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Sometimes, even hundreds of years can't change how you feel.
Twilight notices this every week.
Will she get over the tears of the past?


Thanks to Twidashforever for his help on this
Edited by DonnEStarside
Cover art by Adalbertus

Chapters (1)

After a major accident forces her to take an early retirement from the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash decides to pursue another one of her career passions.

Chapters (1)

*Has a pony in a diaper, but no diaper usage. Made for a special friend with a special purpose in mind, at her request.

There are ponies whose special talents extend a little farther than most would first guess, and cutie marks that apply so much greater than most actually know. Heart Healer is such a pony., a nurse with the ability to heal others beyond cuts and bruises. If there is a pony with a broken leg, a broken heart, or a broken spirit, Heart Healer can nurture these things with the tender care of a mother to her foal.

Yet the broken heart on her flank reflects the state of her own heart all too well. Cracked, with little more than a bandage holding it together. How can a pony that brings so many ponies joy be so sad on the inside? And how does she manage to hide it?

Heart Healer is broken hearted, ironic enough, and tired. She has to make others happy, else what is her purpose? Yet, little does she realize, she doesn't do anything special to make ponies happy. All she does is be herself, and the healing happens all on its own. And when she's really broken, all it takes is a good friend to put her heart back together, she just has to let them in.

Chapters (1)

To Princess Celestia, her subjects are also her children and, for them, she strives to be a beacon of integrity and friendship. To Prince Blueblood, she was even more than that, until duties stole her away and his parents naturally filled the role in her absence. They taught him to uphold his family's honor and accept no reproach on his brithright. Their example showed him how to snub his peers if they outshone him and exercise his authority without regard for his subordinates.

To see her own nephew become so cruel pains her. All those around him suffer, and so does he, the pain hidden beneath an unremorseful sneer at those quivering before his hooves. Luna's presence grants Celestia the time that had been denied to Blueblood many years before, and she vows to use it to help him rediscover the loving, happy colt she once knew. Determined and hopeful, Auntie Celly enacts her plan for helping her nephew learn once more what it means to love, and be loved in turn.

Warning: Has a adult pony wearing diapers and snuggling.

Chapters (1)

The mane six are having odd dreams of enjoying moments of being or acting younger. Without realizing it a mysterious pony keeps popping up in the dreams who may have her own intentions.

Co-author: Zubric

Chapters (7)

Diamond Tiara finds out what 'rape' is from a very realiable source, and decides that she wants to try it out. Together with Silver Spoon, Diamond Tiara 'rapes' her three favourite targets, and soon a new trend spreads throughout the school.

The adults of Ponyville are very, very concerned.

NOTE: There is NO foalcon in this story, nor is there anything of any sexual nature, rape or consensual. If you wish to understand, feel free to read on :3

Chapters (3)

Lightning Dust is finally prepared to seek her vengeance on the mare she blames for denying her place amongst the Wonderbolts.

Of course, that kind of behaviour is probably only due to her romantic feelings for Rainbow Dash, which she just hasn’t admitted to yet.

It’s time for an unrequited intervention, whether Lightning Dust wants one or not.


Vectors used are by theluckypegasus511, jeatz axl, turbo740, noxy and boneswolbach. Image composition was by myself.

This a fairly silly one off that I wrote most of at the end of last year while somewhat down about some of the reception that All for You was getting to de-stress. Then due to various factors it took me bloody ages to actually finish the thing and take account of the show actually bringing Gilda back in the meantime so nearly a year after starting it it's finally done.

Pre-read and edited by the always wonderful Mooncalf.

Chapters (1)

"I've thrown some pretty super parties in my time, but this one must be off the charts, cause two of my besties are finally trying to hook up! Wait, no, four of them are! Oh my gosh, they're all trying to hook up! ...Maybe this isn't the best party ever after all."

A fun and entertaining party at the Castle of Friendship takes a turn for the awkward (and strange). Rushed, predictable, and very forward romance ensues.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle considers herself a learned pony. With the power of her intellect and a healthy dose of friendship, there’s no problem too big to solve. Or so she thinks.

However, when she criticizes Discord’s favorite action movie, the mad god takes revenge in a way that nopony saw coming—he turns her entire life into a summer blockbuster. Now, Twilight’s out of time, out of options, and out of luck, as... the princess under fire.

Many thanks to JeffCvt for editing. Cover art and all chapter art provided courtesy of the talented Magello.

I am forced to assume that neither of those two gentlemen have ever seen an explosion, because they're always facing away from them.

Chapters (9)

Shining Armor awakens one night to find a baby pony/changeling on his doorstep. A baby that is apparently his as well as Chrysalis's. Can he keep Cadance in the dark? Can Twilight help him? Is the queen changeling herself going to make an appearance? How many OCs will there be? Will everypony be in character? Who will cameo? And most importantly, was he technically cheating?

Read and find out.

Sequels contain spoilers. As in you will spoil the twist if you even look at the sequel.

I see you scrolling down. Stop that.

Editors: All of you!
Oh and SmilingKittens

Chapters (11)