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This story is a sequel to Great Gym

Applejack and Rainbow Dash ask Rarity if she wants to be a part of their ongoing relationship. She doesn't take it well in the immediate aftermath. After she calms down a little she has to sit down and seriously think about the best decision for everyone involved. Whether or not she actually does what is best...

As usual, I'm weird with my word counts.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Letter

Rainbow Dash makes it through the ceremony but she can't handle seeing Applejack with Rarity, the woman if her dreams. So she escapes to the dressing room to have a breakdown. She gets support from an unexpected source.

Note about the prequel, it's mature, but that's only because it uses profanity over a small stretch if that doesn't bother you it's still a good read. But all you need to know from the prequel that RD is in love with Rarity.

Chapters (1)

After six months of secretly dating in accordance with Zecora's traditions, Pinkie finally gets to take hte next step and they move onto courting. A bit of a jump to Pinkie but she's ready to jump in.

This is the second part of the series I started a bit ago, shipping the main six with background ponies. Fluttershy will be released later, I have to chop this up a bit, as I'm currently writing five stories at once!

This story is pretty tame (I can't guarantee it will stay that way) but it's teen because some of the others are teen and I don't want this changing on people unexpectedly.

I've added an in story dating system to the stories as the stories are actually somewhat intertwined so for any of you who are reading all of them they'll be easier to line up, the dating system has nothing to do with the real world (except that they coincide with 2019 just so they can be more easily tracked.)
Note on crossover chapters. They are the same chapter in two stories because they are relevant to both. They will say with what story they cross over and have the same (or very similar) titles.
Other Titles:
Applejack and Coco: The Obvious Conclusion
Rarity and Minuette: Time To Model
Flitter and Rainbow Dash: Overprotective Marefriend
Twilight and Cloud Chaser: Secret Visits
Fluttershy and Octavia: Not Every Song...

Chapters (5)

In life, a variety of incidents happen, for example - getting into Equestria? Finding himself in an incomprehensible place, the hero wants to return to his world, but things are complicated by the fact that he has the body of... a Filly? By trying to return home, what challenges will the hero meet? What lessons will he learn? And in the end, does he want to come back? After all, maybe a new life in Equestria is maybe not so bad after all?

Chapters (12)

"You can be a hero!"

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one.

An MLP x My Hero Academia Crossover.

Edited by Emtu

Gore tag because If you know the source material, you know what's in store for Twilight

Chapters (75)

One pony can make a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things. Especially when they are also a good candidate for the Element of Laughter.

Going through the whole series, we get to see the effect the dubiously human-turned-pony, Kasikov, has on the world around him.

Being an anomaly to this universe, will he be able to fit in?

...Or will his past finally catch up to him?

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Ponyfinder: Roots of Stone

Two denizens from two worlds collide in the middle and get dropped onto Everglow. Thankfully, one of them is Zecora. Surely she can handle a little adventure without panic being required. Her partner, lacking fur, has a sword but comes in peace.

Takes place in the same universe as all my other MLP/Ponyfinder stories. No, you don't need to read the others to enjoy this.

Chapters (27)

Celestia has reached the eldest age for an alicorn, and in order to continue lifting the sun for Equestria, she has no choice but to transform herself back into a filly.

She's left herself, and Luna some very detailed notes on what to do next.

*Breaks away from canon events happening in Season Nine. For example, Cozy Glow is still trapped within Tartarus.*

Chapters (10)

A simple accident with magic results in a pony claiming to be an accountant appearing on Twilight Sparkle's door-step, and that is just the beginning of an epic tale of revenge, laughter, chaos, family, petty squabbles and on a few occasions, true love, spread across time, space, and entire universes.
Well, sort of.

First time writing. Constructive criticism welcome.

Now has a TVTropes page

Chapters (81)

—A Ponies After People Story—

I’ve got a problem, namely, a massive hangover. Well, that and I’ve discovered that my clothes don’t fit anymore. Mostly because I’ve shrunk a few inches overnight. And grown wings. And a tail. And scales.

Okay, so maybe a hangover isn’t the biggest of my problems.

If only I could find someone to help me sort out how I got myself into this mess, I might have an idea of what horrible things I must have done while I was smashed. Except that there’s no one around, and my whole neighbourhood looks abandoned.

However, my ute still runs, I’ve still got some spare tins of food, and there’s loads of extra booze to help me pass the time. Now if only I could figure out why my voice sounds so high….


Chapters (10)