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The heart. Such a mysterious source of power. Those with weak ones soon find their hearts lost to darkness. Those with strong ones have shown to unleash the most powerful of lights. But what makes a heart strong? What makes the darkness so attracted to it? I must know.

Twilight. Applejack. Rarity. Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy. These six posses the strongest hearts in all of Equestria. They may show me the answer to my questions. But to unlock the secrets within them, I will need a key. A key that no one will miss if it vanishes...or perhaps, a key that no one knows to exist at all. I need a keyblade. I need her.

Xion will be based on her game and manga counterpart.

Chapters (37)

It's a quiet day like any other at the Apple Family homestead until an incensed Applejack storms into the kitchen. Rainbow Dash has finally told her something which she was not ready to hear and her response leaves her siblings shocked into silence. A resolute Rainbow Dash must dig in and stand strong to face her best friend and fight to drag the real truth out, for both their sakes.

Chapters (1)

Returning from Rarity's generously donated job, Coco Pommel is eager to learn under the wing of Ponyville's esteemed designer and her timing couldn't be better. With Canterlot's yearly fashion show and the Grand Galloping Gala right around the corner, Rarity is called to design a eye-catching line for young starlet, Rose Blossom.
Ivory Tower, Rose's manager, runs every minute of her life, and her mother Red Velvet makes sure her daughter is perfect for every photo shoot, public appearance, and cat-walk. Rose's sister, Fleur De Lis, attempts to balance her life and relationship with Fancy Pants with helping her little sister get through each day in one piece.
With such luxury constantly around every corner Rose barely has time for anything but work, but when Coco begins to notice that Rose is anything but the happy, privileged celebrity that everyone thinks she is, Coco unknowingly comes to the rescue with the companionship Rose so desperately needs.
However, friendship can only help so much when you are forced down the wrong path. Rose needs more than just a friend, and what she wants may end up costing her everything.

Chapters (4)

Rarity seeks inspiration for spring among her energetic friend Pinkie and her friend Minuette. She gets inspired and starts to work on her new spring line! Though she may have found a bit more than just inspiration from Minuette.

So this current series is a series of three ships of the main six with background ponies, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. These three are "get together" stories for them. There'll be another series where I continue these stories and add in the other main six, probably. I can't guarantee anything since I haven't planned them out! :D

I've added an in story dating system to the stories as the stories are actually somewhat intertwined so for any of you who are reading all of them they'll be easier to line up.
Note on crossover chapters. They are the same chapter in two stories because they are relevant to both. They will say with what story they cross over and have the same (or very similar) titles.
Rainbow Dash and Flitter: Over Protective Sist... Friend
Applejack and Coco: Not The Obvious Answer

Chapters (8)

Cloud Chaser is injured saving Rainbow Dash from certain death! At least that's how Rainbow Dash would put it.

After saving Dash, Chaser is in for a long recovery, when Dash promises anything in gratitude Chaser knows just the thing. Chaser tasks Dash with looking after her sister Flitter. Flitter is far less than pleased with the idea. But she ends up accepting that it might be good for her.

So this current series is a series of three ships of the main six with background ponies, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack. These three are "get together" stories for them. There'll be another series where I continue these stories and add in the other main six, probably. I can't guarantee anything since I haven't planned them out! :D

I've added an in story dating system to the stories as the stories are actually somewhat intertwined so for any of you who are reading all of them they'll be easier to line up.
Note on crossover chapters. They are the same chapter in two stories because they are relevant to both. They will say with what story they cross over and have the same (or very similar) titles.
Applejack and Coco: Not The Obvious Answer
Rarity and Minuette: Time For Fashion

Chapters (12)

Millie and Burning Passion have been dating a while. On a cold winter evening, Burning seeks Millie for some comfort and cuddling, airing out some worries and frustrations, all while sipping hot chocolate.

Content Warning: Mildly suggestive language.

Written as a commission for The Red Parade, where he gave me the task of writing something cute and cuddly between two very lovely background ponies!

Thank you to Silver Mint for proof reading!

If you are interested in getting a commission from me, shoot me a DM or check out this post

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash grew up not knowing who her mother is.

One Mother's Day, Twilight Sparkle becomes determined to find out who Rainbow's mother is and drag her back to Ponyville to reunite with her daughter.

There's just one little hitch:

Rainbow Dash's mother is Daring Do. And she's inconveniently off "researching" her next book.

Now, Rainbow Dash has to go on a journey. A journey of self-discovery. A journey of a thousand unanswered questions.

A journey to find...her biomom.

Oh, and there's an ancient alicorn tomb and a closely guarded secret that'll change the history of Equestria forever, but that's just another day in the life of Daring Do.

(This story ignores certain details established by the Journal of the Two Sisters and the Daring Do chapter books.)

Chapters (16)

Hello everyone. TO anyone that see this please know that I am stuck in a land of colorful ponies. Furthermore I have gone native both figurative and mentally. To make matters worst, I just can not catch a break in this world. I know I never had the best luck in the world, but what happening in this world is ridiculous.

Help me!

P.s. this story is HIE who doesn't know anything about the show.
Special thanks to Georg and everyone else in the comments for helping with an overdo editing for this story.

editing complete

Chapters (26)

It's Starlight Glimmer's first week in Ponyville and she attempts to cross the street. Somepony really should have warned her...

Chapters (1)