• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Estimated Reading: 40 weeks



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It was just a normal day in the new castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, except for a few incidents. As the King of Chaos, the Princess of the Night, the Element of Laughter and two old enemies decide at the same time reveal their love for her. What could go wrong? Well, simply everything.

Additional Character tags: Discord.
Editing by the awesome Lord Dragon, go and give him some hugs!
Art by megarexetera

Chapters (7)

A little story written in collaboration with DarknessRising, who is sadly no longer with us. (He went on to do something more fulfilling with his life. Think he became a guitar player in a famous rock band or something.)

It's Pinkie Pie's birthday, and Discord has decided to give her something special.

The entity of chaos decides to give Pinkie Pie his divine powers for one whole day.

Yay for the party pony, but a whole load of NOPE! for the rest of Ponyville.

Let's see how this turns out...

UPDATE - FEATURED! 6th of October, Monday, 2014. Meh, whatever. I prefer the Popular Section.

UPDATE - Featured. 12th of April, Wednesday, 2017. Yeah, yeah, well done me. So who wants to look into my YouTube channel at some point?

Chapters (4)

((For those who haven't seen Godzilla 2014 yet, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT IN FIRST CHAPTER!! You have been warned.))

Whenever the King of the Monsters is in need of care, he knows the one small soul suitable for the job. However, how will his caretaker keep him a secret just to prevent pandemonium and chaos to all of Ponyville?

A short Godzilla(2014)/MLP crossover fic, just for creativity's sake... (And I freaking loved the movie). XD

Chapters (1)

Freed from the malign influence of Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna goes to pay an old debt, to visit a tribe of night ponies who, for their loyalty to Luna, were cursed by Nightmare Moon with lycanthropy. Seeing what her alter ego wrought, what damage it has done to generation upon generation of innocent ponies, brings home to Luna the magnitude of what she while in the grip of jealousy and pride.

Written for Sir Viper

Chapters (1)

There is a reason why Twilight used the phrase ‘works every time’ to describe the want it, need it spell. Her data says it has an approximately 99% success rate, but it used to be 100%.

Previous Episode: Twin Twilights
Current Episode: Season Zero — Episode Three
Next Episode: Episode Four: Twilight Frankenstein

Chapters (1)

Spring is upon Equestria and Twilight just wants to read her book outdoors. Celestia has other plans.

Rated teen for Celestia.

Edited by Evanescyan

Now with 100% more dramatic reading! by CaptainBron3y
Words do not properly express the ego stroking!

Chapters (2)

After Midna sealed the Twilight realm forever, the newly resurrected Zant traps Link in his wolf form and sends his Twilight beasts to kill him. Link escapes, and his friend Ordona helps him flee to a mysterious new land, away from Zant's evil. But is this pony-populated world the heaven it seems? Or is it the hiding place for something much more sinister?

Featured on 11/25/15!

Chapters (13)

"What's a Warpig?"

An innocent question from a innocent filly brings back a flood of memories Celestia would have preferred to keep buried.

Rated Teen and tagged Gore for violence.

Edited by Magicman7997 and Evanescyan

Now with a dramatic reading by Goombasa

Chapters (1)

Are the changelings all gone? Is Chirp the last of her kind? Taking place two weeks after A Mother's choice and consequence , Chirp is now being taken care by Twilight Sparkle. As she lives her new life in Ponyville, she will go through struggles for being different, but as she lives and grow older she starts to feel something she doesn't know what, but it feels as if something is calling her.

Chapters (21)

After her plans were ruined her hive now in destruction all shes has left are two young changeling. When she is saved by one of the ponies responsible for destroying her plans the great Changeling queen is forced to make certain choices. Will the choices she make now be for the better of her last remaining children or will she lose them for good?

Chapters (13)