• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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This story is a sequel to I believe your wife is a vampire!

The other crusaders have gotten their cutie marks, leaving Sweetie Belle a lone blank flank. But then she learns about a pony, who sold his soul to tartarus for his cutie mark. So, a dark moonlit night she's walking down to the crossroad, but to her surprice, she's not alone...

A follow-up, rather than a actual sequel. Unedited.

Oh, and by the way, you might say it's a crossover.

Chapters (1)

"My name is Scootaloo, I'm twelve years old and...as much as I don't like to admit it...I'm an orphan.

Anyway, something happened to me, I don't know...I got sucked into some weird dimension thingy and I got turned into an alicorn! But it only happens when I say a certain word. This old pony told me that this power should only be used to protect others, and stop something bad that would come back to hurt a lot of ponies. I don't know what's coming, but I won't let it hurt my friends, or anypony, and to those who dare try, I got one word for you..."


Cover art by: NeroScottKennedy
Shazam is the property of DC Comics.
Featured: 12/9/14
Edit: Now with it's own TV Tropes page by Darkness Rising!

Chapters (31)

When Sunset Shimmer wakes up in a strange forest she doesn't recognize after seeing another her at her new school Canterlot High and finds she is now a pony, she doesn't know what's going on.

what's more, when she eats some glowing fruit because she's starving, it takes a strange turn she could have never expected.

And scootaloo, after running away from the orphanage, gets a second shot at life.

new cover art provided by Princess Glitzy, who you can find HERE and this plus her other wonderful works you can find HERE

Featured 27/10/2019. Fitting it get featured during it's final udapte. A kind swan song. thank you all

Chapters (25)

The old castle in the Everfree. Twilight Sparkle knows it's full of secrets that are still waiting to see the light of day. On her most recent exploration of the ruins, however, she finds something that she left there years ago.

Not all things know defeat in death.

Chapters (10)

Detective Inspector Buckem knocks on the door to Octavia and Vinyls house. He believes that Vinyl is a vampire, guilty of the deaths of at least 25 ponies. Will he convince Octavia to help him bring her wife to justice, or will love prevail?

Another one-shot. Halloween Special!

Oh, just so you know. The second chapter and the sequel is VERY optional. If you want the story to end with chapter one, you may. If you want a continuation, you have a second chapter and a sequel to enjoy. I try to please everypony. :twilightsmile:

Cover by Pixiecold

Chapters (2)

When Twilight finds a book some advanced spells she can't resist but read it and try to perform them. Unfortunately the spell back fired and turned Twilight back into a filly. Having no memory of her adult life, can her friends find a cure for her? Or will she have to start life over again?

Chapters (6)

Living in Gravity Falls Oregon, Dipper should be immune to most strange things that come his way. But after a sleepless night caused by a mysterious nightmare creature, Dipper finds himself on an adventure with the fate of two worlds in the balance.

I would like to thank, Viper 9172, Wasabi-Beans, and RecklessRush for helping me edit the first few chapters.

As for the later chapters I have to thank Insula Sol, Dark Matter Butter Flies, and Dudeler. They're all awesome guys, give'em a look!

And a big thanks to serenamidori for letting me borrow her piece for the cover picture.

*Twitch Twitch* FEATURED!? By the the Doctors TARDIS , I never thought it was possible!

Thank you all my dahlings and I hope I continue to impress.

Sincerely Yours, The Cake Devil.


Chapters (21)

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities.
Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Chapters (17)

"Leave now, Twilight Sparkle! Leave and never return! For I do not want to see you ever again."

Twilight Sparkle was a new princess, learning all there was to be about being Royal. After a big mistake she did, Twilight gets banished from Canterlot and Ponyville. On her journey, could she find something more valuable than Royal Life?

This story (keyword) was written for the Exiled Twilight Contest. I never got to finish in time for the dead line. :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the cover image!!
Rated Teen for minor language and some gore.
Attention! This story is now up for grabs. If you wanna keep this story going, please PM me! More about this is in my blogs and account. Thank you!

Chapters (6)

Twilight and Applejack have been married for two years now, so it's not surprising when Applejack gets the motherly bug to have a foal. To please her wife, and to have a foal that belongs to both of them, despite mares not being able to get pregnant the normal way (obviously), Twilight creates a spell to do the job, and it works perfectly. However, there are unexpected consequences when each one of the mane six wake up the next morning and find that they are all expecting their own little bundles of joy.

*Takes place about five years after current cannon*
*Yes, the library is the setting. I'm in careful denial of the thing ever blowing up in the first place*
*Coverart by Me, using a base from Softybases on dA:

Chapters (9)