hate to love. Cryoxia is the last of the windigos, but she is determined to be different, to never go back to those days ever again.

She'll make friendship from hate. She'll adopt an alicorn foal as her sister. She'll take physical form and learn how to move the celestial orbs with her mind. Celestial... has a nice ring to it. And she'll ally with the other nations in the world, establish friendship and preach harmony, no matter how they may diminish her food source. She'll make a world so wonderful that it will starve her to death.

Or die trying.

For antiquity, featured 10/9/14, 10/13/14 -10/16/14

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Seven Days in Sunny June, Book I

Joint Co-Authored project with Shinzakura and Flynt Coal.

Once, Sunset Shimmer had desired nothing more than to return to Equestria and assume her rightful place as its supreme ruler. Instead, she discovered her place amongst the humans of the world she thought herself exiled to, never assuming that the students she’d bullied would become her best friends, nor that she would come to see an alternate version of Twilight Sparkle as not only a friend, but a sister. Yet it came to pass, and though the previous year had been hard, Sunset had finally let go of the past.

Yet the past refused to let go of her. Something dark and sinister reached from beyond to hurt Twily, buffeting her mind with nightmares of strangely-colored ponies and macabre events to come. Sunset recognized it as her homeworld, especially the description of a dark, twisted version of Sunset’s own unicorn form. Furthermore, the discovery of a second link to Earth deepened the mystery: an ancient Italian artifact adorned with cutie marks, amongst them those of Queen Faust and Princess Celestia.

In the end, Sunset chose to rush to her foster sister’s defense, knowing that the path would lead her back to her haunted past, and possibly into the vengeful hooves of Celestia. But what she didn’t know would be that it could lead her to her own mirror image, a darker version of herself:

A version known as Raspberry Beryl.

TV Tropes Page here

*Featured 7/30-31/14, 8/6/14, 8/20/14, 9/3/14, 9/10/14, 9/24/14, 10/1/14, 10/8/14, 10/22/14, 10/29/14*

Chapters (14)

Various short stories by various authors between 100 and 1500 words obtaining to the love of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.
Rated teen for potential stuff and such.
All authors linked at the top of each of their prompts/ short stories.
Here is a link to the collab if you wish to contibute: LINK
Popular Stories List 10/11/14

Chapters (93)

Transformed into an alicorn against her will, Twilight’s peaceful world is shattered when she discovers that she’s considered a threat to the throne of the Two Sisters. With her friends nowhere to be found, Twilight must set off on a journey to find the truth behind her transformation, and why her own country considers her an enemy.

Old wounds will be opened, new friends will come forth from the shadows, and Twilight will discover a truth that will shatter her view of her mentor forever. Yet unbeknownst to her, this was her destiny all along.

This fanfic is heavily based on Equestria-Prevails artworks and fanon material. Any credit for the Characters, Locations, and Art that belongs to him must be directed at his page on Deviantart. Any other art will be credited to the respective owners on the author's note section of each chapter.~

I also have to give my thanks to a few guys who are helping me with this:
The awesome Bulder for Proof-Reading chapters seven through thirteen;
The amazing Vexy for revamping the long description;
The fantastic ymom2 for proof-reading from chapter two towards six;
The lovely Divine Path for helping me with rephrasing.

Cover art credits must go to ~Nalenthi

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to From Equestria with Love

The brightest flame casts the darkest shadow, and many wars are won and lost in darkness far from the light of day.

It could, perhaps, be understood why Celestia chose not to pursue justice against Queen Chrysalis, or free the captive ponies the changeling hive fed on. An enemy becomes all the more dangerous when cornered, and Celestia had no desire to initiate another outbreak of hostilities when the hostages were safe, after a fashion, and a peaceful solution was still possible.

Of course, not all ponies saw things that way, and many grew impatient as time dragged on. Something had to be done to end the changeling threat once and for all.

This story is a stand-alone sequel to From Equestria With Love. It is not necessary to have read the previous story.

Artwork by Digoracoon.

Special thanks to Gavinfoxx for editing.

Chapters (13)

Cover art by EternalCha0s

Coauthor: Darksonickiller

Editors: Leapingriver, General Soarin, BrastaAura17, Solar Flare Charger, and The Zealot

"Long ago, before ponies existed, the world was ruled by another race. This race ruled the world alone for over six thousand years. Six thousand years of war and bloodshed. This race fought against each other over almost anything. They did not know harmony, only chaos.

This race nearly destroyed the world in their conflicts, before vanishing without a trace. Nopony knows if the two-legged monsters still exist somewhere in the world, but this much is certain: they were a threat to the whole world, and if they still exist, they still are."

–Excerpt from The Age of Man, by Starswirl the Bearded, published 15 CR.

"We were alone for over six thousand years. In that time, we nearly destroyed ourselves due to our own foolishness. We fought our own kind for some of the dumbest reasons, and as a result, we almost wiped ourselves out in World War III.

But praise the Almighty that we did not. Only a few hundred million survived the war, but that war finally convinced us to stop war forever. The planet was scarred, and it needed healing. There weren't enough of us to heal the planet in a timely manner, so Man did one of the most wonderful and terrible things possible: create new life. New sapient life. Gryphons, dragons and ponies. We created them to be our friends, but they became our enemies when we tried to fight again using them as weapons. They decided to destroy us, and we had made them too strong, so we did the only thing we could: we hid underground. Here, in the caverns that house the Republic of New Terra, we seek to ready ourselves to make amends for our sins against life and God after rejoining the surface world.

But that is a long time away. Humanity has a long way to go before we breach the surface. But New Terra will rise someday. Never forget that."

–Excerpt from A History of Exile: Volume I, by Trevor Williams, published 3246 AD.

"New Terra will rise."

That phrase has been repeated on billions of lips in the secret underground caverns for years now. The time has almost arrived. Will the world be able to handle the return of the humans of old? Will the humans be destroyed for their sins against the world? Or will they be forgiven and be granted peace? Humanity can only hope and pray for the latter as the Day of Return fast approaches.

Chapters (3)

The ancient necropolis of Nightmare moon has been awakened by her brief return to Equestria preceding her defeat. Now its abhorrent denizens are revived after a thousand years of debauchery and decay and with no direction or control. They will soon break free from their dungeons of night and spill across Equestria spreading darkness and death. That is, unless six friends, accompanied by the better part of the city's creator, can stop the spread of chaos and and gloom before all of Equestria falls victim to the things made in secret by an angry heart.

Chapters (3)