• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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Estimated Reading: 40 weeks



  • Featured 23558 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

This story is a sequel to Love's Been a Little Bit Hard on Me

Happy ever after in the library space, Twilight lets the children lend a hand. Trixie stays at home and does her pretty face, and in the evening she performs onstage with a bang.

You may think parenthood is a dawdle, but Twilight and her herdwives will tell you different. But why let them tell you when you can see the troubles first hoof? What follows is the adventures of Twilight's children, and the many, many troubles that happen around them (some aren't even their fault!). Rated Teen for now in case shenanigans ensue; will change as appropriate.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl just wanted to go to a school where social statuses could not matter less. Fresh from expulsion from a string of private institutions, she enters Greyside Public School with great optimism and hopes of making some true friends. Little does she know that a certain grey mare from the past is in her class. A grey mare who is barricaded so deeply within herself no pony can hope to bring her out. Nopony except one.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Seven Days in Sunny June, Book II

A Tale of the Berylverse. Joint project with BlueBastard and Flynt Coal.

In the past year, Sunset Shimmer's life has changed radically and now she finds herself with a family and friends - a life she treasures. But changes are on the horizon, challenges and issues that might push the former unicorn to her limits and beyond.

But Sunset's never been one to back down from a challenge.

TVTropes page!

Chapters (15)

Death is the end. Once you die that’s it. There’s nothing. Driven by the desire to confront the mare who killed him, Sombra makes his return known at the doorstep of the Ponyville library. As the battle between Sombra and Twilight intensifies, a second motivation behind Sombra’s attack comes to light. This ulterior motive threatens not just Ponyville, but Equestria as a whole. They say death is the end of life, but for some, it’s only the beginning.

Cover art provided by: Valkyrie-girl
Art used with permission

Chapters (3)

Celestia is not invincible. Strong, yes. Ageless, assuredly. Magical, undoubtedly. But not invincible.

The Princess of the Day has been attacked, and she did not escape unscathed.

While Luna fights against the mortal fear gripping her subjects in the wake of the assassination attempt, the enemy runs free. Twilight Sparkle must assemble a team to bring the pony to justice. Few ponies can be trusted, and fewer still can be expected to succeed.

But the kingdom has heroes: The Knights of Harmony. Ponies who have stood against evil and won, who fight to make Equestria a safer place. Each is an expert in their particular field, masters of their trades, but they have yet to work together.

An adventurer past her prime.

A tinkerer with too much time on his hooves.

A spy whose primary instinct is to lie.

A dishonored soldier with an axe to grind.

As they delve into the origins of the assassin, they find that Equestrian history still has secrets long buried. Can the knights come together as a team before she finds her next mark?

Rated Teen for

Action Violence

Chapters (40)

This is the first book of The Humanity Within Trilogy. Its sequel is What I've Done.

I wasn't always like this, a monster, running through the woods on an alien planet. I was once a man. I had dreams, a girlfriend, and a great job.
Then They came. In the middle of the night, They scooped me from my home, and... changed me.

Now I'm a beast, a demon the like of which the world I've become stranded on has never seen before, scraping by on the fringes of society, hiding from the natives, and doing my best to avoid notice.

After all, who could ever be friends with a monster?

Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!
Now 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Mad props to my prereaders:
Admiral Applejack.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to What I've Become

It is highly recommended that you read What I've Become before you read this story, since this is the second story in The Humanity Within Trilogy, and you will be lost if you just plunge into this without any preparation.

Also, this story already has a sequel: What I Am!

Things have been turning up roses for me lately. I'm no longer fighting to survive, I have people that I can turn to, and I have my face back, all because of the kindness shown to me by strangers.
But will they continue to help me once they find out what dark secrets haunt my past? Will they shun me for the evil deeds that my abductors forced me to do while I was in their service? Will they continue to protect me from the monsters that destroyed my life, once they realize what kind of monster I really am?
How does one forgive a murderer?
WOOT! Feature the day it came out! (how did that happen?) 12/1/2014
Edited by Malefactory. He is fantastic at this kind of thing!
Proofread by Cantankerous. He's freaking amazing.
Also proofread by PhiliChez.
Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!

Chapters (28)

Similar to The Sun and The Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab, this is a collection of short stories by various authors.

The key difference? We all get the same prompt and we have an hour to write. See more of the rules here. Want to contribute? Join the Skype chat group or check out the thread!

Chapter titles are that week's prompt; each author is listed and linked above their entry.

Chapters (61)

Lapis-Lazuli proudly presents....

Once, long ago, the four nations of ponykind were wracked by an endless war that nearly destroyed themselves and the world they lived in. Today, united by the power of the Avatars - Special ponies imbued with the power and magic of all four great tribes - they live together in harmony as the Nations of Equestria.

But with war and chaos looming on the horizon, the light of hope remains. For the strange spell that first wove the power of the Avatars into existence has chosen another to protect the peace and prosperity of Equestria. A young Unicornian heiress by the name of Twilight Sparkle, who is about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

Cover Art by Ambris

Chapters (5)

Twilight goes for her exam for the Royal Sister's School for Gifted unicorns But something goes wrong. Follow Twilight as she tries to figure out what happened to her and how it affected her and her family.

Picture done by TheParagon at Deviant Art.

Chapters (5)