• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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This story is a sequel to Growing Pains

After a magical mishap involving a filly, magical empowerment, and an aging spell, Twilight finds herself stuck with a rather large problem.

When Princess Celestia shows up to help her out however, it becomes apparent that Twilight isn't the only one affected by her new looks. Which in turn brings back feelings she had long thought forgotten.

Reading the prequel to this story is not required though it does help.


Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Drawn With the Night

Sequel to Drawn With the Night. Fancy Thunder and a small team go to Canterlot to fulfill a commission.
She decided to ask a few 'innocent' questions and toss a few stones in the placid waters to see what is stirred up. Specifically, how will the Princesses react to a pony who doesn't need them, and thus doesn't worship them?

A TV Tropes page

Chapters (5)

Something has happened and Twilight finds herself in a strange and dark new world. The Bipeds here have strange magic, advanced technology, and a lot of problems. She needs a few friends, and they just might need her. WORM crossover. Deadpan29 has created some great supplementary material that is canon to the story.

Chapters (32)

NOTE TO NEW READERS: I've completed the full rewrite of this story, but if you wish to see the original story as well it will remain below the revised chapter entries. Because several chapters were expounded on or compressed together there's unfortunately no real corresponding order between where events appear in the "Revised" and "Original" chapters.

NOTE TO RETURNING READERS: This rewrite was more than skin deep. While core events will largely remain the same, the plot's events may still unfold in drastically different ways in terms of scenes and details from what you previously experienced. Hopefully the new interpretation of events will be an improvement in your eyes.

Our narrator has seen the darker side of life; abandoned, homeless, and finally chosen by a think-tank to serve in an experiment against his will. In their attempt to teleport him across continents, he was instead dumped into the Void between universes, where his only chance to exist again was to reach for the light.

By chance or purpose, he later finds himself in a world strangely similar to the one he had always known, but is yet completely alien; a world populated by many colored horses who can speak, think, fly, and even do magic. This is the story of that man. This is an adventure that was never supposed to happen. This is A Journey Unthought Of: A human's life in Equestria.

NOTE: This story has been marked 'Crossover' because the Earth the protagonist comes from is the one in the Doctor Who universe. The Doctor will also make appearances in later chapters.

If this story holds your interest, I've written four appendices and a now completed sequel, all of which you can find here. These stories enhance past events of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, though some of them may have been made partially obsolete by later episodes.

The Maiden and the Serpent
The Sorrow and the Temptation
Apocalypse Unbound
Lessons for a Benevolent Tyrant
SEQUEL - AJUO: Revival of Chaos

Chapters (136)

Twilight has the power to change the biological structure of anypony, or anydragon into something else. And, after seeing Rarity fall over other stallions, Spike the dragon wants Twilight to change him into a pony so that he could finally have a chance to be with the mare of his dreams. She gives in and casts a spell on Spike, turning him into a pony. However, this spell is temporary, unless Spike gets his cutie mark within three days.

But becoming a pony for the sake of Rarity comes at a price; Twilight Sparkle will lose her one and only number one assistant, something that is dear to both her and Spike.

Chapters (2)

For Twilight everything was going as well as it possibly could be. She finally had gotten used to all of the changes that came from her alicorn transformation, and her life was the way that she liked it. Structured, organized and full of friends that made everyday something to look forward too.

Little did she know that all of that was going to be turned on it's head, with one simple action from a painfully bored cyan coloured pegasus. For months she had kept a secret hidden away from her, and now thanks to dumb luck, it seemed that her secret was going to be in the hooves of the one that she kept from so for so long. At first she was worried about what would happen once Rainbow found out. What would Rainbow think once she found out? Would her worst fears of their good friendship breaking apart at the seems come true?

Twilight's fears however seemed that all for naught, as none of them were even close to coming true. In fact the one thing that Twilight never expected was the one thing that came true. That one event quickly cascaded into a series that eventually led to the development of the happiest relationship that she had ever had. Sure it was weird on how everything had happened, but as she looked back, she wouldn't have it any other way.

This is a small story that I wanted to do for some time, but never really had the ambition to do it. So after a couple of months, and some extensive procrastination... It's finally here! This is my take on what could possibly happen if the roles that Twilight and Rainbow typically have in TwiDash stories were reversed. What would happen if Rainbow was the obvious one, instead of Twilight?

Of course I have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks to Kodeake, jlm123hi, and Hardc0r3Br0n3 for helping me with editing, idea bouncing, and pretty much everything relating to the development of the story. Thanks also goes to a good MTG friend of mine for inspiring me to put this up as part of the National Novel Writing Month.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the story as always. Feel free to comment on anything that you so wish to. All feedback is appreciated.

Chapters (1)

After one of her adventures, Daring Do finds a book that reveals a shocking truth that changes everything everypony thought they knew about the past of Equestria and friendship itself.

Cover art is The Windigo by Man-Eating-Llama. You should definitely check his other stuff out!

Chapters (4)

Pandinus Imperator (You can call him Pan, he won't mind) is knocked back in time during the Canterlot Invasion, and accidentally kills King Sombra on arrival. Instead of being executed, the changeling is surprised to find himself being hailed as a hero, and is promptly put on the throne as the new monarch, the Crystal Emperor. However, Pan now faces a great many problems, among them Celestia and Luna, who seem certain that the changeling is secretly up to no good, as well as several political factions secretly plotting to undermine his reign. There's also the tiny problem of the constant snowstorm that threatens to cut the city off from the outside world permanently.
The Crystal Ponies need a hero now more than ever before. Why did they get a changeling instead?

We Has A TvTropes.

While not truly a part of Bucking Nonsense's Changeling-Verse, the same rules regarding changeling abilities and society apply.

Cover image provided by gabapple, used with permission.

Chapters (35)

Spike thought... neigh, Spike knew something was strange.

First, Twilight literally blew up over her upcoming test, and now she's acting as if nothing's wrong!

Like hay that's right! It was a minor miracle that the girls talked her into taking a nap during the train ride, and now she's saying she has everything under control?! Spike knew how good naps were - they refresh you in body and spirit, help memory retention, and aid digestion! But something happened to Twilight, and now she acts like she knows everything that's going to happen before it does!

Wait a second, what do you mean 'accidentally broke the fabric of space-time'!?

Mostly Slice-of-life, but contains parts of episodes that could be called 'adventure-y'.

MLP property of Hasbro.

Chapters (6)

For many years there has been a mysterious creature living in the woods. Many rumors have spread about this creature. Some say its capable of killing anything it puts its mind on, even predators many times its size. A very strange creature that nopony had ever encountered face to face. That was, until now.

The story will tagged complete, since I don't have anything more to write. If I do get an idea for another chapter it will be published here.

Image not mine but from Aeflus, check him out he has really impresive art! No really, go check him out.

Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell, FreedomFiend, Glocky and Scrambled Crackers who have helped me out with this story. Really, these guy's are awesome!

Chapters (2)